Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
jmgarroway commented
I don't want virtual scaling; I want a 1:1 unlimited canvas.
JW commented
I don't really care if I have to work in scale 1:10 or 1:1, as long as I can export it to a bigger size for print.
Currently I will have to resize everything in photoshop just to scale it up for print( usually a big banner or something.).Why can't Illustrator have an option to scale up your artwork when export? It would help a lot in production time. Imagine scaling up 100 pdf files saved in Illustrator using Photoshop.
Reese commented
This is a truly irritating and seemingly arbitrary limit. I need to be able to mock up and make up vehicle graphics in sizes over the limit. Upscaling in the printer is not a solution but a workaround, especially when photos are involved.
I mock up vehicles using photos at scale, so I can pre cut my graphics to lessen the in-shop time for installation. I need to be able to know exact measurements relative to the vehicle, since the real graphics will go on a real vehicle and I can't remake graphics after the fact without huge cost overruns.
I understand your developers are always trying to program the best new features for new releases/updates. But I would bet we users would forgo an entire development cycle or two just to fix all the ****** little annoyances which add up and become such a huge time suck. THAT is worth far more than some new tweak or feature!! I for one would be much happier paying my monthly subscription if my day to day needs were addressed instead of some new flash.
Bryan Pagenkopf commented
If I may add to my earlier comments from the 6th.
Working in a large format business we ran some numbers, in the past 4 weeks we have had approximately 212 projects that required an artboard over 200 inches in size. These projects force us to rely on other software to ensure that we can provide a great Customer Experience. Allowing for a much larger artboard would allow us to
1. Utilize Adobe specific Software
2. Streamline our Training of New Hires and Best Practices
3. Autopopulate data and images into customer-facing documents
4. Automate many of the repetitive tasks
5. Minimize the amount of File Type Conversions (received in Illustrator remains in Illustrator)Thank you again for your time and considerations.
"Workarounds Breed Errors"
Kay commented
LARGER artboards please! At least double the current.
Anonymous commented
Why are you making artists do math? We want to make 100% size art at the sizes required for the project. To ensure success we shouldn't have to work extra ******* our calculators. Most of us are not mathematicians.
I take a mural wall that needs to be 360x92"h and lay it out in PhotoShop cause Illustrator can't handle it.
sam commented
Anonymous commented
Yes! Definitely need a bigger size! Although I'm currently working with a file within the confines of the artboard and I'm still getting an error message saying "The Dimension of this page are out of range". Go figure. Need an answer for that issue too!
Bryan Pagenkopf commented
Working in Scale or "Virtual Scale" would not solve our workflow issue. All of our vector layouts are exported to Nesting Software and CNC Machine Software at 1:1 Scale.
"Workarounds Breed Errors"
Felix Hindemo commented
This needed to happen years ago! I can't believe I'm still forced to downscale everything in 2018...
These kind of easy fixes not being implemented after years of community request is what made me abandon Premiere and After Effects. -
sam commented
As a diplomatic compromise, I would be willing to allow the doubling of the canvas size as a stop-gap measure until full abolition can be achieved.
Anonymous commented
Please allow for much larger Artboard size. Everyone likes working in 1:1 scale. Even if you doubled the current limitation, that would be a huge step forward.
Jeff D commented
+1 I want a way to duplicate dozens of artboards to keep as many ideas as possible in a single document for comparison.
Ron Cybulskie commented
I'd like the ability to increase the canvas size of an Illustrator document. I'm working on titles for a large video series that requires a lot of duplication followed by simple edits. My document currently has 110 artboards and the canvas is nearly full. I don't want to have to create a new document because the side by side comparisons are invaluable and having to jump between documents will disturb my workflow and open the possibility for errors.
Anonymous commented
Yes, PLEASE! Abolish the canvas size limit! #downwith227 #adobe
Rick Chavez commented
I design experiential/environmental graphics and Illustrator with CadTools is my go to software. I would like to see near unlimited workspace because at times I have always sent out to production where CNC routers and various production machines need a full-size pattern/file to work off of, I can't always trust that a 15 dollar an hour production monkey can scale it up correctly. This is not unique to my business. I'm sure most designers that belong to SEGD or architectural and promotional sign shops will benefit from it as well. Currently I have to size up in either Auto-Cad, Flexi-sign or god help me Corel Flaw - thats thousands of dollars in investment. Like most Environmental/Experiential Designers I only design, but I need to be able to work within the same workspace, this would make the lives or large format and sign designers a lot easier. Thank you for your consideration...
Large Format Designer commented
This would be what I'm waiting for, eliminating scaling down and the possibility of messing up while doing so.
Thanks, Adobe for considering this! -
Tim Miller commented
Rebecca McPherson commented
Yes! Yes! Please! I design signs on Illustrator and most of the time I have to scale the artwork which can cause problems down the line.
Anonymous commented
Get rid of the artboard size limit! 99% of what I do is bigger than that! Wake up Adobe.