Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
patrick rooney commented
I would like to suggest we take this out onto twitter with the hashtag #downwith227 & #adobe to get their attention folks!
sam commented
┃┃╱╲ in
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▔▏┗┛▕▔ we
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sam commented
Micah commented
Philip Osborne, absolutely brilliant distillation of our woes. You must be a fan of "The Office".
It may be that this "Illustrator Feature Requests" has fallen on def ears because no Adobe input has been witnessed since 2017. Just looking around at other requests it appears as though "How can we improve Illustrator?" is merely a rhetorical question.
Anyway, let's keep them coming my fellow professionals and fill their inbox with votes for freedom. Down With the 227! (5779.541 mm for you metrics)
Philip Osobrne commented
People have been requesting this for over a decade. Why request a description of their "workflow"? What extra information will you gain that isn't already blatantly obvious?
Here it is in really simple terms: We design big stuff, we need big artwork, software not do big artwork, please make software do big artwork!
Does that help you understand my workflow??
Kerry commented
Is anyone from Adobe listening about this issue?
Phil Ford commented
I just had to turn down a job with a large format print manufacture company making large size decals for vehicles. I'm Adobe trained through-and-through, but unfortunately, the company in question doesn't use Illustrator - because it can't design in 1:1 to the large sizes 5m+ they require. They use CorelDraw instead, which does the job without any fuss. Sadly I'm not a CorelDraw user and I don't want to have relearn everything from scratch when I have years of experience working with Adobe Illustrator. Good job, Adobe.
Anonymous commented
just change it. this is ridiculous
Jeron Kuxhausen commented
There is already a big thread on this: -
Jason McMinn commented
Regarding PDF being the issue, this is simple and there is no need to make PDF support a dependency. Let AI handle the scaling down of artboards to support the maximum PDF size.
AI can throw a warning when you make your artboard bigger than the maximum size allowed by PDF and then the user can make a choice.
By the way, Affinity Designer from Serif does not have an artboard limitation -
Anonymous commented
Years ago there was a company called quarkxpress. They had a huge Monopoly on desktop publishing. Everyone used Cork Express for graphic design. Everyone. It was really expensive and they had ****** customer service because they had a Monopoly. Their program had one major flaw. It couldn't handle transparency. You had to do all of your compositing in Photoshop, just for simple transparency needs. Years went by and they ignored request after request from tons of people. A company called Adobe decided to make competing product called indesign. One of their key features was transparency! Within a year or two the giant that used to be quarkxpress basically disappeared. Within a year they came back and had added transparency to their program, but it was too late.
What we are seeing here is a monopoly. The architecture of Adobe Illustrator must be such that the program probably needs to be Rewritten to accomplish a larger canvas size. It is probably an extremely complex issue that requires a ton of programming and Adobe probably isn't willing to invest in such an expensive change. They are taking their user base for granted because they have a monopoly. Older programs such as acrobat and probably Adobe Illustrator have been abandoned and sent over to India, while the American programmers are probably playing with things that are useless like Adobe stock and all the useless apps for iPads. They're probably bored working on it Adobe illustrator. My guess is that they will never fix this. Because it's such a complex issue. If you think it through, they would have to re-do acrobat, all of their tools, and all sorts of other things to fix this problem. It would be major surgery.
What is really interesting, is that Adobe Illustrator has no problem going extremely small. I just finished a signage project where we did a window wrap that was as long as a football field. I simply designed it at 1/100 scale and everything worked out perfectly.
If I had to choose a larger canvas size or being able to rotate the canvas, I would choose rotating the canvas. But that might even be a larger project for Adobe that we will never see. Let's face it Adobe Illustrator is a legacy application that was probably program 20 years ago and it's probably a mess of millions of lines of code. I hope they will fix these problems, but as long as they are on Monopoly they're going to ignore us.
Paul Glucklich commented
I really don't feel that anyone is actually listening to us at Adobe. They seem quite content to collect their monthly fees and pay no attention to the needs of the customers.
Jacqueline commented
I create window clings. I'm creating the layout in Illustrator but I need each window to be side by side to make sure the design flows correctly. I can't exceed past the restricted canvas limit so i have to create another document for the remaining 2 windows. Needing to be able to have the option of creating as many artboards side-by-side as possible without breaking up design.
Micah commented
While adobe acrobat is a wonderful format for cross platform support and compatibility it should not limit the user within the design software. If the ultimate output is pdf then there should be a limitation process during the output process much like when using transparencies and spot colors.
It is far easier to scale work after creation than before and regardless of the final output platform limits there should be no limitations on the design process. It’s called “Creative Cloud” not “Acrobat Cloud”. I’m not sure which user experience they are catering too but I assure you it’s not Adobe’s core customer paying their dues by the millions. Actually, I cannot assure you of anything because I don’t know Adobe’s inner operations, but I don’t care, I’m overly irritated by the lack of Adobe’s response to this change request and I’ll assume they are ignoring us until proven otherwise.The “working in scale” model should have died along with the T-Square and French Curve.
Adobe, tear down this wall!
Pretty please? -
Lindsey Thomas Martin commented
This restriction is clearly an impediment for a sizeable group of users. I was wondering why it seems that the engineers might not be able to do this easily and came across this bit of info. about PDF in the FAQs at 'In PDF Versions 1.3 (Acrobat 4.0) and earlier the maximum PDF page size was 45" x 45". In PDF Version 1.4 (Acrobat 5.0) and 1.5 (Acrobat 6.0) the maximum PDF page size was 200" x 200". In PDF Version 1.6 (Acrobat 7.0) and newer the theoretical PDF page size is 15,000,000" x 15,000,000" but in reality most programs do not properly support any sizes above 200" x 200". Our … programs do fully support them but many others including Adobe Acrobat DC as of this writing do not.' I wonder if Illustrator is held back by Acrobat or Adobe's cross-company implementation of PDF.
Anonymous commented
I couldnt agree more ! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME WORK IN 1:1 whatever the size. I am now having to scratch what I have, find mathematical new layout then transport all my previous work - of which is lots. I am not super confident with illistrator and my client (for a trade show) needs the first proof tomorrow. My proof was 50% ready this afternoon and I though if I work through the night I might get it to there mailbox by the morning - now I HAVE TO DO ALL THIS _ MY BRAIN IS GOING TO BURST! I am also dyslexic - soadd up tired brain, stressed brain, dyslexic brain... **** I am in trouble! (Having been used to photoshop at a much higher level I did not expect to hit this sort of wall at the tail end of a massive project) I would cry if I had the energy or the time
laura murray commented
I've found this vote at the end of a 10 YEAR OLD thread of people saying they are STILL having this problem after encountering this issue today! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!
Surely someone at Adobe needs to fix this now. I'm working on a 18ft x 3ft board (not even that big really) and have the same "dimensions out of range" when NOTHING is outside the artwork bleed area. WHAT!!!
damian commented
This is such an obvious improvement to the software, I cannot comprehend why it hasn't been acted upon.
For those of us who use illustrator to design real life, large scale projects, this small fix would earn a great deal of appreciation.
Workarounds breed errors.
bymarcconi commented
Let's do it, let's make this happen we all are claiming for this feature. Why not Adobe?
patrick rooney commented
I understand that some folks commenting here want to stay with scaling down the artwork but this issue has been a problem since illustrator 88, we need to be able to make artwork at 1:1 scale no matter how big it is. This program is the industry standard for vector artwork creation and design and should have no limitations as to the size of the artwork you can create. I work in the convention/exhibition industry and when you get artwork that is scaled down to fit the outdated limitations set by the size limit for artboards half the time the give you half scale artwork with 100dpi images. well that wont work because 50dpi or less images at full size is going to look terrible. We need to bring this program up to the year 2018. I have asked adobe at conventions, on social media and here on their own forums for years, to make this happen. I started asking back in the 1990s folks and they still have not done it. Why can photoshop make unlimited file sizes but illustrator cannot? vector>raster folks. Make this happen. it's been too long and none of us LOYAL end-users want anything to do with Coreldraw... please change this asap. today. right now!