Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Anonymous commented
To increase canvas size, just create a new document and set your artboard size for example 5000 cm width. This will automatically create a larger canvas so it can fit the large artboard in.
Anonymous commented
So how do we access the new larger canvas settings?
sam commented
I know this isn't the place to put this, but don't know who to ask, but on the new version it defaults to "Align to key object" in the align options, and it's driving me up the wall.
How do I turn this off? If I switch it back to "Align to selection" it just reverts back to key object the next time I select two things again. Please help I can't stand this.
sam commented
Thought for the next version. When you're working large-scale and use the text tool to add some type, it's still set to the default size so it ends up incredibly small. Maybe scale up the text tool 1000x in large canvas mode?
sam commented
oh my god
Anonymous commented
THANK YOU! Finally no more resizing! Billboards, hoarding, wallpapers ... no more scaling!
Kiki commented
You have made the world a better place. THANK YOU for this!
Anonymous commented
Can you change the color or make bold of the feet # on the ruler to distinguish feet from inches?
Anonymous commented
So the document size has or is being fixed with a larger size now instead of being locked at 227 inches. This limitation is going to make me switch over to Corel which i hate but will do it for this reason.
Oliver commented
Yeah. I must be doing something wrong here. I installed 24.1.3 Build 1 RC and I don't see anything related to large format canvas or "Converting to large canvas format" as other comments have stated. I'm going to assume everyone else is experiencing a mass hallucination because the idea of me being left out personally is too hurtful.
David Nielsen commented
Trying out the Prerelease. Couple items of feedback: It seems odd to me that this exists in the Properties panel only when I have the Select tool active. I would have expected it to be part of the Artboard options.
Also, I was notified that sizing up, "some limitations will apply" but when I clicked the link just got taken to a generalized support page. Assuming this is a beta thing? But I'm left wondering what limitations exist on the larger canvas. Do I need to have lower point counts? Fewer raster images? Will my files be bigger?
Steven K Mitchell commented
Remove Canvas size limits! Idiotic.
John Stevens commented
It took THREE YEARS for this simple fix? And it's only in prerelease?? Jesus Christ adobe
Jeron Kuxhausen commented
@er1k this is currently only available in the Prerelease at this time:
er1k commented
I'm on 24.1.1 right now. What did they change actually?
Canvas size maxes out at 577 cm. So what's new about that??? -
Louis Morales commented
Can we add a feature in Illustrator that allows bigger Canvas sizes? The current max size is 227 x 227 inches / 577 x 577 cm. My team and I are currently working on an exhibit design that needs Graphics that are well over that max size of 227 x 227 inches / 577 x 577 cm. It would be great to be able to make artboards at any size needed project per project.
Hope this can be done,
MJ Low commented
I develop graphics for museum exhibits, including wall-sized murals, banners, and other large environmental graphics. Many of our graphics are odd, non-rectilinear shapes; for these we have to scale our architect's drawings to get an accurate shape. This scaling obviously creates issues, and we've been hoping for this update for years.
I've installed the build (24.1), and overall the large canvas feature appears to be working. However, right off the bat, I noticed oddities with how the build handles font size (see attached screenshot). Manually entering a point size works as intended, however using the dropdown menu causes Illustrator to multiply the size by ten.
Tom M commented
to anonymous - bit of a narrow minded approach, sounds like the juniors need to be trained in vector rather than penalising the program.
Been following this discussion for a while now, I think it's good that something is being done about this but also disappointed that it's not a proper solution - from what I've seen and heard it seems to be a bit of a get-you-by bodge that changes the scaling of the existing canvas to appear bigger. I still maintain that the best approach for this would be to allow users to select their canvas size and zoom level. Then if working on a small icon, the program will be fast and efficient, if working on a full size bill board than it's also possible even if the user suffers in memory and processor usage. (if you're regularly working on massive raster designs than expect to have to get a computer with the processing power to back it up)
good luck all.
Anonymous commented
Please don't!
I have no intention whatsoever to receive and handle full-sized billboards with 300dpi raster from juniors.For those who lack this option: scale your designs. Or switch to Corel Draw.
Anonymous commented
I have build 2 of large canvas installed and working. If I try to create a new file it rescales the artboard to the 227" normal limit. Just creating a normal size file, converting to large canvas, and changing the artboard size works every time. To the guy below (Jonny), if you convert the document you are copying from to "Large Canvas" before copying and pasting into another "Large Canvas" document it is scaled properly.