Improve Graph / Chart tool
Current graph tool in Illustrator has many limitations that need fixing. Following are some of the problems in Graph tool:
- No value labels
- Data window that requires you to remove characters such as commas
- Resetting of chart upon making changes
- Resizing issues (e.g. with bounding box)
- Missing basic chart types like *****
- No support for templates
- Also the tool doesn't support making new chart types, such as attaching data to any attribute of the artwork.

Please share your thoughts on the following:
1. Would it make sense to have a separate desktop app, just to create charts, and bring them inside Illustrator or InDesign? It may not be on cloud.
2. Or would you rather have us work on building it within Illustrator?
Anonymous commented
Please bring them inside Illustrator. I am teaching Illustrator for about 25 years now (ACE) and so many people really like to create their infographics with the help of Illustrator and they do it very well. But some issues have to be improved, like the exchange of data concerning Microsoft Excel. We saw some new possibilities, I think it was In Illustrator version 2015, which was so nice and people liked it, but soon this disappeared completely. Why? Illustrator is such a beautiful program, it would be even more fascinating with modern competencies in creating charts.
Thanks a lot for listening, kind regards
Karine Salomon -
Nathalie commented
Having a well designed but easy to use graph tool (and accepting the comma in decimal, please!) is essential in Illustrator.The entire planet generates data that needs to be put into graphical form. Illustrator urgently needs such a tool.
Aristarco Palacios López commented
Build it within Illustrator. It's already there, improve it. EDIT: I just noticed this request was written in 2017. It's 2022 and still no improvement in the chart tool. It will never be improved, will it? You just toss it under the rug and release the next version of Ai.
Cgood commented
Could it be an Adobe plug-in? It doesn't seem we should have to pay extra for a 3rd party plug-in.
Virgil Ierubino commented
Please just improve the UX of the existing tool at least?
andrea Marzano commented
Create infographics out of the box. Add Radial column charts (put column bars around a circle) increase size of shape by area (comparison), treemaps etc. There is a wealth of data viz to add to Illustrator. The graphs are ancient tools compared to the other tools in Illustrator. I teach illustrator and I see many students that come from Marketing dpts to learn Photoshop and InDesign and need better capability for Infographics.
Javier Cueto commented
Just use Datylon plugin
A game changer -
Marley commented
Agreed!! It BLOWS my mind that I can't simply resize a pie chart to fit my graphic.
A separate program specifically for this purpose would likely be more powerful. -
Fernando Lasagna commented
Happy to find my people here! I used to use a hateful little program called DeltaGraph to create all my graphs at a previous job... powerful program, but with so many bugs and quirks that my whole department despised it, and I tried and failed to find a workable alternative. I see that it's still on the same version it was when I left that job in 2018, and does not work on MacOS 15 because it's 32-bit software, with no update in sight. Lovely.
Current job has me creating a dozen graphs a day in Illustrator, and it's so much worse than DeltaGraph. I seriously can't make a pie by entering 25%, 50%, 25%? The percentage signs make it not recognize that these are numbers? Seriously? This is embarrassing stuff. Just installed Illustrator 2022 and, yep, Graph tool still has not been touched at all. Why even include it at this point, if it's clear it has absolutely never been a priority for the team?
Romek commented
On the question separate desktop app vs. tool within AI it depends:
1. if Adobe would be able to prepare a comprehensive tool with various types of charts, import tool and fancy tools for data viz then probably an separate app would be easier to work with. This would make AI a powerhosue for production of infographics and would simplify the workflow tremendously (which now involves vectorising charts produced in other software).
2. a tool within AI would probably have only limited funcitionalities.
3. a plug-in development and integration with some third party software for data analysis & data viz - the least favour option as it requires extra costs to purchase the third party software. -
eduardo asta commented
Forget...Adobe doesn't care about it. They bought Freehand, which had a amazing graph tool, but they learned zero with the app. I tried to add totals (labels, number whatever) to the stacked bars but it is not possible. The graph tool sucks.
Anonymous commented
Seriously the graphing in illustrator is rubbish - you style something, change the values and all your styling disappears - why cant they make this work!!! been so bad for so long ...
Jane-E commented
Yogesh Sharma asked on Oct 9, 2017
Prefer separate desktop app, but will accept either (JDI)
Anonymous commented
Update to Graphing feature
Jonathan commented
45% of Adobe profits goes into marketing, 45% in dividends, 9% are used into developping new buzzword features that no professionnal user would want and 1% is used to not actually fix bugs but to create new ones. Numbers are made up but they reflect pretty well what Adobe has become.
Javier Cueto commented
Just use this:
Lindsey Thomas Martin commented
I checked in today to see if Adobe's engineers were paying attention this thread, which has been running since August 2017. Apparently not. They have, however, managed to break something else: the highlights on items selected with the group selection tool now (version 25.2, Mac OS 10.14.6) do not get turned off when one switches to another tool and clicks.
I had a look at the tutorial for creating cheerful dead bar graphs and I think it illustrates why there is no action on this feature request: the folks at Adobe don't know that graphs are data-driven. -
Romek commented
This is definitely one of the most lacking and weakest areas of AI. In the age of data viz and infographics to have a graphing tool look and perform like in the 1990s is just embarassing.
There should be new chart types available (map, chloropeth, sankey, sunburst, multiple ring donuts, etc.) to avoid workarounds of doing charts in e.g. Tableau or Excel and importing them for cumbersome manipulations.
This is easily the most obvious feature of AI that requests not tweaking, but a revolutionary thorough reworking. -
Stijn Simoens commented
Datylon has developed a plugin for Illustrator to create, edit and share captivating charts in an efficient way including all the features mentioned in this thread . See
We offer yearly but also monthly subscriptions for designers that do not use it all the time. Or, if you design charts only occasionally, you can use our free online Datylon Chart Maker and import your charts as SVG in Illustrator or Indesign. Check it out here:
Anonymous commented
I wish I could vote this a thousand times. Once Affinity get a chart tool together, you're going to see a lot of designers out of the Adobe ecosystem altogether.