Improve Graph / Chart tool
Current graph tool in Illustrator has many limitations that need fixing. Following are some of the problems in Graph tool:
- No value labels
- Data window that requires you to remove characters such as commas
- Resetting of chart upon making changes
- Resizing issues (e.g. with bounding box)
- Missing basic chart types like *****
- No support for templates
- Also the tool doesn't support making new chart types, such as attaching data to any attribute of the artwork.

Please share your thoughts on the following:
1. Would it make sense to have a separate desktop app, just to create charts, and bring them inside Illustrator or InDesign? It may not be on cloud.
2. Or would you rather have us work on building it within Illustrator?
Aaron commented
Hey @Yogesh why ask and then not even provide us with an update or any other response for over 3 years? This is infuriating.
Michael Wall commented
The chart function hasn't been updated for as long as I can remember. A lot of designers work with financial reports, and we feel that this function is like from the 80s! This function doesn't work very well, almost every time you have to manually adjust lines, fillings etc. And when you change one value, you have to go over it again. Why can't there be a bunch of nice designed presets to start with, so we at least have some nice charts to begin with.
Ian Aberle commented
Since no one from Adobe is listening to this, I'm heading over to Twitter to see if I can give this thread a bump.
Thanks to Martin Cross for inspiring the tweet.
Donna Oxley commented
I think the problem is that for a good number of years now Adobe has been run by bean counters rather than people who really understand and are passionate about developing and improving their products. There are now a good number of free 'Open Source' alternatives to the holy trinity (Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign) and if Adobe are not careful people will start turning to these alternatives in the same way that a lot of companies are using 'Open Office' and Google Docs instead of Microsoft Office.
Martin Cross commented
This particular thread is not really a bug/improvement thread any more. It evolved into a kind of support group for those that have to constantly fight with Illustrator's graphing tool to get it to do basic things.
It barely works, Adobe, and you know it. It's embarrassing to have a client with you who has built a graph in Excel and watch you try and bend Illustrator's arm behind its back to get it to display the data in the same way that Excel managed to do in minutes.
It's been 3 years since anyone at Adobe has even recognised this thread. 3 Years.
Donna Oxley commented
Ian Aberle,
Thanks for highlighting this dreadful tutorial. Words fail me. What muppet at Adobe thinks this is good?
elarie commented
I thought that when Adobe went to the subscription model, it was so that they could dedicate resources to improving their package products. Although that seems to have been the case in the first few years, it just seems like updates and improvements have slowed to a trickle... prices keep going up and return keeps going down. Seriously, why hasn't Illustrator evolved much in the past 10 yrs? It is essentially the same software since Illustrator '88. Even the most basic features like folders don't exist in the software. I can only imagine how much more Adobe is making each year with the subscription model but the return on investment is really sucking these past few years.
elarie commented
Well said Donna!
Donna Oxley commented
The first version of Adobe Illustrator I ever used used was Illustrator '88 because it was launched in 1988. In all this time I have seen a lot of bells and whistles added to Illustrator but the graph tool has never been touched since 1988. It's really not fit for purpose in the year 2020. At the very least couldn't you link it to an Excel file so that when the data changes it would update the graph via the links panel. This already happens in InDesign. Some preview check boxes in the dialogue boxes would be useful too and a way of creating a simple 3D graph would help. Surely these are minor tweaks and NO - we don't want a separate app or plugins or anything that costs more money. It should be par for the course in something that is supposed to be a premium vector drawing application.
Sandra Lockwood commented
I think you REALLY need to re-write the graphing tool in illustrator. You have a lot of illustrator users who create graphs and information graphics using illustrator. Why hasn't it been updated in years? It needs up to date charting features and a better interface. Users shouldn't have to pay out for another plugin such as datylon to get the job done!
Jonathan commented
I hate your guts for this tool Adobe, now symbol on bar charts are bugged…
How do you manage to make this **** even worse? -
Jonathan commented
Editability, data formatting, resizing, legend positioning, no maximum value in Axis, etc...
Aaron commented
Yes - make better bar graphs by not using Illustrator's built in bar graph feature because it's terrible. This is also a terrible solution - good luck manually entering in and placing the data at the right size. Better build a very high resolution grid.
Adobe - you've topped yourself this time. This is truly embarrassing.
Ian Aberle commented
Even Adobe's own marketing materials are ignoring the chart tool. See "Make better bar graphs with Adobe Illustrator" at
Erik Laurijssen commented
Hi Roobin,
For a very reasonable price you'll find a plugin "Datylon for Illustrator" which has all the features on board to make advanced, re-usable charts. Try it out for free here: -
Anonymous commented
Just do something, ANYTHING to the graph tool. It is absolutely ridiculous that you've been comfortable shipping this tool in it's same hopelessly inadequate state for years and years
Roobin Martenek commented
Please could you rewrite charts tools? It Is very old and many features/properties of (dynamic) charts is very hard to make. Please create new and modenr tool. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Looks like the last thing from Adobe on this is "Need more information". That is rubbish – you just need to fix it.
Anonymous commented
I have now requested updates to Illustrator graph tool several times but still no real promise of work on this. Right now I am creating graphs in Apple Pages and copying as PDF into Illustrator to convert to CMYK for print. In Pages I can resize the graph to fit a rectangle the correct size for my InDesign layout. WHY can't Adobe get this right? Datylon is a little too complex for day to day use. The Apple Pages graphs do almost everything I need quickly and easily – and the app is free on my Mac. Come on Adobe. Get this fixed.
Harry Thomas commented
I first tried Illustrator over 23 years ago, along with Macromedia Freehand. I quickly chose Freehand over Illustrator for it's styles and graphic capabilities. Freehand had a great graphing tool - you could create a graph, then size it to fit your space (important in the newspaper business) and then tweak it without ungrouping it.
In 2005, Adobe bought Macromedia to get your hands on Flash. When you killed Freehand as competition, I was forced for years to create graphs in Illustrator, then ungroup them (destroying the ability to do more than minor edits).
As I watched Illustrator grow as a tool, I kept hoping that you would eventually get around to the graph tool. Sadly, it's the one area of Illustrator that you never touched. Now that I've left the newspaper graphics business, I don't use the tool anymore. But it still saddens me that it continues to be the same poor tool that I rejected 23 years ago.
For the sake of your future users, please give it an extreme makeover. Don't make us buy an extra plugin for something you should have fixed years ago.