Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
trackhorse commented
These are the same geniuses who decided to remove the color bars that helped identify names of files, calendar tasks, etc., and replace that handy widget with a SINGLE DOT.
Anonymous commented
Busy brainstorming more catchy new phrases to put at the top of the home screen?
sam commented
I got a reply from an Illustrator project manager on Twitter
I asked if this will be implemented soon, and he said:
"Not yet. Busy with core architecture work to support this in the future."
Gabe commented
Can we please have this looked at? It would be really nice to be able to do work at full scale as desired. I can't see processor power and RAM being limiting factors for most designers.
Anonymous commented
227.541 is the limit. Drop the limit, why doe we eve have it there.
Anonymous commented
Again, trying to scale a van up to full scale and it's like 6 inches too wide.
Anonymous commented
100000x this.
I work with large map documents for museum displays and clients nearly universally request vector files (AI) for printing.
Anonymous commented
I think I'm going to post every time I am inconvenienced by this issue. Trying to scale a clipped image up to full size where the mask is smaller than the max artboard size, won't let me move it, but lets me make it bigger. I think the most frustrating thing is the inconsistency with this problem. There have been many times where I scale something to full size and it LETS me scale beyond the 227 limit, (I can see it on the screen) but other times it won't let me paste something that WILL fit under the limit but doesn't paste it centered therefore making it think it's too big, when it is actually just off center.
Radhika Babbar commented
Remove canvas size limitations. For big artworks I have to use Corel draw.
crunkysteezo commented
I have an upcoming project where I need be able to export some flag designs at 1,728" x 1,728" and 2,304" x 2,304".
No matter how you put it, having to send files at 1:10 or any other scale to fit the software's limitations is gonna be bad news for the client.
sam commented
Here is the list of Illustrator project managers. Yogesh doesn't work at Adobe anymore apparently.
I'm reaching out to these people on Twitter, hopefully we can actually get an update.Anubhav Rohatgi
Neeraj Nandkeolyar
Sunny Ladkani
Varun Sharma
Vinay PahlajaniAlso, be nice.
Stephen commented
I too would love an increase in canvas size. While I do rely on scaling certain artwork when it's too large (Eg: Building wraps and billboards), I do find it frustrating to deal with scaled artwork for something like a 6m wide signboard as Ai runs short of this size just a bit. Our "friends" over on corel have this option, and it grates me that such a simple feature has been neglected all these years.
Justin commented
Westley, a canvas file size doesn't matter on the "physical" size on the canvas. A complex pieace of art in a 1080x1080 artboard can create a bigger/slower file then something simple on a 90000x90000 artboard. It's vector graphics, in it's simplist form is just math calculations. The more calculations the big the file.
Infinite canvas size is needed for people that need to work in 1:1 scale, which is possible in other similar programs. Using a infinite canvas to hold tons of assets in one file is putting your eggs in one basket. If something happens to that file, youre toast... without eggs (sorry for the pun.)
Westley Evers commented
If I have the memory and power why should I have to make multiple files to house all the art boards for a project? Just give me the space for as many art boards at whatever size. Make it adjustable so if I am on a lower power system I know to keep to a certain size but if I have a much more powerful device I can just work basically infinitely
Justin Raymond commented
I've been wondering why this has been implemented for my whole professional career using Illustrator since the early 90s. It forever has been a staple program in my industry. The industry has submitted to having the scale since most things are bigger than a canvas size in Ai (sign industry).
The better question why is the size limited? Adobe hasn't come up with a good enough reason to cap the canvas size and has failed to expand on why. No matter the workflow, it should be infinite. Similar programs (CorelDRAW, Flexi, etc.) run on 1:1 scale so why cant the industry leader do the same?
Currently, the best way around this is to use CADTools which adds virtual scales to each layer in an Ai document. It has its limitations when sharing files to others w/o CADTools and having a whole new set of toolbars open. This would be such an easy thing to add to Ai instead of throwing thousands of dollars into 3rd party apps.
Come on Adobe project managers, get the implemented ASAP! Quit listening to the headstrong senior officers that think they know what the end user wants even though they never use the program them self. Im sure Adobe has some heavy bureaucracy problems but someone needs to step up, risk their job, and be that Illustrator Hero the end-users have always wanted. That would guarantee a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to your heroic efforts. You will become that next wanted engineer from silicon valley that other companies would pay millions for. Do it!
Christopher commented
How is this not even implemented yet?! My designers complain about this daily. Virtual scale isn't even close to an option. Remove the artboard size limits already! They're just vectors for cripes sake. 10" and 10,000" take about the same amount of memory to say origin X and length X for a line. Or X position for the center with a radius of X for a circle. This isn't bloody Photoshop where DPI matters.
Gavin Anderson commented
Would it help if there was a “virtual scale”? Say, if you could define a scale of 1:10 so that input fields accept bigger values, and exported files are at scaled size (10x in this case)?
Virtual scale would work, if there's no other option. But uncapping the size limit would be better. We work on very large scale "environmental" pieces: putting an art wrap across a freeway underpass, covering an entire interior wall of a building, that sort of thing. Typically, we end up sending a reduced file to the vendor, and telling them how much we need its scaled up. It would be nicer to send everything at 100% actual size.
diskoleigh commented
As the #1 Document and Artboards idea for several months now, why no response from Adobe since 2017?? Are we truly at the point where we need to heed trackhorse's advice and demonstrate outside your HQ to get the canvas size expanded just so we can perform our job functions? If you "NEED MORE INFO", just read the hundreds of comments below. Stop the stall tactics!!
trackhorse commented
Can the folks in California stage a demo in front of Adobe HQ? It worked in France.
Stefan Hammar commented
Why the need more info ?
This can't be hadr to understand. We are many that need the possibility to larger canvases. Doesn't m matter the workflows. Workflows has nothing to do with it. It can be 100:s of resons. Just make it possible. And today it shouldn't even be an issue