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    Justin supported this idea  · 
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    Justin commented  · 

    I had this issue too. I quit Magnet and it works perfectly.
    Now its time for Adobe to fix the issue because Ive been running Magnet and Illustrator for nearly decade without an issue.

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    Justin commented  · 

    I would love to see how other designers are dealing with proofing.

    Say you have 10 signs, along with site plan (for the city/installers) spread across multiple pages. How do you go about sending a proof off to the customer, city approval, printed out for PMs and workers....

    If you had designed it at 1:1, what do you do to compile all it for proofing? Do you take all the random sized files or artboards and put it in a single PDF and send it off? That would make a pretty bizarre PDF where customers would have to zoom in or out some in all the different page sizes. Say you have a 80 ft sign on one page, then the next page you have a 8ft sign. You would have to play around with the zoom just to proof it and if someone were to print it, it would be a hot mess of tiny images and inconsistency. A scale ruler could never be used as well...

    If everything was scaled to fit the same size page size, it would make for a pleasant and functional document for proofing and production reference.

    I would like to hear others workflow to manage your designs related aforementioned cases.

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    Justin commented  · 

    I've been doing this for nearly 20 years. I might know a thing or two. I've professionally used AI, along with dozen of other applications over the year. Flexi, Onyx, Corel, EnRoute, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Omega, Ps, Li, Id, etc...

    When creating a proof (in AI mind you,) to have professionalism and consistency, people use title blocks and design at scale to fit within the proof document. The documents are then given to the customer, people to produce, etc. I've done designs at full size but it gives an unpleasant experience for the customer or takes more time to put it in a proof. And if we got infinite canvas sizes, many professionals will still design at scale, or use some sort of plugin to downsize for a tangible document/PDF/Paper size.

    Since it is vector art its really doesn't matter what size it is in the file, its all virtual measurements anyways. However, in practice, it's best to design in a tangible proofing size at scale. Any pre-press/production worker with few clicks can bring it to full scale if AI implemented infinite canvas sizes. Have rater graphics with the vector? No problem, just have the OG linked in the AI file.

    The problem which 90% of the people are talking about is the fact they have to scale something down to send to an output device, like a printer and had forgotten to scale the art to 1:1 in the rip software...

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this feature, but I dont see it effecting how people design and proof in my industry, along with others... It would be a game changer for those that work in the post-design phase, reproducing it's at full scale, rather it is a billboard, pylon, wall mural, ADA, etc....

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    Justin commented  · 

    When designing for real-life applications, you are essentially an architect. AI is a powerful program and has uses in nearly all design industries. You should be designing in scale for your proofs. This is a whole conversation I rather not get into, but here is the gist of it. To keep it simple, when you hand a client a 20-page sign package they like to see the professionalism of a consistent title bar and the scaled artwork they can see. Also, others handling your design need it in a tangible size. It's much easier and sensible to scale it up after the designing phase versus designing at 1:1 to take the artwork down to a tangible proofing scale. If you have 10 revisions, this would take a very long time if you're designing a 1:1.

    Infinite canvas would be nice for pre-press, or other output work. So this request gets a +1 from me.

    Those that want infinite canvas size to put an infinite amount of artboards cause you're too lazy to use multiple files. You will likely exploit this and make giant files, you're file will **** everyone off because of the load time, and you will get all pissy when your file gets corrupt (large files have a greater failure rate than smaller on both W10 and Mac.) and realized you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket.

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    Justin commented  · 


    You are right, it is just math. You are also wrong, people working for web graphics and other digital media use pixels in AI as a measurement.

    It really doesn't matter of the "physical" size of the canvas in AI. Hence the reason why a virtual scale is fine. Once plugged you wouldn't even know it's a scale and setting a scale gives unlimited possiblities. Want to work with 1000"? Easy. A files doesn't have physical dimensions, it's just math equations. When you work with inches in AI you already working in a scale.

    .There has to be a limit placed somewhere, especially for software that is the encompassing monoploy over so many different industries. Very specific software, like Flexi, is unlimited but its for one industry, even those files work in a scale unknown to the user....

    I've designed things from web pages to car wraps to multi-story window wraps to large 200' signs on the Vegas Strip for the better part of 20 years and used AI since it was first released. The size of the canvas has never been an issue, have a virtual scale built in would be in best interest for those who use plug ins to make a virtual scale.

    Say they lifted the canvas size to unlimited. Well, people would be designing these massive files and when they input it in the rip software they would not have enough computing power to RIP the image... As we all know that the rip software converts vector to raster.


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    Justin commented  · 

    Plug-Ins for Illustrator (like CAD Tools) already make Illustrator work in virtual scale. I have been working on a virtual scale in AI for many years. I would love to see this implemented in Illustrator which would remedy some funny quirks of using a plugin. It would work great for everyone. When working with pixels it will always be 1:1 and those working in metric/imperial need bigger.

    No one needs a bigger canvas when working with pixels as this is typically used only for digital media and can support well over 8k (you can fit 8 8k monitors in an AI file.) Those who cram hundreds of assets on one file need to rethink their workflow, you never want to put all your eggs in one basket.

    However, the people needing larger (I am one of those as I work on things to be produced in real life, not digital) can work in scale, you would not even notice you are working in scale after you set it. Being able to set different scales per layer will always be great. So even those the file is 1:1 in pixels, having your input boxes working in scale would be an excellent solution.

    Abobe, let do another video chat sometime so we can discuss this project like the last projects we discussed a few months back. I've got some valuable insight with this subject as I've implemented in a professional environment for many years.

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    Justin commented  · 

    Westley, a canvas file size doesn't matter on the "physical" size on the canvas. A complex pieace of art in a 1080x1080 artboard can create a bigger/slower file then something simple on a 90000x90000 artboard. It's vector graphics, in it's simplist form is just math calculations. The more calculations the big the file.

    Infinite canvas size is needed for people that need to work in 1:1 scale, which is possible in other similar programs. Using a infinite canvas to hold tons of assets in one file is putting your eggs in one basket. If something happens to that file, youre toast... without eggs (sorry for the pun.)

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    Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!


    Dear Illustrator Community,

    I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.

    While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.

    Our Approach

    We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.

    It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across…

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    Justin commented  · 

    10:1 was just an example. Use the smallest that will produce acceptable results.

    Here is an informative discussion.

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    Justin commented  · 

    Work in scale and print to intended viewing distance. ie, Billboards are printed at 10 DPI with printers capable of 600 DPI. A huge misconception is making the files 1:1, most RIP software will assist you at making scaled art (lets say 10:1) into 1:1, etc. A high quality 10:1 will print just as good as a 1:1 for most cases. I'd be more worried about pushing a 5gb file through a RIP software then I am .Ai. How long does that take you to send to the printer?

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    Justin commented  · 

    To avoid huge files and eggs in one basket...

    (Pro Workflow)

    If you know you are going to make raster intensive files...

    Step One: Instead of a bunch of artboards make them separate files. PDF capabilities OFF. Always link images.

    Step Two: If you need to send off you work to a client or to print; compile those Ai files in InDesign, each .AI file = Id Spread. I prefer to work in scale on a ledger size paper, but to each is own but do whatever your work requires

    Step Two Point Five: Any time you update the .Ai files, the InDesign updates automatically.

    Step Three: Export with desired quality.

    Step Four: Send off to the customer and wonder why you never did this before.

    I've done this for years and able to send 50+ page picture and graphics intensive PDFs (w/ each page made in AI) to customers. Doing that much work in a single file is incredibly slow, even for the best computers. More so, if your mega .Ai file gets corrupt you will be out of luck.

    Bad design workflow is abundant and a million ways to skin a cat. Not sure if its ignorance but there so many people that unaware of their bad practices. Who cares anyway? As long as the end product is good? Well, some of us will be cranking out 5 jobs for your one. That's why you should care.

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    Justin commented  · 

    5GB .AI file? Files shouldn't be much more than lines, shades, transparencies, and LINKS. You're not doing Illustrator correctly/efficiently and you are putting all your eggs in one basket with one file for everything (never got why people do this.) Also, with large files, turn off PDF compatibility; It will reduce your file size by half.

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