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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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33 results found

  1. Align distribute center doesn't work

    Trying to use Align>Distribute center with Align to Selection selected - on a group of elements.

    Elements arent distributed symmetrically but seem to randomly distribute, some elements very close together and others very far apart. Same issue has been repeating since updating to 23.0.1. Working on MacOS Mojave 10.14.

    For example the attached 3 elements were aligned with horizontal center distribution, but the center object moved close to the left text block.

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  2. Direct selection tool not resizing selected artwork

    When I try to click on an anchor point and resize my artwork with the direct selection tool, it does not resize the artwork anymore. It just moves the artwork. Fortunately, I can still use the Free Transform Tool to resize objects and artwork. This is on Windows 10 in Illustrator CC 22.1.

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    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    We are getting response from users that they are able to resolve this issue via view→ show edges or show bounding box .

    In case you are still encountering this issue and unable to resolve via above provided workaround.
    Kindly provide us following information:

    1) Kindly provide some video and Test file(Via File→Package) with some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us in a zip file .
    2)Which version of Illustrator you are using.
    3) If you are using Adobe Illustrator 2020 , Could you kindly share your preferences folder with us in a zip file. You would be able to find the preferences folder in the below location:

    MAC: /Users//Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator 24 Settings (Kindly press Command + Shift + G and write ~/Library and ok and then go to preferences )

    Win: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 24 Settings


  3. Smart Guides no longer work.

    Smart Guides no longer work in Illustrator

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  4. Anchor Points Malfunctioning

    I regret to report that, after updating to Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 and upgrading my OS Mojave, the anchor points have become rather fickle, especially with the Direct Selection tool. The shape will look the same once drawn with the Pen Tool, and the anchor points will still be there, but they are invisible. They can still be tampered with, but after releasing the mouse they will disappear. The same issue applies to the rectangular grid tool. Anchor points can be edited and seen with the curvature tool; that is about the only way to do so without the anchor…

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  5. Rectangle tool draws slightly rotated rectangle

    Update 24.2 - When drawing a rectangle (by selecting the rectangle tool, clicking on the artboard, and entering desired dimensions), the resulting rectangle is slightly rotated, skewed or tilted. It's not noticeable until it's viewed in outline mode.
    To confirm this, I create a 1" x 1" square with the rectangle tool. Then drag the ruler origin to the top left anchor point. The transform palette confirms this anchor point is at x=0, y=0 (as expected). Then I select the top right anchor point and see that its coordinates are x=1, y=-.0022. The y-value should be 0.

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  6. Can't select multiple anchor points with direct selection tool

    The Direct Selection Tool does not select anchor points. When the DS tool hovers over object, the outline appears, but no anchor points appear. Neither can be selected and activated. When DS tool hovers over an anchor point, I can move that one point only. DS tool behaves exactly same as Anchor Point Tool. I cannot select several anchor points at once, and move / align / delete / distribute / join them. Win 10.1903 AI 24.0

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  7. Image Trace (Make and Expand) has changed default settings

    When following the Object>Image Trace>Make and Expand, the action used to just convert the image to a black and white cutout, but since the last update it's changed to "logo" preset like in the advanced settings. Now I have to enter the advanced settings every time to use the black and white option, rendering the menu option useless, and taking a few extra steps to get the result I want. Is there a way to change it back to the old settings? Or actually be able to choose what the default setting in the menu option is?

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  8. My knife tool is missing

    The knife tool has been below the scissors before, but now its gone ... Why?
    (see image below)

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    The tool is still there, but he team decided to hide the Knife tool from the Basic toolbar, based on the usage statistics, aiming to reduce clutter for new users.

    You can still access it. There are two options:

    1. Go to Window > Toolbars and pick Advanced, to view the classic tool layout, including all plugin tools added.

    2. Press Edit Toolbar button at the bottom of your current toolbar (with three dots), find the Knife there (it’s the last one in the Modify section), and drag it into the panel in the slot you find fitting (be careful not to insert it into a tool-group by mistake, it’s a tight wiggle).

  9. Demension Font size

    when i using the demension tool, the size of the number to small and then me change the size of demension number and it only work on one, so when i click orther demension number the number of font size has changed but the demension number is not

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  10. I can't scale objects, neither with basic arrow tool, it feels like this one is the same of the white arrow.

    I can't scale objects, neither with basic arrow tool. It feels like it's the same of the white arrow. I tried changing area's work, illustrator version, but nothing happens. It just doesn't work, shift + click doesn't scale any object, nothing happens when i click on the angle, it only shows me the anchor points just like the white arrow...

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  11. Paths not dividing / uniting correctly (jittery paths)

    It seems that with more complex paths, using the unite and divide Pathfinder tools create jittery shapes (when you zoom in very very close, you can see that the merging / division isn't perfect and that shapes have been disfigured). Same with paths / shapes where smooth corner have been used: use of Pathfinder tool is going to disfigure them. (posted to the support on Twitter)

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    If this does happen for you, please open your Pathfinder panel’s options and change the Precision value it has. Lowering the values improves results, especially on very long curved segments, but also increases the overall time a complex pathfinder operation takes.

    Please comment below if this advice helps — the team can use this feedback to reconsider the default value.

  12. Set round corner numerically for multiple corners

    When multiple Anchor Points are selected, it would be nice to set the rounding numerically, in stead of by dragging the mouse.

    But unfortunately double clicking a Corner Widget let us set the value for only the clicked corner, and not for all selected corners.

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  13. Pattern brush

    Pattern Brush start and end components should not appear when used on closed paths as in Illustrator CS6.

    if you make a pattern brush with a red dot at the end, you can use it to find open paths in CS6 but not in CC2018. necessary for working with plotter/cutters.

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  14. Keyboard Increment works wrong and arrow keys move object more than they should

    I have the problem as a result of the last update to Illustrator 2025, version 29.0 (October 2024)

    The measurement set in the Preferences section, General in Keyboard Increment does not displace the configured measurement. For example, I set 0.5 mm and when moving with the arrow key to the sides it moves 0.706 mm

    Likewise, when using Shift + Arrow you must move the measurement 10 times, in my example you must move 5 mm but it moves 5,292 mm

    Please correct ERROR it is very useful and necessary, it makes me waste time in the Design

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  15. Mockup (Beta) in Illustrator not working due to PARM error

    I am trying to use the Mockup (Beta) tool, and every time i get the "the operation cannot complete because of an unknown error [PARM]" message and the action cancels.

    I'm attempting to mockup using a compound path and a png. I've updated and reinstalled both the app and the mockup installer. I've also tried using the newest and previous versions of Illustrator. I've also removed my preferences and still no luck.

    Any ideas? I've used Mockup on this computer multiple times without error.

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  16. 尺寸标注工具问题


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  17. Shapes drawn with the pencil tool are always created with the basic fill appearance, even if "new art has basic appearance" is not checked.

    1. Create a new Illustrator document.
    2. In the Appearance panel, deselect "New art has basic appearance", if it's selected.
    3. Select the pencil tool and use it to draw a curved line.
    4. Set the stroke of the line to 10 point and the color to red.
    5. Set the fill to black.
    6. Draw another line with the pencil tool. The stroke is 10 point red, but the fill reverts to none.
    7. Repeat with the pen tool. This time, the fill stays black when a second line is drawn.

    This problem was not present in earlier versions of Illustrator.

    System: Adobe Illustrator 27.6.1, M2…

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  18. Malwerkzeuge (Pinsel/Buntstift) übernehmen nicht die vorherigen Einstellungen

    Ich möchte mit dem Bunststift zeichnen und habe dabei die Kontur, die Farbe und das Profil eingestellt. Beim nächsten Strich werden diese Eigenschaften nicht übernommen. Ich muss jedes mal die Eigenschaften neu auswählen... das kann ja jetzt nicht sein? Das hat vorher einwandfrei funktioniert.
    Wäre sehr dankbar für eine Tipp/Lösung!

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  19. Pen Tool: Close path Changes Handles

    Mac Mojave 10.14.6
    Illustrator 25.4.1

    When drawing with the pen tool, closing paths changes the initial path/handles drawn. This occurs every time the initial point plotted is a "click and drag."

    I tried to upload a screen recording (.mov) but it won't let me.

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  20. Right Menu Bar Not appearing

    Hello Adobe Crew! This is Eva.

    I am here to report that the right menu bar is not appearing. I don't know what the bar is actually called so please excuse any misnaming. I wasn't drawing in fullscreen, and the fact that the right menu bar was in the way kinda annoyed me. So I clicked the 'X' button to put it away. I was done drawing, so I put my laptop away. Next day I want to draw, I open Illustrator, open a new canvas, and the right menu bar doesn't appear. I have tried to restart Illustrator many…

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