Blend tool
Tha Same from desktop app, for stepped transitions.

Object Blend release in 2.0 with an exciting new capability – you can start a Blend with single object. Do let us know on how this feature is working for you. Thanks!
Tera commented
Please implement the blend tool into the next update
Salty Dog commented
How will i make my vaporwave sunsets without the blend tool? Please add! Now that i think of it, we also need masking and expanding to go with the compound path tool!
Anthony Ngo commented
Because there is no way to blend different shapes and objects together to make cool repetitive patterns that transition from one shape to a different shape like there is on Mac and PC, the iPad version desperately needs an upgrade. This feature will unlock many more possibilities in graphic design using the iPad.
Anthony Ngo commented
Because there is no way to blend different shapes and objects together to make cool repetitive patterns that transition from one shape to a different shape like there is on Mac and PC, the iPad version desperately needs an upgrade. This feature will unlock many more possibilities in graphic design using the iPad.
deand 55D commented
This is must be next update
Anonymous commented
Please add the blend tool. I use it all the time.
Arthur commented
Need blend for sure!
Cordula commented
Yes blend tool is essential !
Ari Lazer commented
I’m going to add my strong desire to have the blend feature added. It’s one of the tools I use most commonly on the desktop as well.
John Harman commented
Yep, Blend tool is my favorite thing to work with on desktop and I would love to see this a part of the iPad.
Anonymous commented
Blend tool to blend between shapes could be made part of the shape builder tool, or even better a tool in master tool palette.
Bryan Minear commented
Seconded. Would love to have this feature on mobile.