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4 results found
Export for Screens: bad antialiasing and jagged edges on images within (especially rotated) when exported to JPG
Export for screens - AA setting is NOT honored.jpg 740 KB -
Save for web legacy - AA art opt'd setting IS honored.jpg 646 KB -
Export for screens setting that is being ignored by Illustrator.png 43 KB -
the embedded and rotated hi-res raster images, seen within Adobe Illustrator.jpg 619 KB -
Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 09.00.15.png 232 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB -
TestLayout_Overall_01.jpg 605 KB -
lowQualityExportScreens02.jpg 593 KB -
Illustrator bug 3.png 1637 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB
65 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Unfortunately the admin is wholly incorrect on two counts: DPI is entirely irrelevant and forcing output to 96dpi doesn't solve the problem (nor should it, illustrator shouldn't be compromising quality for workflows that aren't equal to 96dpi.)
The problem from day 1: JPG format in "Export for Screens" is always using "Type Optimized (Hinted)" as the output even when "Art Optimized (Supersampling)" is selected.
It's easy to prove too: Just put some text into an illustrator file and change the "Anti-aliasing method" (in the text panel) to None, Sharp or Crisp or Strong.
In the JPG output from Export for Screens we can see that no matter if we choose Art Optimized or Type Optimized, the output is always as if Type Optimized was selected.
This is it, this is the whole problem. It's likely an off-by-one programming bug.
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Hey all - this bug has been reopened as "Poor quality images from Export for Screens" (there's likely a few of them floating around) up vote them if this issue affects you.
We are trying again to get some attention to this problem as it's trivial to reproduce and affects ad developer workflows in particular.
Adobe engineers: I (and others) are willing to demonstrate this issue for you. We're open to dialogue to help get this fixed.
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
I thought I'd post an update as I've had the opportunity to test this on a new machine.
Unfortunately I can confirm that Export for Screens -> JPG still exports as Type Optimized (hinted) even when Art Optimized (Supersampling) is selected.Exporting to PNG however produces the correct results.
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Hi, please find the sample file attached.
To reproduce the error use the Export for Screens tool, and select JPG output (in the configuration panel ensure that the output anti-aliasing is set to Art Optimized)
The visual errors are highlighted by the arrows.
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Images from artboards containing embedded raster files output using Export for Screens are of decidedly lower quality than those output from Save for Web.
This is being reposted as it has been closed erroneously by Adobe admins.
Notes for Admins: This is not a resolution export setting problem. This is also not a rendering intent problem (i.e. changing the anti-aliasing setting does not fix the problem.)An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Images from artboards containing embedded raster files output using Export for Screens are of decidedly lower quality than those output from Save for Web.
This is being reposted as it has been closed erroneously by Adobe admins.
Notes for Admins: This is not a resolution export setting problem. This is also not a rendering intent problem (i.e. changing the anti-aliasing setting does not fix the problem.)An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
The "Art Optimised" anti-aliasing method used in Export for Web is poorer than Save for Web. The only current work around is to do each image manually. The problem seems to be that it's always outputting Text-optimised even when art-optimised is selected in the settings.
While Export for Web is much faster, it's unfortunately not usable for a range of images.
Illustrator 24.0.1 / macOS Catalina 10.15.1
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Hi there, I have just sent an example file for review.
Perhaps unrelated, but the GPU preview mode also suffers from the same quality issue. (I.E. GPU preview mode displays the images differently than the older software rendering mode.)
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
I have put together a demonstration file and video of the problem in action. Attached herein.
Note: The problem applies specifically to JPEG output.Reproduction steps:
1. Create new illustrator file
2. Place raster image
3. Resize raster image to be smaller size
4. Export for Screens, using JPG output
Compare this to Save for Web and Export for Screens: PNG output.Zip file of everything is here (because this service does not allow ZIP files.):
Peter supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
This problem essentially makes Export for Screens useless in any professional setting (e.g. Including a product photo). My workaround is to export at 4x in EfS and resize to 1x in a separate raster package.
3 votes
Peter shared this idea ·
3 votes
There are now several separate requests made, based on the feedback in this thread:
1. Regarding adjustable color and opacity for 3D shadows:
2. Regarding presets for each tab in 3D and Materials panels: Object, Materials, Lighting:
All those who commented on the topic until October 16, 2023, are already added as voters there. If this is something you want to have for 3D and Materials in Illustrator — please upvote it. If possible — create new requests and bug reports about 3D, rather than commenting here inside. This will help the team to better prioritize efforts on making the feature better. As always — thanks for the feedback! It helps.
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Ideally pushing the rendering tasks to a background process would help with using this tool. It's a bit of a pain to have to click and unclick cpu-intensive modes just to make adjustments or wait for 10+ seconds when I could be working on another part of the artwork.
112 votes
The latest Beta 29.4.2 now doesn’t change values in all input fields when a mouse is scrolled on hover.
Currently it’s completely disabled and there is no option to enable it back, if needed.
Please try it and comment.
An error occurred while saving the comment Peter commented
Currently any field that takes entry of numerical value can be adjusted by scrolling. However for those of us which have mouses with free-wheel or touch-style scrolling this tends to lead to accidental value adjustment.
An option in the preferences to disable to feature would be useful.Arguably these are almost-always fields where scrubber-like value adjustment is not helpful.
Peter supported this idea ·
>How does this not have more votes?
I can answer that.
Because every now and then the topic is merged with a bunch of other threads (sometimes not even the same issue).
Then a week or so later an "engineer" comes in and closes the thread. Often citing something completely irrelevant and not addressing the problem whatsoever.
Then 5 minutes later one of us reopen a new thread with the same problem and the counter is back to zero.
Also: The problem goes beyond raster graphics, it happens with vectors too - scaled rasters are just far more noticeably degraded.