Make Illustrator multi threaded on CPU
Illustrator performance is awful, its slow and lumbering at all but the most basic operations. It is bound to only a single cpu thread which is ridiculous now in an age of multi core and multi thread CPU's and it has been this way for many years. It cannot handle background tasks and is completely out of parity in function and performance with other Adobe software such as photoshop and inDesign.

Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!
Dear Illustrator Community,
I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.
While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.
Our Approach
We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.
It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across the entire application.
What We've Accomplished So Far
We've already moved a few areas to multiple threads:
- Periodic document back-up
- Snapping guide generation
- Rasterization (currently for JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formats)
- Thumbnail generation for layers
- Linked/Embedded image (jpg, png, tiff) handling
What to Expect
These improvements will lead to more responsive and faster performance in several key areas:
- Placing multiple images
- Embedding linked images
- Object > Rasterize
- Export to PNG format
- Document opening with heavy linked images
- Simultaneous placement and drag-and-drop of multiple linked/embedded images (JPEG, PNG, and TIFF files)
We're committed to enhancing your Illustrator experience, and this is just the beginning. While the full implementation will take time, we're excited about the improvements already in place and those yet to come.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this journey. Your patience and support are greatly appreciated as we work to make Illustrator faster and more efficient than ever before.
Try It Now in Beta!
We're excited to announce that these multithreading improvements are available for you to try right now in our Beta builds. You can access these builds through the Creative Cloud Desktop App:
- Open the Creative Cloud Desktop App
- Navigate to the "Beta apps" section
- Look for the Illustrator Beta and download it to experience these performance enhancements firsthand
We encourage you to try out the Beta version and share your feedback with us.
Thank you for being part of our community!
Best regards,
Adobe Illustrator Team
whstlblwr commented
Just had to update a job from this time last year that involved exporting a 2.4m x 900mm complex vector artwork to a 300dpi PNG file. Last year it took over two hours to process it, this year it took 15 minutes. Very satisfying to see all 8 cores maxed out and Activity Monitor reporting Illustrator CPU usage @ 790%! Last year it was capped at one core & 100%.
Thank you for the progress so far, this is a great update and I look forward to seeing similar results for Object > Rasterize and Gaussian Blur. Great work!
Hi Mathias - Thank you for bringing up performance concerns with complex vector brushes. We completely understand the frustration and importance of smooth performance, especially on high-end hardware.
Based on our performance roadmap, we're implementing several improvements that will directly address vector brush performance.
I'd appreciate if you could share more details/examples of specific brush files giving you trouble at - this helps our engineering team optimize for real-world use cases.
mathias commented
Please improve performance when using complex vector brushes. For example, texture brushes (retrosupply/true grit) with more than 1000 anchor points in the reference! That would be a real game changer if you could finally work smoothly with it.
I was really disappointed when I realized that my illustration on the expensive iMac (3.6Ghz 10 Core, 128G Ram) doesn't run any smoother than on a cheap Macbookair... -
[Deleted User] commented
1. Multi-core Optimization
2. Multi-threading Optimization
3. Reduce Canvas and Software Startup Memory Usage
4. Parallel Processing Capability
I hope that Adobe Illustrator can improve software performance in these areas, leverage the performance of modern new CPUs with multi-core capabilities to enhance software performance, currently version 29.1, which is still slow to process on the latest CPUs and graphics cards -
Neff commented
These are all cosmetic changes that don't improve the core problem with complex vector files at all.
Hello All,
With the latest Beta, we have now implemented multithreading capabilities in some areas of Adobe Illustrator to improve performance. We've a clearly identified Performance-enhancement roadmap that we are executing against and will share regular updates on the progress.
For now, we have added multithreading support to the following operations:
-Image Import & Export
- Import, Place, and Drag-and-drop operations for JPEG, PNG, and TIFF files
- Converting linked images to embedded images
- Working with Photoshop files (Import, Place, and Drag-and-drop)
- Exporting to JPEG and PNG formatsEffects
- All Photoshop effects on images
- Object rasterization (via Object menu)
- Working with layers panelSmoother and faster layer operations: Hide, Unhide, Expand, Collapse, Scrolling up and down. etc.
We'd love to hear about your experience with these improvements, particularly if you've previously encountered performance issues in these areas.
1. Test these operations with your typical workflows and assets
2. Pay special attention to files or operations that previously caused performance issuesYou can provide feedback through this two-minute brief survey:
Thank you for your time. Your input helps us continue improving Illustrator's performance for everyone!
Nikolas Karampelas commented
@Oli no, it have being customized for sure over the years, and way before the first CS release but it is probably very easy to break something.
So if they have a piece of code that does something and can be re-written to do that thing better, they have to ensure that it also still works with the myriads of components that depend on that code to do other things.
imho, every piece of software need to be re-written after a decade at least and not keep on building on decades old base.
ofc you don't start from scratch, I mean if something works independently and works fine on the old app, why not to move it's code to the new app and do a bit of customization there? Anyway it is complicated, but the thing remain, illustrator need to restart from scratch.@nicky there is space for improvement but what you see with having better performance with CPU is purely because the 1050Ti is a slow cards. I have noticed it when I moved work from a system with a newer AMD 5500XT 4GB to the same system at office but with a much older Radeon HD 7850 1GB. CPU was working better with that old GPU.
The thing is for illustrator to tap on the compute power of the GPU to improve more things. Here even affinity is only using GPU for accelerating rasters, they should find ways to tap the power too. -
nicky commented
I think the problem is not only CPU performance, but also untapped GPU performance. I read many posts with problems in GPU performance, users complaining about having an Nvidia 4090 and having slowness and blockages. Even, and I confirm even though I have a modest nvidia 1050Ti, if you disable GPU Performance and Zoom with animation in the Illustrator settings, the software works much better.
For example, when I start Illustrator for the first time and create an EMPTY DOCUMENT, or open a file, this only in the first start, Illustrator takes a long time, even if the document is EMPTY. By disabling GPU performance, the empty document is created immediately.
Absurd GPU Performance should increase performance, not decrease it significantly...
So Houston we have very very very serious problems... -
Oli commented
Thanks for your input @Nikolas. Does this mean that the underlying code has not been customized since the first CS release, or worse? Wouldn't this code have to be adapted for each version? Otherwise it would be extremely obvious that you would have to adapt the program from scratch. This would also be worthwhile if this were to be implemented in a dedicated version according to the input from paul roper and oz. You could still support the "complete" illustrator as a legacy version for a few years. Now it makes sense why adobe xd is so much faster than some other adobe programs ... such a shame.
Nikolas Karampelas commented
@Oli Affinity is wrote from scratch, it is by all means a modern application that perform better in modern hardware.
illustrator is bits and peaces of software code accumulated through decades of development. You will even notice yourself when it is opening that it is loading a lot of extras actually, as it is by design very modular and they build on top of the older code for adding new things.
Now this sound great in paper but if the core is that old they can't just change it to be better without breaking something else there.
This is why I'm keep asking why they don't just remake illustrator, adobe have the funds to do it. -
Oli commented
@ Avinash I'm really looking forward to the announced performance improvements and to your dedication to this forum. Because I have absolutely no experience with the program architecture of Adobe Illustrator, I have a few basic questions. Why is multithreading mainly applied to raster-based elements in the first steps? Shouldn't the basic functions of Illustrator be given a performance boost first, or are vectors technically excluded from multithreading? Unfortunately, I have the same experience as Mike and Margot. It's not uncommon for me to decide to simplify a file instead of expanding it further, and it's also not uncommon for me to invest time in workarounds instead of better visualizations. Even files that were slow in 2012 are still sluggish today - despite the massively improved single and multicore performance. Why is that? And - without wanting to get on your nerves - how can it be that the same files feel so much smoother on affinity designer, what do they do differently? Shouldn't Illustrator run more smoothly than Affinity due to the subscription costs and years of experience?
Oskar commented
Hi guys, a fellow cartographer here too. Using MAPublisher plugin to turn Illustrator into to a fully featured GIS and Cartograpy software. Unfortunately when I make maps of the size around 100x70 cm it's impossible to work with labels at all. What I have to do is I have to export the rest of the map (without labels) to a raster image and then mount the raster image in a new illustrator file and copy my labels there, work on the labels and then copy the labels back into the main document. It's crazy that one has to do these things 2024 with such fast computers we have now.... I'll send a map file to you @Avinash too.
I have also found a bug in these super slow document. And that is if I type normal characters, like a to z and then add a dash (-) for some reason the dash disappeares if I press cmd-enter (as in finalise my typing)...
Andrew commented
Keep seeing promises of improvements but nothing that is actually experienced during use. To be honest Adobe can continue on this trajectory and watch as the competitors take over. Majority of the time I'm now using affinity designer. The way the affinity apps flow between one another is brilliant and the performance is vastly superior.
Panbeep commented
Don't expect too much from Adobe. Their focus is on features for kids not for serious professionals. If they cant fix simple issues with UI I don't expect the can improve on other fields.
Oli commented
Nice input 👍
Bradley Smith commented
also SVG Metadata. keywords and notes do not save with the documents.
nicky commented
@Oz We would also gladly use these Extra features, the problem is that Illustrator is jerky just using 4 basic vector logos, imagine if we even wanted to think about using some high CPU load function or just a Shadow.
It will end up that the competition will equip itself better and we will move on, AD is already much more performing in addition to supersonic zoom... If it improved only 5/6 little things, the transition is worth thinking about...Since they created the CC version, they had written a bit of code from scratch for Illustrator for each year, today on the threshold of 2025, after 12 years we would have a new, fast, performing software that fully exploits CPU, GPU, RAM and even A.I.
I have read problems of people with recent Hardware, eg. Intel 14700k nvidia 4070ti, 64gb ram and still have performance problems.
So money wasted on Hardware etc... Imagine those who bought the Mac Studio Pro with 96GB of RAM, machines that cost an arm and a leg to not see any personal's all very frustrating!
Oz commented
Heck, if the extra features were plug-ins Adobe could even monetize them. 50 cents/month here, $1.99 there. Pay à la carte for the decade's extra features you want or you can pay the basic price for the fast, lightweight base program.
I bet this would be a popular option. I'd be ecstatic, as I'm sure most of us in this thread would be, with fast performance and none of the frills we never use.
Paul Roper commented
Wouldn't it be nice if Adobe created an "Illustrator Superleggera" without any of the features that have been the headlines of releases over the past, say decade? No perspective grid, no 3D at all, no Adobe Stock integration, no Creative Cloud libraries, no AI...just a high performance, lightweight, stripped down high speed version of Illustrator? We could all vote on which features to ditch.
Margot Carpenter commented
Mike Boruta, Nice engaging with another cartographer! And, I'll follow a similar path to simplify the file as much as possible.
Avinash, Thank you for paying attention. I understand that sharing the file would be valuable, but it's a client's, and I'm not comfortable doing that. Sorry!
I'll be separating the artboards into unique files to simplify it, and hopefully, that will help. If it doesn't I'll revert to the prior version. I cannot bill for Illustrator's incredibly slow workflow, nor can I afford to give away that much time.