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407 results found

  1. Allow to embed fonts to documents/PDFs and convert them to outlines when opened/imported

    As we primarily use Illustrator for creating our print files for our Printers, it would really help our workflow to be able to open, supposedly print ready PDFs from our Clients, with embedded fonts (partial family or whole set) and to be able to convert to vector outline before closing and passing on to our printers without the need for the us to have the same fonts our self. If font licensing is the issue a button option to auto convert to outline as the file is opened via Illustrator would negate that problem..

    I'm requesting this as we are…

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  2. 英数字に対する和欧文間のアキの基準が欧文の前後で異なる(バージョン不問)


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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。



    Illustrator チーム

  3. 字形パネルメニュー「標準字形に戻す」の仕様が間違っている






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  4. Paragraph creation threshold with text tool

    I'm constantly creating tiny little paragraph containers when I intend to create a single line of text. To prevent this, implement a threshold of mouse movement (or dragging) within which a single line of text can be created. For instance, if I click and accidentally drag across 5 pixels, there should be a reasonable assumption I want a single line of text. There's little chance any of us want to create a 10x10-pixel paragraph container. And if we did, we'd understand that, in order to create a paragraph, we have to create one above the threshold width, then resize it.

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  5. Improved Type on a Path

    Type on a Path still is and always has been difficult to align. Trying to find the little cursors that allow you to adjust the end , middle, and begin points to move type around is difficult as they are so small and finicky and even blend in with the bounding box guides of the path. Having a clearer, easier way to move the type on path would be extremely helpful to everyone. I have even heard professionals teaching classes on Skillshare complain about this issue.

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Can you please add the text recognition (OCR) feature from Acrobat DC Into Illustrator

    Can you please add the text recognition (OCR) feature from Acrobat DC Into Illustrator, I have been producing Emergency Evacuation Diagrams using Illustrator for 10 years, I get supplied with scans and non editable PDF files that I have to recreate. The ability for Illustrator to recognise text would be a huge time saver and I know a lot of other people would also benefit from this function. It is available in Acrobat DC but getting the text from Acrobat into Illustrator is not easy. There is a third party organisation that offers this service but it is very expensive,…

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  8. OpenType features can be set in the Character panel

    Currently, OpenType features settings can only be set in the OpenType panel. As a result, the user experience is poor. Being able to set OpenType features in the Character panel will improve the user experience.

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  9. Option to sort font list randomly instead of alphabetically

    I find myself using fonts that start with the letter A very frequently... The ability to sort the font list randomly would introduce some variety into my designs I think. Sometimes I'm looking for a font by name, but often I find myself scrolling through the list to see what catches my eye. I think sorting the list randomly would help with this.

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  10. 日本語での作業時にフォントの選択が困難を極めます。

    日本語版を使用しているとフォントの数が極端に多くなります。モリサワ、フォントワークスなどがサブスクリプションで多数の書体が使えるようになっており、そのうえフォントの名前が頭にA-OTFなどのベンダーのつけた記号によって、記憶しているフォント名順にならず、さらに欧文フォントが多数インストールされており、とどめにAdobeTypeが加わり、フォントの並び順がめちゃくちゃでかつスクロールも以上に長く、使いたいフォントにすぐたどり着けません。最近使用したフォントをフォントメニューの頭に並ぶ設定にすると、こんどは実際に書類のフォントを変えながら探すときに、毎回フォントメニューの頭に戻ってしまい、たとえば欧文でAの名前から順に探すために毎回ながいスクロールをするハメになります。また、ラップトップの小さい画面で選べるようにポップアップしたフォントメニューの天地幅が狭く、大型モニタで作業する多くのユーザーは少しの範囲しかないポップアップで延々スクロールしなければなりません。提案は3点。 1|フォントのポップアップの天地幅を大きなモニタで長くして欲しい。 2|フォントメニューのフォント名の並び順を任意に変えられるようにして欲しい。 3|微妙に違うフォントが増えたので、フォント名の右側だけではなく、固定ウインドウにもっと大きなサンプルを表示して欲しい。以上です。英語版以外の特に日本語版のフォント選択の不便さは誰もが困っているはずです。非能率このうえない状態をユーザにいつまで強いるのでしょうか。改善を強く望みます。

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  11. tabs and text options

    Tabulations should be embedded in the tex box and appear only when you press on the box and disappears when you click somewhere else. By default, it should also resize and follow the tex box on screen at all time without requiring you to click on the magnet to put it back where it belong.

    Also, the text options of Illustrator are lacking some very useful options that only exist in InDesign. I understand that Indesign is THE BIG SOFTWARE FOR TEXT, but honestly for smaller text oriented documents, I often use Illustrator because it's faster to operate. So, some…

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  12. Set type units individually instead of globally

    It would be really nice to allow the Cap Height and X Height to show in inches, independently from the Em Box units. I know this can be changed gloabally in preferences, but in my line of work, I need use pts for Em Box and inches for Cap Height, and I use them both in the same file for different purposes. I also know that I can just type in 3" in the box and it will set correctly, even though it shows in pts. However, memorizing the pt conversion for every height increment is ridiculous, as is having…

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  13. Add and remove Hunspell dictionaries in different languages as in InDesign - PLEASE...

    Please add support for Hunspell dictionaries in Illustrator. Users from countries which languages aren't supported feel discriminated, because we pay the same price for the software as the others.

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  14. The option to select the text on the active artboard and not just the whole document.

    The option to select the text on the active artboard and not just the whole document. Presently I can select all text elements, I can then flatten/outline the text. But... if I need to outline the text on the active artboard, that would save a lot of time.

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  15. Touch Type improvements

    Touch Type is a nice tool that is still unfinished.
    - Can’t select several glyphs at once (not by Shift+clicking, not with a marquee)
    - Can’t constrain rotations to 45° by holding Shift
    - Can’t constrain movements to axes by holding Shift
    - Can’t select a glyph when it’s even partially obscured by another one next to it
    - Can’t reset selection to original states via on-screen controls
    - Snap to Glyphs obviously doesn’t work with it (imagine if it would have)
    - There is no way to apply changes to one glyph without shifting all glyphs to the right…

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  16. allow text outline color to be placed "under" the fill color in Appearance palette

    few years (and illustrator versions) ago it was possible to put text outline color "under" fill, so outline would not interference with typeface, and text stays readable.
    Altough you can see "stroke" bar and "fill" bar, but they are unmovable.

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  17. Convert a Type on Path object to a Point Type text and a normal Path (Detach / Release Text from Path)

    If you accidently select a path with the typing tool and save it without undoing it, there's no easy way to change it back to a normal path. You have to use the direct select arrow and click on all segments of the path, then copy and paste it, then join. You cant even click and drag to select all segments. Could there be an easier way to turn this back into a normal path?

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  18. Full Unicode Support and Unicode Hexadecimal Input Support with the Alt key

    Please add full Unicode support to Adobe Illustrator. I understand many Unicode characters are not supported by different fonts but it would be great if there was support for Unicode characters such as angle brackets, ⟨a, b⟩ that are supported by certain fonts that incorporate a wide range of Unicode characters. For example, the Noto font family supports over 64,000 Unicode characters. It would also streamline the workflow if there was a way in Illustrator to enter Unicode characters using the Alt key (in Microsoft Word, if you type the hexadecimal code of a Unicode character, then press Alt+X, it…

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  19. Warning when a file uses PostScript Type 1 fonts

    Illustrator should put up a warning when a file is opened that contains Type 1 fonts, so the user is aware of that.
    - Link the warning to the EOL announcement, to Find/Replace resp. Adobe Fonts
    - User should be able to disable the warning
    - The warning should not pop up when there is no Type 1 font used in the file
    - Maybe this could be scriptable, so people can include it in large scale file checks

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  20. Telugu Language Typing Request

    Hello Team,

    Is it possible to Create (Add) the Telugu Language Typing feature in Illustrator.

    If Already have kindly suggest / Advise how to do the same.

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