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407 results found

  1. Add a way for us to scale multiple fonts at the same time.

    For example, I'm working on a document and I have a header, sub-headers, and paragraph text that are all different font sizes. I would like for there to be a way to incrementally, increase all fonts selected, no matter the selection.

    Also, incrementally increasing/decreasing a group of fonts that are selected along with other layers should have no effect on other layers.

    A prime example of where this feature would be useful is if I were designing a report or a table and I want to increase the font size in the header and line items without selecting each layer…

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  2. Diacritic Positioning

    To add Diacritic Positioning Rules preset options (similar to InDesign) in the Middle Eastern features.

    It'd be handy when dealing with Arabic fonts that have their diacritics off, especially when dealing with paragraphs, instead of doing it manually.

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  3. フォント名表示の幅を調整できるオプションを追加してください

    Illustrator 25.4.3




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  4. LTR Digits for Middle East Settings

    In Arabic text, letters are RTL, but digits are LTR. There's no way to use multiple character styles within one paragraph, you can only set the text direction to the entire paragraph. To make the attached, I had to set the language of the digits to English and type the number in backwards (e.g. for 300g, I have typed it in as 003 for it to show like that, which requires a lot of concentration!!)

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  5. Give aligning options for Text on Path tool.

    When using the Text on Path tool, it would be nice to have alignment/distribution options.
    Aligning the first and last letter, center at top or bottom, and fit text around a shape.
    They way it is now, you have to drop guides and align and distribute the text so that it is even.
    It would be wonderful also to use the dropper tool to apply the alignment to new text. For instance, if I have an emblem and need to wrap several different texts around it, then once I have one the way I like I could easily apply that…

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  6. Jumble Characters Option

    I would love a feature where you could jumble characters in a text box to simulate what you see in many Children's based design elements of titles and such. Currently you have to outline your text and then start manually turning your letters slightly while pushing and pulling your kerning/spacing and baselines. Possibly three options; rotate clockwise, counter-clockwise and random with sliding scales for how extreme to turn them.

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  7. テキストの打消し線、下線のアピアランスを設定したい


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  8. Switch to Eyedropper while editing text

    While editing text, we often need to grab the Eyedropper tool to pick some formatting or color for the selected range from another object. An instinct whispers 'Press I key' — and it obviously but often unexpectedly replaces the range with the 'I'. Undo!
    Then me might think of pressing Alt — and it does temporarily switch to Pan — which is cool and useful, since you can’t hit space.
    We need a modifier to temporarily switch to Eydropper.

    ...but all modifiers are taken (except fort Ctrl+Shift, which swithes input languages if you have several for some users) and Ctrl+Alt+Shift…

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  9. Find and Replace as a panel (palette)

    Does it no longer have to be in pallet form for FIND & REPLACE? Even list the past wanted. I think you should think about it. You can take an example from the ExtendScript Toolkit (ESTK) (as in the video). Because Adobe did it. I want to remind:)

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  10. Make an option for the Bounding box to hug text tightly

    For the love of God, please make an option for the bounding box around text to only bound to the visible text. When I'm aligning text, either visually or by inputting numbers in the transform panel, I absolutely do not care about invisible space, what I want is what I can see to be centered or aligned. I'm so sick of having a text box snap to a guide or object, or me inputting exact numbers in the transform panel, only for the text to be offset and misaligned. if this option DOES exist, then make it obvious that it's…

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  11. Allow to combine/merge selected text and path to Type on Path

    In Ai on iPad we can select a text, hold a spot, and drag the text to a path, converting these to Type on Path. Easy!

    To perform this in Ai for Desktop we have to cut the text, pick the proper tool, hold Alt (or use a subtool), click on path (very precisely), paste the text and then adjust the position (dragging tiny handles). Dated.

    What we definitely need:
    1. Ability to drag and drop a text on a path, using some modifier (Ctrl will do) to stick the text to the path
    2. Have a command in Type…

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  12. Auto-activate Adobe Fonts

    Can there be a preference to always auto-activate Adobe fonts without a dialog box?

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  13. Please make TABS easier to use.

    Please make TABS easier to use. It's so fiddly trying to get the bottom arrow to pull across for indented bullet list alignment.

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  14. when typing in tamil language one letter is not supported. stroke is (;!).

    when typing in tamil language one letter is not supported. stroke is (;!)

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  15. Font style not applying correctly

    Using the character window.
    When trying to alter pre-typed text, changing using Font Family menu in character window works, but changing using Font Style menu does not (the window states that it has changed, but the preview does not show the change)

    Operating System: Mac OS 11.4
    Illustrator Version: Beta - 25.5 360

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.0.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  16. Tab Indent. Just like Indesign. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

    Setting Tab Indents with bullet points, like InDesign.
    Being able to tab, set measurement and line up paragraph indents.

    We need this because there are times when we do packaging/signs that have bullets that need tab indents that are controllable and that line up to the text on the next line.

    Shortcut = Command + | (set line indent)

    Every designer has wanted this for decades.

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  17. IllustratorにもInDesignのように斜体の機能をつけてほしい


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  18. Convert to path object - keep object name

    When I rasterise a letter or text in Photoshop, the layer keeps the original name.

    Why can't Illustrator do the same? I type the letter A and the object in layers has the name "A". If I now change the letter to a Path object, the group is no longer called "A" but "group". What is still ok with one letter, becomes very annoying with 500 letters. Especially when it comes to special characters like ́ ˘ ̧ ̒ ̋ ̏ ̀ ̌ ̦ ̊ ̄ - ̨ ̣ ̇ ̷ ̃ ̈ ^, which are difficult to read in…

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  19. Bring back the feature where the text stays on the screen when moving through the a text block

    In the not-so-distant pass, when kerning in AI using the arrow keys, the screen would move along with the cursor as you went through the copy so you didn’t have to stop kerning to reposition the cursor, it followed along and even returned to the next sentence in the text. Which is still the case with InDesign, it works beautifully. But now that no longer happens in AI. Now when you are kerning using the arrow keys the screen no longer moves along with the cursor, when you reach the end of the text that is visible on your screen…

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  20. Arabic language management in non-Arabic versions of illustrator

    It is necessary to be able to manage texts in Arabic also in the Italian version of illustrator. At the moment if I copy some Arabic text from Word and paste it on an illustrator text box, all features are lost and it is not possible to work. The solution is just to change the Illustrator language. The handling of Arabic texts should also be able to be used in other language versions.

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