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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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432 results found

  1. Adding an mascot assistant

    As the Photoshop has a banana, we want mascot assistant, like the Microsoft clippy. It would work like this: when you are idle in the illustrator with new blank document it would pop up suggesting random design prompts like: "hey why won't you design the logo for the fish food' or "make a brand for the fruit vendor'

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  2. ライフペイント


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  3. Group Overlapping Objects

    A very casual and time-consuming operation, especially because we lost Object Lasso ( — drag a marquee around objects, hit Gtrl+G, drag another, group again... repeat dozens of time, especially if you draw icons or something similar for stocks.

    What if Illustrator was able to do it for us?
    Scan the selection, search for overlapping objects and create groups?

    What if it could do that in two modes: simple, by intersecting boundaries, and advanced, when true outlines being checked?

    What if it could do that with a tolerance also? Like if object are, say, 10 pixels apart, group…

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  4. An ability to update variables

    I'd like to be able to bind Variables to pageItems and be able to reimport the Variable Library; that is, I'd like to be able to reimport the CSV or XML file and not have to rebind the Variable to pageItems.

    This would let me create a template or master file that is ready to import new data without having to rebind the Variables.

    Also, make Variable binding scriptable.

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  5. Windows foreign language shortcut like mac.

    Windows foreign language shortcut like mac.

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  6. OBJECT > TRANSFORM > ROTATION to work with 4 decimals

    When selecting OBJECT > TRANSFORM > ROTATE...manually entered rotation angles are truncated to 2 decimal places. I experience a loss of pattern repeat with that kind of truncation across large pattern rolls. If we could manually enter 4 decimal places, that would be extremely helpful to my work!

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  7. ダイレクト選択ツールについて


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  8. Data feature within illustrator

    It is possible to merge data from excel, but it would also be a fantastic feature to have an excel feature within illustrator. You can fill a table with datasets and link the data to elements multiple times in different artboards. To change an element everywhere you just need to change it in the table (like objects, but only the data). So several different text boxes and different links to imported images can be edited at once. Would be a great feature for all different sizes for Social Media posts. You set up several different sizes change the content once…

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  9. pointer

    I am told I am the only one ever to have this problem in adobe illustrator. But the tool " pointer " is sticking, I am unable to use it. The hand grab tool is on. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it. I can't do projects or lessons unless it is fixed. It is important to me because I am in class to learn Illustrator and I cannot go any further unless it works. I have called adobe with no answer or person to talk to. I have spoken with my teachers and they told me to do this and…

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  10. Eyedropper to to show ink percentages in elements.

    A tool that if you click on an element in the file will show you the percentage of spot or process color being used in that spot. Make it live so you can move around easily and not pick up the art. Similar to the info panel in photoshop. We use a program called PackZ that does this. A screenshot of the use of the eyedropper is attached.

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  11. 2 votes

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  12. Please add a feature so that we can set scale such as 1:100, 1:50 and so, and create drawings. This helps to create technical drawings.

    Please add a feature so that we can set scale such as 1:100, 1:50 and so, and create drawings. This helps to create technical drawings with much ease. Also, Illustrator will be able to increase its target customers. I have been using illustrator to create floor plans of building with much ease and lesser time than other software. This software has user friendly interface. So, please make it more suitable for technical drawings. Adding features to calculate area will also be very useful.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. saas

    There are users among the users who use the services of SaaS companies, I would like to ask why you chose them, what was the web design of the site, so I also think about how to design the site correctly?

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  15. ArcGIS plugin for 2021 and 2022 (Macs)

    Adobe CC doesn't allow installing Illustrator versions prior to 25.4 and this plugin requires 24.0 to run. Latest update removed my prior version and I can't recover it. This plugin is critical for my day to day work. Please upgrade the plugin on Macs as soon as possible! Thank you.

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  16. 한국어로도 단축키가 되도록 부탁합니다.

    한국어 버전으로 작업을 할 때 언어가 한국어로 선택되어 있으면 단축키가 작동하지 않습니다. 다른 어도비 프로그램 중에는 한국어로도 단축키를 설정할 수 있는 것이 있습니다. 일러스트레이터도 한국어로 지정되어 있을 때도 단축키가 적용될 수 있길 부탁드립니다.

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  17. We need consistency between Adobe programs.

    When are we going to get consistency between Adobe programs?

    Some examples:

    • Resizing in Photoshop and Illustrator: one requires SHIFT to retain proportions, one doesn't

    • Clicking the Fill/Stroke colour in Photoshop and Illustrator: one requires double clicking, one doesn't

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  18. Keyboard shortcut for group selection tool

    "A" gives us the direct selection tool Could we have a keyboard shortcut for the group selection tool please? (Or press A a second time, toggling between the two selectors?). Many thanks.

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  19. 1 vote

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    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。

    Illustrator には、ドキュメントに設定される裁ち落とし設定とは別に、オブジェクトサイズでトンボ(トリムマーク)を作成する機能が搭載されております。



    Illustrator チーム

  20. Blending modes respecting self intersecting strokes

    When drawing with a real marker, overlapping strokes are darker than single strokes.
    I would like Illustrator to have the option to mimic this when using strokes in Multiply mode. It works with to separate paths, but not with self intersecting paths,

    Compare left and right in the image.

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