Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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319 results found
Automatically name artboards based on the file name
Can we have a feature like, when creating a new artboard, the artboard named automatically as per the file name rather than naming it a default - Artboard number.
1 vote -
Allow to set a linear guide by 2 points and an arc guide by 3 points
I would like to suggest the addition of 2-point guides, the ability to rotate guides, and 3-point guides for circular guides. This would allow for dynamic guides that can be adapted to any type of design.
2 votes -
Display Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option in Control panel and Properties while using Artboard tool / mode
The Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option should be displayed when the user is actually in the "Edit Artboard" mode, using the Artboard tool. It is common problem when you want to duplicate an artboard and you have locked background. In most cases, I want to move my artwork with the background.
6 votes -
Make an option to allow resizing artboards with their content to affect hidden and locked layers/objects
Current problems:
It does not resize hidden layers/objects
(huge problem, which I only realized later after unhiding a layer, and had to revert to a previous save. I see now there's a warning, but that doesn't solve the issue).It does not resize locked layers/objects
(It should work similarly to Resize Image in photoshop where everything resizes.)
2 votesIllustrator allows to affect hidden and locked object and layers when resizing artboards.
Go to Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display and enable Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option.
I’d agree it should say 'Move and Scale', and there is a separate request to allow to toggle this option right next to the buttons that enable 'Move/Copy' and 'Scale' modes in Control and Properties panels — please upvote it.
Allow to name new artboard copies by incrementing numbers in their names
I often have to make documents with many artboards. And every time when I copy it, Illustrator add " copy" to name.
Common, I name it like "name 01".
I want to in this case the copy of this artboard named "name 02" ...2 votes -
Allow to create a new file from a selection on canvas or Layers
Can't create new files from layers or groups, gotta select everything and create a file, instead of just creating an artboard from by the file dimensions copied.
2 votes -
Eliminate the 2 different size canvas modes
There are scaling issues in large size canvas mode. For instance, when creating a file in large size canvas mode and saving as PDF with trim marks, the trim marks will be scaled up 1000%. Instead of them remaining .375", they scale up to 3.75" (
Additionally, several third party plug ins do not work properly in large size canvas mode because of this scaling issue.
Ideally, Illustrator should eliminate the 2 different canvas modes and simply allow any document to be scaled up to the same dimensions as "large size canvas" mode but leave all scaling as…
2 votes -
Make a way for Scale Artwork with Artboard mode to NOT scale strokes and effects
It’s good to finally have Scale Artwork with Artboard option (, but I really wish for it to respect Scale Strokes & Effects option.
For now Scale Artwork with Artboard behaves as if it’s always enabled... I realize scaling strokes is natural for this mode, but the current way means if we need to scale an artboard, but NOT scale the strokes — we can’t do that.
It almost feels like it should be a separate option specifically for it.3 votes -
白色底的文档导出缺少边界 / A way to export an image with canvas color visible when Use Artboard option is disabled
使用场景举例:当给客户提案或预览整体效果时,需要将多个画板同时导出到一个文件(png或jpg),这时如果画板底色为白色,就无法分辨边界。2 votes -
Ajout d'un plan de travail calé sur une sélection
L'idée est simple : un bouton permettant de générer un plan de travail sous la sélection en cours.
Le cas concret : je dois isoler chaque colonne "mois" d'un calendrier complet, afin de pouvoir importer ensuite chaque colonne indépendamment dans InDesign. J'aimerais pouvoir sélectionner mon mois de Janvier, et cliquer un bouton afin de générer un plan de travail sous ma sélection, directement aux dimensions piles.
2 votes -
View Transparency Grid only in artboards
Like other users I've encountered here, I find the whole-window Transparency Grid to be a significant distraction. It'd be helpful to be able to at least opt to show the grid only within artboards, and even better to toggle the grid for specific artboards (see screenshot).
2 votes -
Make documents honor artboard settings when adding additional artboards
The original idea by Johan Perjus, from
When you create a new document, under More Settings you can indicate how you want the succeeding Artboards to appear (see the image).
However, if you add more artboards to the same document after it was created, this setting is not honored, but appears with the default setting, which is to the right of current Artboard. Even when the down and left icons are selected under Properties > Artboards > Quick Actions > Rearrange All Artboards.
On the positive side, Illustrator does appear to at least honor the Spacing setting (thanks to…
2 votes -
More templates for phones
Would be great to have consideration of other mobile phone devices on market, not just focusing on Apple. Or remove the Apple phones & just have the sizes on handsets.
1 vote -
Add an option to "place" an artboard inside an artboard of the same drawing.
Could it be possible to place an artboard in another one?
I have a particular workflow in which I have to create an illustration to be printed, and I have a "technical drawing" with some dimensions and comments related to the illustration on another page.
In order to have only one document to keep both illustration and technical drawing synched, it could be fine to have this feature.2 votes -
Display artboard captions when exporting artboards
Every time when i have multiple artboards and hit Save As, Ii don't know exactly which artboards i want to include, cause i don't know the specific number.
So i go back out of the save as dialog, pick the Artboard Tool and save again, now able to see which numbers i want to include. I would be less time consumption if it would show the numbers of the artboards always no matter which tool is selected, when there is a save as or export dialog started.10 votes -
Preview of the Artboard Sizing
If we could see what the sizing of the artboard would look like before we click the create button, because sometimes it's just easier to test there before starting an entire new document! :)
4 votes -
Fit artwork to match the size of artboards
Fit a shape to CANVAS SIZE
Fit a shape to artboard from ARTBOARD / FIT TO CANVAS SIZE1 vote -
Date of last modification of artboard
It would be great for everyone who makes document with multiple rounds of revisions to have a feature that will keep track of last date and time of modifications.
1 vote -
当一个大项目中有多个小项目(多个画板),每个小项目都需要标注说明性文字。当我要把所有(或部分)小项目移动到画布的其他位置,目前我只能对画板进行移动,每个画板的说明文字无法一起移动。当前的操作是,画板和文字需要分别移动,非常麻烦,而且项目多的时候容易出错。希望能增加相应的功能!2 votes -
另外,还有一种情况,当导入PDF文件时,PDF尺寸大、页数多,也会提示“超出画布”,无法完成导入。2 votes
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