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54 results found

  1. Keep a partial selection of points unchanged when using Undo


    1. Make a complex selection of several points of an object with the Direct Selection Tool (white arrow)
    2. Double-click the Direct Selection Tool in the Toolbar (or press Enter) to bring up the transform dialog
    3. Enter values and confirm transformation with OK
    4. Undo
    5. The selection switches to entire object.
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  2. Custom marquee shapes for Direct Selection tool like circle, star, rectangle, etc.

    The Direct Selection tool would follow the logic of creating an individual shape. A marquee that can be scaled, moved and also rotated live would be a awesome feature.

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  3. Select all anchor points between two points

    Select an anchor point, select another further along the path, and easily select all anchor points in between.

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  4. Do not select both the clipping mask and the clipped contents with Select All while in isolation

    When we isolate a clipping group, it’s like we are jumping in a whole in a canvas and start dealing with what’s behind it. Whatever we move while inside isolated, would be visible through the hole.

    So when we say Select All while being isolated, we usually don’t mean 'Select the stuff behind the hole and the hole itself' — it’s about clipped content only. Otherwise why isolate in the first place?

    Select contents only first and and the clipping mask to the selection only when Select All is called again, if the clipped content is fully selected already. Display…

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  5. Prioritizing selected object

    An option to prioritize selected objects.
    This has many use cases, here is one examples to - hopefully - make the function more clear:
    If you have a stack of objects which overlap, the selected object will be prioritized, meaning you can move and scale it until you »deactivate« the prioritization or you deselect the object. You don't deselect this object if you click move the object with your mouse, even if another object is in front if it.
    This can also be helpful when you work with type, where a transparent bounding box around the type often leads to…

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  6. Invert selection on points

    If you're working on an object, with multiple points selected. I'd like to have the possibility to invert the selection to get all the other points of that object.

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  7. Select > Object > Dimension

    It’s quite easy to accidentally convert a live dimension object into a dead group (reported here:

    When it happens, there is no way to tell if a dimension is live or dead but to try and select it, or view in Layers, selectin them one by one.

    What we need (even if the bug above get fixed) is an ability to select all the dimensions at once.

    The powerful and free Select Menu plugin ( doesn’t have this item yet as well.

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  8. Regarding the selection of E-mode

    When using the group selection tool to select objects within a group, pressing "E" can select the objects, but in the "selection tool" state, pressing "ctrl+alt" switches to the "group selection tool", and pressing "E" cannot select objects within the group.
    As shown in the video:

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  9. Split 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' into two options: Unlock Widgets and Allow to Select Locked Objects

    There is a 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section, which allows to display small unlock widgets for the locked objects we can click to unlock (this is fairly similar to what InDesign has).

    It also allows us to 'select' several locked objects or unlock them all or only some of them, using a context menu (this is something InDesign does NOT have!)

    (I put this in quotes because no real selection happens — the objects don’t get marked with the square selection markers in Layers panel and Locate command does nothing).

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  10. Allow to hold Opt/Alt while using Lasso tool to toggle freeform / polygonal modes, like in Photoshop

    Make lasso tool like Photoshop so you can use the Option click with more detail.

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  11. An ability to select objects only within the marquee, as in CorelDRAW

    Is it possible to select items in a way similar to CorelDRAW, where only those within the selection box are selected, and those that touch the selection box but are not enclosed by it are not selected, even if they touch the box? I hope there can be an additional selection option for this.

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  12. Select small fragments to delete

    Select small fragments to delete by having a sliding scale or by size. Show colour to indicate the affected area.

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  13. Add Enclosed mode for Lasso tool (for full objects)


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  14. Add a 'Select More' menu option

    When working with a very busy file, it's often much easier to select an anchor or line segment than an object.

    My idea is to have a menu option that selects the object or objects which currently have anchors or line segments selected.

    A user could select an object by first selecting one of its anchors, and then using this menu option.

    If the user hits this feature multiple times, it could continue to 'select more' by, for example, selecting all siblings within the current group, and then the group itself, and then the group's siblings etc.

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  15. Locked Object as Key Object

    It would be very helpful to have the option to enable a locked object to be selected as a key object. I would make aligning object workflows to be slightly more efficient.

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  16. Illustrator takes 2 second to select objets when clicked then ...

    Illustrator takes 2 second to select objets when clicked then moves it like you were pressing the click to move objects

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  17. An optional feature in which the Similar Selection tool only works in a pre defined space on the canvas

    For example:
    I have two copy's of the same layout in one canvas, but i only want to change similar objects in one of them.
    I would love to be able to draw a box around one of the 2 layouts and only in the select area the similar selction tool should select the similar objects.

    That would be an amazing feature! for me atleast :D

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  18. Increase selection tolerance

    The selection tolerance maximum is 8px. My laptop has a 4k screen making 8px less than 1/64 of an inch. It's almost impossible for me to select lines in Illustrator with this small of a tolerance.

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  19. Select Same Appearance on a mixed selection

    If I select an object with a particular appearance, I can call Select > Same > Appearance command to select all object which have the exact same stack of the appearance attributes.

    But if I have two objects with different appearances, and want to select all objects that have the same appearance as any of them (either of two!) — nothing is going to happen!

    The command is active, but the selection stays the same... Not cool.

    Sure, I can first find the first batch, lock or hide it, and then do the same for the second object, then unlock/unhide…

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  20. Keyboard shortcut to select next anchor point along path (incl shift+ to select more than one)

    Implement keyboard shortcuts to select the next anchor point along a path. So if I have selected one anchor point, I can hit that shortcut, and I will have moved to the next anchor point along the path.

    Also include the option to shift+{shortcut} to select more than one anchor point.

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