Locked objects Show a "lock" icon Like InDesign
A great feature to have in Illustrator is to unlock the locked object by clicking on the Lock icon next to the object. its hard to tell which object is locked except by going to object -> unlock All, or Check the Layers Panel. Adobe InDesign has this feature for years.

Hi Everyone, This feature was shipped in Illustrator 2020 version. Please go to Preferences>Selection & Anchor Display > and check ‘Select and unlock objects on canvas’. Enabling this preference will display a lock icon when you select the locked object.
McCrystle Wood commented
Need a secondary locking system - for long term purposes.
Some items I want to keep locked, not affected by 'unlock all' command. Noted by an additional symbol in the layers palette, next to the present" lock' symbol.
McCrystle Wood commented
can you enable a version of the Pencil tool that draws binary on the grid?
White or Black, but stays within specified grid units? Want to draw in, and fill the grid. marks to go nowhere else.
Am a rug designer using specific grid sizes. This would make design SO much easier. Thank you
McCrystle Wood commented
Please do it soon, thank you
Justin Raymond commented
It needs a right click on the object to unlock just that item. You could spend several minutes finding it on the layers panel to unlock just one object. But we all know it would be much faster to right click on the exact object right in front of your face. Time Saver. Doesn't even need a silly lock icon on the object.
Valerii Mamedov commented
Agree with Margaet Trauth there should be an option to disable the feature
Margaret Trauth commented
please also include a switch to hide these locks for people whose workflow involves locking a bunch of stuff and don't need to suddenly have half their illustration festooned with little lock icons :)
Filip commented
This is something interesting that i would like to see in AI, thank you.