Unembed multiple images all at once
Be able to select multiple linked images in links palette and unembed them simultaneously.

This feature is made available to you through all the public builds starting V 27.8. Please try it out and let us know what you think!
The previously reported problem with ignoring the chosen filename is now resolved.
If I have several images selected and unembed them all, I get only ONE of them selected after the unembedding process is finished. Why not all previously selected?
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Unembedding Multiple Images keep only one of them selected on canvas -
Jon commented
How about a Illustrator PDF that has images linked but embedded in the PDF? If I could unembed and relink on open that would be outstanding.
jon bilson commented
Worked as expected for me except it did not use the name in the dialog box. It used "AI image".
Now, if I have several images selected, and I try to unembed them all, checking the new option in the dialog, and I type a name I want to use ('filename', for example), I expect to have these names (at least):
filename 1
filename 2
filename 3
Instead, I get these files:
AI_Image 1
This is not a sufficient result, at all. -
Jack commented
Come on Adobe, why on earth is there no ability to unembed all images. Just do it already, jeez.
Rasterino plugin from commercial Astute Graphics plugin pack can 'link embedded images', which is the same exact operation:
https://youtu.be/5WcjbV4WBp0?t=193 -
Another solution would be to use a paid Image Extractor plugin from ESKO DeskPack: https://www.esko.com/en/support/product?id=Image%20Extractor%20for%20Adobe%20Illustrator
There is a script which can help you with this task:
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/is-it-possible-to-convert-rasteritem-to-placeditem/m-p/13081172 -
Dina Dembicki commented
another workaround would be to import the tiles into PS as a smart vector object, then size to where you need the resolution to be, and rasterize the smart object.
James commented
Hello, you can run this script
until this option run officialy in illustrator
source from :
https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/71628/illustrator-action-to-embed-all-external-objects -
Steph Hiatt commented
Rob: can you isolate the tiles onto a layer?
If so, you could hide the other layers and save a copy of the AI as an EPS with artboards unchecked; Photoshop will import it as one, flat file.
Or export the tile layer as a JPG or PNG, and skip Photoshop?
Rob Hutchings commented
Yeah, seriously this is needed! Also the ability to set the resolution of the images would help. I've picked up a file where another designer edited a PDF in Illustrator as the basis for a map destined on an A0 board. The basemap has about 128 tiles which are 450+dpi and is causing the .ai file to save at over 1.2GB.
I really need a quick way to export all those tiled images (ideally together) so that I can load up into Photoshop to get the file size down by reducing the images to about 100dpi.
Of course this should have been down at the outset but the file has been developed too far now! The ability to make this type of change retrospectively is a must!
FuzzySponch commented
YES. designer embedded an image 32 times per file to make patterns; vendor needs the images linked.
i'm the middle guy, having to unemebed/relink files 32 times in 9 files.
production doesn't always feel like a wonderful career choice.