Set default PDF export preset
When saving as PDF the preset is always set to Illustrator standard and you have to manually use the drop down menu to choose the standard you need.
Most designers use always the same standard. I work for example in preprint and have to select X1a. It sucks to have to select this for every dingle file dozens of times a day.
Other designers struggle there as well and send us constantly PDFs that are not X1a because of this. They forget about the selection.
To ease up regular work flows it would be very handy to save this setting as a default.

Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Illustrator remembers the last preset used for saving PDF files and keeps it as the default preset.
What's New in the release -
Thank you for all the feedback.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely! How easy it is forget to output settings to include profiles when you are in a hurry!
MisprintsRus -
DocSufrad commented
Great idea!!! I wish they'd fix the little things like this, rather than the yearly updates that add nothing but the need to update my MacOS on an old machine that can't handle another update.
Anonymous commented
The adobe developer team produce more bugs.
But the program surface now: blink blink.
Good work! -
Anonymous commented
I'm saving 50+ PDF's per day and none are Illustrator default. This would make life super easy.
Rick Wallace commented
Someone on the dev team is really dug in on this one. I had a really busy day yesterday and saved almost 70 pdfs (not including save overs). And now I'm dealing with the program bug that if you do a save-as and change the file name, the next pdf is still the old file name... plus the copy copy copy copy etc if you resave a lot in the same file. Makes me miss Illustrator 1.1 thu 9 when the program did everything it was supposed to do in a sensible manner. I'll have 34 years of ai use this October... man this one twists me up.
Arthur commented
An update today, and still this feature is missing. It has been available in InDesign for years! Adobe, are you listening to your users?
Lance commented
It seems by Neeraj's reply that they expect us to save/open/edit/save in PDF instead of using illustrator's own native file format.
PDF is not and never was intended to be an editable file format. It is an end-use format. Saving your illustrator data as "private data" within the PDF is, quite frankly, idiotic.
Running an "illustrator default / illustrator editing capabilities ON" PDF through preflight (PDFtoolbox or the like) and changing anything about the file completely destroys the link between the preflighted PDF data and the private data (opening the PDF in illustrator afterwards will *NOT* show you the changes the preflight made to the file)
Do yourselves a favor and just turn it off. I would say "and leave it off" but since it defaults to being ON and we're unable to select a default... well, that's what this feature request is about.
Lance commented
@ Alex, I have noticed the same thing in the last two Illustrator updates. I have actions setup to save PDF's for a particular workflow and they *used* to save with their selected joboptions correctly, but now they're doing what export for screens does (a bug) that just uses the most recently used 'save as' PDF settings, regardless of anything else.
I have to be careful to manually save a pdf with the settings I want and then run my actions.
Benny commented
how is this still not a thing? Make it happen Adobe!
Doug commented
I want to add my voice to this as well. Definitely agree! It's simply ridiculous that this doesn't exist yet. It would save designers a ton of time. Every little adds up.
Alex commented
I have a similar issue here. I deal with several PDF, some are in RGB other in CMYK. I created several actions inside Illustrator so I don´t have to repeat the same step requested in the Save As… menu. But today I found that these presets are not fixed to each action. I found these actions use the last PDF modification made. If I have created a particular CMYK PDF by hand and then I try to use my RGB action, it won't work, because it will create a CMYK file even though I have created an RGB preset.
Colin commented
The Adobe Illustrator Team obviously does not understand what this request is asking for, re "Changing default PDF preset". HINT: the clue is in the words "default" and "preset".
When creating a new Illustrator document, saving that, and THEN saving as an Illustrator PDF (eg to send to a printer), the problem is that the default PDF setting is ALWAYS "illustrator default".
We are asking for a way to set the DEFAULT PDF setting (when saving as from an illustrator document), to be x:1a or x:4 or whatever (eg a Custom setting to save marks and bleed as well).
This has been a feature in, say, Coreldraw, for years - you can create a PDF from the design file, with preset PDF settings, in basically one click. No faffing about with having to reselect or adjust from a very basic factory default.
Bruce Leasure commented
The crazy thing is that InDesign has had this capability for years! It shouldn't be that difficult to implement in Illustrator, as well. PLEASE, ADOBE, PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!
Jess commented
Just jumping in to agree. Can't even believe there isn't a way to modify your defaults based on your own preferences.
Byrone commented
Here's another vote for being able to set my own default for exporting PDFs. We all jump through this silly hoop over and over again, day after day.
Rick Wallace commented
Guess I should better attention. I've downloaded the last two pre-release builds and then not installed them. And after the last terrible terrible update to Photoshop I've decided to slow my boat on blind updating. Thanks though Cameron, I'll will use this .ai update.
Cameron Rennacker commented
@Rick Wallace Background filesaving just got released!
Rick Wallace commented
We ALL need to jump into the next prerelease broadcast and flood our TOP 3 NEEDS in the chat stream.. this would probably be #1. Larger artboard #2, and background file saving #3.
Anonymous commented
Adobe ARE you reading suggestions?
Anonymous commented
Wishful thinking everyone. Adobe appears to be a state run company now. It's like fixing roads. This thread started in 2017, haha. Maybe they will use our funds like the OHV funds, to close trails.