Rick Wallace
My feedback
10 results found
436 votes
Starting from the February 2024 release, version 28.3, this option is no longer enabled by default for new documents. If you had hyphenation enabled in an existing document, Ai will respect this.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
I'll try this today, but I also will say that I tried this several versions ago and it ONLY worked on a single preset doc size (then had to open document settings and change the artboard size after every new file). I don't even have your mentioned Illustrator folder under ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/**missing**/en_US/New Document Profiles. Maybe it's hidden, I'll figure it out.
I suspect some people don't work 10-12 hour days under hot deadlines and don't need to streamline work a bit. This is bit like going to a restaurant and having to bring your own plate for them to put the food on.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
"Toms fix" works if you want to create scores of preset/sized documents - I do a lot of print, web and OOH work and have more doc sizes needed than I can count. This is a super easy fix - they just have to change the value in one place on each app and we're good to go. I've previously suggested we start a fund-me to pay for a singing gorilla to show up at Adobe corporate with a "no-hypenation" message. Or how about I get 1000 stickers printed with the hypenation box not ticked and someone close to corporate goes and sticks them on every car windshield in the parking lot? I'll put in some dough to get this fixed.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
If you watched the last zoom roll out (and the ones before it) you'll notice that what the devs care about now is capturing the young crowd that draw characters, flowers and pretty sunsets and want illustrator to work like a paint program. Those of us using .ai to produce printed/digital materials are dinosaurs in their eyes. If you're not drawing cartoon people with giant eyes you are not relevant. Get me an physical address where Neeraj is and I'll start sending singing a singing Gorilla every week with a "No-" message.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Someone at Adobe is dug in on this and must fight it at every update. It's like arguing with a 3 year old over an old toy, they just won't let go. Says a lot about the culture at Adobe.
I just posted on https://www.facebook.com/Adobe about this. Go to facebook and add to the thread. Lets push this thru by the end of the year.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
I know why that last comment was "anonymous" because its from a millennial that loves to meh anything that didn't come last year. You sound like the type that relies on copying other peoples work and on software filters to jazz up your work. Most of us know who to design without needing software to do all the work for us. The software is there to communicate our skills, not replace our skills.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
I get the impression that if it doesn't directly effect design for web then it's not important and goes in the "maybe someday" pile of requests.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
yeah... thanks, we had already that as a workaround, plus using an .ait. I work at light speed and I'm hitting Command-N tab_sizetabtab_size 50+ times a day - I'm too lazy to always select a preset profile, open and then hit the required shortcuts to change page size. We want Hyphenation ALWAYS OFF for every document we create, regardless of how the doc was created, when, where, why.. plus I want every doc I every created to have it off as default. I have already created 684 .ai doc this month - which contain probably 3000 paragraph blocks.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
It's not difficult, Admin has no interest in working on this since it's not web related. Doesn't have to be anything-aware, we should be able to TURN OFF HYPHENATION and it stays off forever. We should also be able to specify _____ font as default, change the default PDF setting, and be able to save files that ARE NOT 6X TIMES LARGER THAN THE CONTENT OF THE FILE.
Rick Wallace supported this idea ·
142 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Illustrator remembers the last preset used for saving PDF files and keeps it as the default preset.
What's New in the release - https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Quit illustrator, reopen and with NO files open go to EDIT> ADOBE PDF PRESETS and select DEFAULT. Got to say, can't imagine why anyone would use DEFAULT. I've proved in past posts that DEFAULT artificially inflates files to insane levels (.ai file with 3 paragraphs of text, 3 embedded images for a total of 9mgb, DEFAULT pdf file equals 31mgbs.. HOW??).
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
How many of us are cheering - and have fingers crossed for turning Hyphenation off?! This one "only" took 5.5 years. But how many user ideas that involve web and drawing got done in the same time. Adobe thinks print is dead.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
What would save us all a LOT of time would be a "FAST PDF" proof based on active artboard.... i.e., you click on PDF symbol in the toolbox and ai uses default pdf setting and save as pdf loads and automatically gives you the save to menu to desktop (letting you assign a name or just hit return). This would be the best case scenario, as a stop-gap If someone here can write a script to do this, please post a response here (with a command-shift-something this would also save a ton of time)
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Anonymous: you probably work in a relaxed, controlled environment - many of us don't have that luxury. In any given day I may have to create as many as 100+ pdf PROOFS to send to clients. That's not an exaggeration. Life would be easier if there was a "quick save to pdf" or the ability to have a preset AUTOMATICALLY loaded for pdfs. ALL my clients only need a low res pdf as a proof, but the default is an insane config that saves a file that is up to 3X bigger than the combined components in the file. Way back when Pagemaker had a fast "save this page as pdf" button, that would be ideal. But if not that we want to config the default "save page as" so we can just save a pdf and move on and not have to pull down menus. And no we are not crying about something small, if you worked in a fast paced high stress world you'd see the benefit of saving time on EVERY single job. Plus there's the times where you're in a hurry and pull down to the wrong setting and hit SAVE and have to redo it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Someone on the dev team is really dug in on this one. I had a really busy day yesterday and saved almost 70 pdfs (not including save overs). And now I'm dealing with the program bug that if you do a save-as and change the file name, the next pdf is still the old file name... plus the copy copy copy copy etc if you resave a lot in the same file. Makes me miss Illustrator 1.1 thu 9 when the program did everything it was supposed to do in a sensible manner. I'll have 34 years of ai use this October... man this one twists me up.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Guess I should better attention. I've downloaded the last two pre-release builds and then not installed them. And after the last terrible terrible update to Photoshop I've decided to slow my boat on blind updating. Thanks though Cameron, I'll will use this .ai update.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
We ALL need to jump into the next prerelease broadcast and flood our TOP 3 NEEDS in the chat stream.. this would probably be #1. Larger artboard #2, and background file saving #3.
Rick Wallace supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Before you post in this thread that you've "found a trick" or "try this"... please understand most of us already know all this information. WE KNOW HOW TO CREATE PDF PRESETS. We don't want to create any more. We want the ability to modify the DEFAULT.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
This is really really what we need. You define your own default pdf settings, then click one icon in the tool bar and a pdf of that doc (saved like this: file name_1 for artboard 1, etc) is saved to your desktop. For this document alone I have to go thru the pdf process 22 times to get 22 separate pdfs for coop submissions (and no its not faster to create 1 pdf then have acrobat split into 22 docs and then rename each).
Deep down I just wish Adobe would realize many of are out here working very fast, not slow and steady and relaxed. FAST-HECTIC-STRESSED-MANIC type speed working.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Dave... some of us out here are under enormous pressure and work 10-16 hours days in a constant rush. It's not a matter of selecting the nuances of a creating pdf like resolution and cropmarks/bleeds.. its just getting a client a proof fast and then moving to the next of 30+ waiting jobs. I have custom presets established for the final pdf, its the 2-10 pdfs it might take before the job is approved thats an issue. As I have had said I would really like to have a "quick-pdf" on the tool menu that creates and saves a pdf to the desktop from whatever artboard I'm on. I seem to remember Pagemaker having this 15 years ago. May not sound like a big deal to hit command-option-s, pull down pdf, then pull down a pdf preset and hit enter - but add that up 70 times a day times a week. And if you don't pull down the preset properly you'll create a default pdf that is just SIZE STUPID. I showed in another feature wanted thread that ai will create a pdf MUCH larger than the combined elements in the ai. How the heck can 28megs of images and two lines of copy equal a 52meg pdf? We need a fast pdf option.
Casual users and users in an agency setting that spend 1/3 of the day yucking it up with colleagues or riding a segway across the office while shooting hoops just won't understand this thread. The programmers fall into this category also... let them live a week in my shoes and they'll get it. )
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
I send an average of 56 pdfs a day all week, often more. This needs to addressed. And I still think that a 'QUICK PDF" button would be even better... I think Pagemaker had this... i.e. you are working on a job, click a PDF icon in the tool palette and a PDF is automatically saved to the desktop.
20 votes
I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.1.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
And yet hypenation ON as default continues to plague loyal Illustrators users for years and years years. I estimate I've turned off hypenation 40,000 times in the last 10 years.
3 votes
Rick Wallace shared this idea ·
184 votes
The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
PDF is now available as type in File > Export > Export As dialog.
However, File > Adobe PDF Presets menu, similar to one InDesign has, to allow even quicker export, is absent still.
If you want to have it, please upvote this new request here: http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/48670088
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
YES, every pdf should be saved with "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities", YES we should be able to set what PDF preset is default, and YES a QUICKSAVE PDF should be a tool in the tool palette (Pagemaker had this a million years ago).
Seems there are two types of users that comment here in requests: 1) you use Illustrator at a relaxed pace, when needed, but you are not trying to do a hundred+ jobs a week and are never under a lot of pressure, and 2) the rest of us.
Rick Wallace supported this idea ·
147 votes
Rick Wallace supported this idea ·
320 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 29.0.1 .
Now you can scale you artwork with artboards using Artboard tool , Artboard Dimensions and Preset.
What's New in the release - https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
Rick Wallace supported this idea ·
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Lance is 50% correct so please keep that mind. The files WILL NOT be larger. No file will ever be as large using the current default. We want to save using the better formats like PDF/X4:2008. And I have no idea why he's fixated on InDesign.. this has NOTHING to do with it.
Rick Wallace supported this idea ·
242 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.
You may read about this functionality here: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/whats-new/2020-1.html#cut_copy
What’s new in 24.1: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Am I missing what the issue is here? I do this all the time, have for years. Copy, switch file, paste in front (make sure active artboard number is the same on both files)... I just copied and pasted 12 web ads from one file to another, they are all different sizes. As long as the the new file I am switching to has the same artboards, same size, arranged the same, there is no issue (which is easy to maintain, just use arrange artboards with same row config and space inbetween)
Rick Wallace supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Rick Wallace commented
Fill and stroke were combined before version 10, and are still combined in InDesign. When drawing you almost always are setting every item with a fill and stroke (or lack of one or the other). This would save a lot of time and clicking to combine the two attributes into one menu.
Rick Wallace shared this idea ·
Well that's a good way to start the week. Finally.