Layer Comps
Layer Comps like Photoshop but for Illustrator. If you do this, it should fix the problem of showing all the layers when I toggle the solo on and off. I love the solo but it would be nice if the solo remembered what layers were already off when I toggled the solo on. If this was try then when I toggle the solo off, the off layers should stay off.

Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
It will be a pity now as we have measurements/dimensions in Ai to still need Cadtools…And in another hand, I’m not sure if that layers groups can be shown/hidden when the file is “placed/linked” in another one.
What is possible with PS Layer comps… -
Another third-party solution available to us is the CADlayers panel, offered by CADtools plugins suite, with layers groups it provides:
Yasir commented
While Katie Houghton Using the wrong graphics to explain layers comp, this graphics was created by me, last year, her post was 2018?
Meanwhile, Astute Graphics just have released AG Comps panel, which is very similar to the one Photoshop has, and works with top-level layers.
Anonymous commented
It has been great having the History panel in illustrator another feature which would be very useful is a Layer Comps panel as well.
Yasir commented
What I meant was the Top layers only, NOT the sublayers.
As you can see from the attached graphic, being able to assign colors to each layer that is connected to a certain version of my design, sometimes I have 3 or 4 versions to the design with small changes. all the Cs marked in blue belong to that one version, and all the Bs marked in Pink, all the As in Orange and so on. It is easier to spot and remember which layer belongs with the design version.
It seems my graphic that I included in my earlier post has been used by Katie Houghton in the original post. It didn't describe the idea I was presenting.
Yasir -
I am wondering: what do we all mean by 'layers' here?
What is a layer in Illustrator? Do we mean only top layers (and sublayers, which are just nested layers), or anything that is a container (which includes groups and anything 'unfoldable'), or anything at all, including single paths?
1, 2, 3?
Which one? -
Yasir commented
simply mark any of your layers , lets say you have 20 layers and one will be the base for all the other variations, layers 1, 3, 20 or
20, 4, 5, 11 or
20, 9, 12 and so on I think a combination of colors and letters such as A, B, C.
you can assign as many as you need or a many in layers panel .
e.g. l have a drop shadow might not be utilized in one version, so it will be assigned to version X. -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
any update on this topic?
how many "Votes" are needed to get "on revision" status?
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Yes it's mandatory in many workflows.
the best would be the possibility of browsing through the different composition in the CreativeCloud viewer.
So when you share your file with people for reviewing you can expose / hide some elements but keep them in a single file. -
Suman Tiwari commented
This is absolutely necessary!
Pete commented
+1. Needed desperately. I would use this everyday.
Eric Schwartz commented
Desperately need this functionality in Illustrator. We use it all of the time in Photoshop and some of my graphic designers are using Photoshop for concept work that *should* be done in Illustrator but they use PS because AI doesn't have layer comps.
Using symbols is not a solution and artboards is tedious, creates huge files, doesn't share layers, and makes updating mockups difficult.
Connor Mackenzie commented
It would be a fantastic feature to be able to save different 'layer themes' and be able to toggle between them. A layer theme would control which layers are visible and not visible.
EG: You have a file set up with 20 layers. Theme A has layers 1, 2, 5, 19, 20 visible. Toggle to Theme B it has layers 1, 3, 9, 15, 18 visible. The user can create a new theme from whatever the status of the layer panel is, then can quickly toggle between these different layer visibility settings. The layer themes can have custom names set by the user. This would save time immensely by containing potentially different print or export layouts within the same file. These could be linked to the export window allowing for a single export of the same artboard with different art. HUGE time saving and cuts down on the requirement for multiple files .
Chris Keller commented
OK So I'm working in Character Animator and for Swap Sets, you want to have everything set up for "default" if I go in and edit the layers in illustrator it's super annoying that I can't just turn everything on, and then revert back to the "export" state. or whatever.
Layer Comps would be a perfect way to handle it. Or layer states or something.
I get that it's more complex because of objects, but seriously? at the very least, how about fixing VIEWS so it works with sub-layers.
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Yes, any news about this topic?
Should be needed to place textures in Dimension for example. -
Dina Dembicki commented
Leehoss commented
Any news on this @Adobe
Scott Moses commented
Why is this not a feature in illustrator, when Photoshop has had this for a decade? Seems like such a natural extension to layers, with the only alternative, to manually turn on/off layers or create multiple files.
Melise G commented
Either add a layer comps feature, or allow me to turn off the automatic update in asset export function (so that I can export multiple assets with different visibility options in each asset).