Convert outline text to editable text
I work with a lot of files that come to me with outline text, which I then have to retype from scratch. It would be a really useful feature if outline text could be converted to editable text - could there be some kind of auto-recognition (OCR) of the outline text and generate editable text from this? Built-in OCR?

The ability to convert outline text into live text will be available through the 'Retype' feature we recently shipped. The released version can identify fonts for now. Soon it will allow you to edit it as well. More details:
alex commented
thank you
Galaxy World Advertising commented
some texts are outlined. when I am trying to edit I am not able to edit properly
Asad, you mean to recreate the outlined text in this Coccivac package design?
There is no native solution for this so far and it won't appear before the deadline probably.
But you can try VectorFirstAid paid plugin I mentioned before. So far it's the only known alternative to me. The other solution is to use some other external OCR services and match the style manually. -
asad abdullah commented
plz do somthig
Related to
Font identification -
Hans commented
Even Apple has this now as a basic feature in iOS where you can copy text from images. This should be in illustrator already.
Meanwhile there is a paid plugin from AstuteGraphics that allows that — VectorFirstAid.
Rob Hutchings commented
AstuteGraphics enables this using the Vector FirstAid plugin (so long as you have the font installed) -
Peter Hall commented
I agree with the other designers. A printer I work with needs to determine actual size of text and this can't be done without removing the outlines configuration.
Clint Porter commented
In some ways I understand why it is that once you've outlined it, you can't really unring that bell. But at the very least, I think it would be helpful if Illustrator could default to saving a copy of the type object and toggling it off, like we all probably do by hand every time.
What would be really great is if Adobe could just give the user access to directly modify the type control points of the glyphs without converting it at all. Under the hood, Illustrator would be replacing the original glyphs with new shapes, but from the user's perspective the shapes would still be treated like the type they came from (continuing to allow kerning/tracking/leading). Obviously some type features might get disabled and/or reset the glyphs to their original state (like toggling Small Caps or something), but this could be a waaaay more useful default behavior than the current implementation.
Amincgd commented
hi, i want convert outline to text
Brak commented
Adobe already does this in Acrobat Pro DC, so...why not build that same feature into Illustrator?
Just tested it in Acrobat, seems to work, the single text box was editable nicely in Acrobat. But then upon saving and re-opening in Illustrator, 2 lines of continuous text became over 30 separate text objects...terrible.
What worked better was to copy the text from Acrobat and paste it into Illustrator...came in as a single text box...very nice. Still would be better if the same functionality could exist within Illustrator. It is like the the Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop teams all work for a separate company when you think about the synergy potentials that go totally untapped.
Nikola Andersson commented
Agreed - please include an un-outline feature
Sofia commented
If Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro has the ability to convert outlined text to editable text, why doesn't Illustrator have this feature built into it's system for Designers alreeady? Can this please be done? Instead of forcing users to use multiple programs that can chew up RAM and CPU memory (for those working on large/multiple files), it would increase efficiency and productivity if that process was bypassed by simply adding the same feature used in Acrobat Reader Pro into Illustrator.
It's just a waste of my time, and tedious when I'm under time pressure to reach my stakeholder's deadlines, and I have to explain to non-Designers why I need more time to extract their content so I can edit a single word from the original outlined files, to paste back into the Illustrator file, and adjust the layout. -
Mario commented
completely agree, external plugins are very expensive..!
Bill commented
Shoroni Chowdhury commented
Totally Agree.
Anonymous commented
Totally agree!!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented