Checkbox for prefix with filename when exporting for screens
When exporting for screens, it would be useful to be able to simply click a checkbox to prefix the output filename with the current filename.
For example, for "", containing artboards "Artboard1", "Artboard2", etc., it would output "myFile-Artboard1.png", "myFile-Artboard2.png", etc.
I realise the filename can be entered in the Prefix field but a checkbox would be a useful addition.
Talha commented
Because this is missing I'm saving with a Export As.
Sean Slater commented
Double yes for this, many times have I pasted in a prefix on a previous job with the filename and forgot to change it on a different project so the output files have the wron prefix on checkbox for current filename would be amazing!
DPD commented
It should indeed be possible to exporting artboards without the filename prefix.
Jeremy Wright commented
I agree! As well as displaying the exported file size like the traditional save for web feature.
Philip King commented
Yes, I'd want to retain the prefix field but with the additional option to prefix with the filename.
But really it would be more useful to overhaul it entirely and have a single field which accepted tokens for the various elements to be included in the output filename. This would also allow for underscores, dashes, spaces or some other preferred delimiter.
Rob Hutchings commented
Just came here today about to add this and nice to see it here.
Could I clarify, the prefix field should still be available to use and would prefix the filename should that option be checked. Also, to remain consistent with the regular File > Export naming convention output, the use of underscores between [filename]_[artboard name]. [ext] would be preferred.
LNMB commented
YES. Especially when processing 250 illustrator files with different file names that need to remain in the exported file names. Having to copy/paste the file name into the prefix box is highly time consuming and invites errors (which is bad when you're exporting files for web that need to have exactly the same file name in order to simply replace the files without having to edit your code).
Please please please add this feature!