Pathfinder to work with open paths...
Can you make the pathfinder work with open paths? See attachment for what I am proposing.

[Deleted User] commented
I will support Egor. So far we have to use JS script to trim open paths.
Jeremy, while it should definitely be a native thing, here’s a brilliant free script that could help you:
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Jeremy,
I learned the other day that you can achieve what you want with tools already there in Illustrator.
However it will definitevely require some extra steps:Have the star shape stacked above all open paths.
Have a rectangle that covers all your open paths and the star shape on top.Select the star shape and the rectangle.
Use pathfinder tool to punch out a star shape from the rectangle.
Use the first tool from the right in the first row from the bottom of all pathfinder tools.
In my German version this is "Hinteres Objekt abziehen" ( Minus Back ).Now select the open paths plus the new shape with the punched out star and use the pathfinder tool left to the tool you used before, in my German version called: "Kontur aufteilen".
Problem with all that: You have to remove a lot of paths after ungrouping. That's tedious.
Uwe -
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Jeremy,
voted! A very good idea!Pathfinder should work with open paths. That would make it easy to cut a number of open paths to form. Can be very performant for preparing threaded text paths for curved prints like adhesive labels, stickers or price labels where text must follow the outer shapes.
Alternatively: Allow text wrapping with text on text paths!
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )