Add Folders in Layers panel
Given that Photoshop can group layers into folders, Illustrator should have the same capacity to bring the experience closer together.
It would allow for greater flexibility when editing artwork.

Jan Vork commented
Please add Folders in the Layer palette
This allows complex projects to become more organized.
Anonymous commented
4 years later and we still can't get an extremely basic and essential feature like folders? It's available with Indesign and Photoshop but not Illustrator? How does that even make sense?
rose commented
This is a huge miss that this function is not available.
Especially for anyone creating graphics for animation, being able to group layers into folders like Photoshop would be SOOOOO HELPFUL!
Christopher commented
This would be amazing! ...Especially for those working with complex diagrams to be able to group by quality, function, or any other indicator.
Marek Warunkiewicz commented
FOLDERS like in Photoshop and Animate to organize different layers into one unit. I know you have sub-layers, but they are not as intuitive.
Leo commented
Why isn't this feature yet there? Come on, I'm paying for your software...
Anonymous commented
Almost 2.5 years later... and Adobe goes the way of Quark Xpress.
Hello, Adobe?... <crickets>
Anonymous commented
Keeping the hope alive... It's almost as if the folks at adobe are completely out of touch with how professionals actually use their software... as if it's just bunch of programmers and bean counters over there who don't have an artistic bone in their bodies and only see 0's, 1's and $'s....
Nah... that can't be...
Anonymous commented
Illustrator (still) doesn't have folders.. omg..
Clay Jensen commented
I cannot support and encourage this enough. Like other people here I have been using Illustrator since 1.0 and this is the number one improvement that I would make. Please add layers and allow them to be imported or shared with PSD files. This feature is way overdue.
David Becker commented
Please PLEASE add this much-needed feature to Illustrator. To not be able to group layers together is quite frankly ridiculous, especially given that Photoshop has had this feature for more years than I care to remember.
David Becker commented
Please PLEASE add this much-needed feature to Illustrator. To not be able to group layers together is quite frankly ridiculous, especially given that Photoshop has had this feature for more years than I care to remember.
As for the comment below:
"I think illustrator would be better to merge with photoshop.
To learn illustrator to me is so hard. Photoshop is so better to learn."and speaking as a professional Graphic Designer with more than 26 years experience, this comment should be treated with the utter contempt that it deserves.
You might as well say "I think tractors would be better to merge with cars. To learn tractors to me is so hard. Cars is so better to learn."
Some comments are just BEYOND even the most profound facepalm...
Anonymous commented
For the love of Art Adobe, Please!
Anonymous commented
When is this feature coming? I can't believe this doesn't have hundreds of votes.
Anonymous commented
Got to agree, I have been using illustrator since the first version, layers should have shown up a long time ago.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to group layers and apply a clipping mask to the grouped layers
Anonymous commented
I think illustrator would be better to merge with photoshop.
To learn illustrator to me is so hard. Photoshop is so better to learn. -
But not use sublayers? (just wanna know, don't hurt me)
Scott commented
jst nt commented