Ability to toggle snap on/off while moving individual points
I want snap to be on almost all the time. I only need it off to move a point or two.
I would like a single key to hold down that would turn off snap while I move that single point.
Łukasz Martynowicz commented
Blender and some other programs have a ctrl modifier key default as a snap toggle and it is a godsend. This should be easy to implement. As it is now, I have to turn smart guides on/off all the time when making linearts with pen tool, as I want to start/end them exactly on other paths, but I don't want anchor handles to snap to paths or angles. This is annoying as ****.
Anonymous commented
It also happens to me, only the other way around. I find it to be smoother to work without the smart guides generally because it is less distracting. However I do have to snap things constantly and it would be amazing if there would be a function to activate smart guides just at that precise moment (like holding shift or something similar). I cant activate smart guides for example when I´ve already started the shape, but usually it is then when I realize I need snaping.
the_dudes commented
This should be baked in by default!
Although I know now why it happens — 'Highlight anchors on mouse over' in Selection & Anchor Display section of the Preferences — I still think that it is a problem. This function, being useful, overrides snapping in a way that acts like it.
g commented
1. lock or hide all other shapes / layers. Pen Tool does not snap to locked shapes or points.
2. when the Pen Tool wants to snap to the current shape (line) which must be unlocked obviously, hold the SHIFT key. This will allow you to place a point right next to the line without snapping to it.
It will still snap to current shape's points, no fix that I'm aware of.
Jeff D commented
This is available in Sketch (as are so many other helpful drawing functions that are missing from Illustrator) and it's a game-changer.
I now dread when I have to use Illustrator.
Paul Mackinnon commented
Me too finding it frustrating.
In selection and anchor display preferences I have maxed the tolerance to 8 due to Illustrator's annoying intolerance when deleting anchor points.
However, the closest to solving the snap to point problem is to minimise that tolerance to 1 - that makes it much harder to hit another anchor point
So my suggestion to adobe would be to offer a universal snap override hot key. So no matter what the user will have complete freedom in placing an anchor point with the override
This snapping to point is probably a 'feature' in that when closing a path you need it. But it bugs me that it snaps even to another compound path anchor point. Not something that I require in general.
I have 'Snap to point' turned off in AI22.
But when I draw using Pen tool, it still snaps to point.