Ability to toggle snap on/off while moving individual points
I want snap to be on almost all the time. I only need it off to move a point or two.
I would like a single key to hold down that would turn off snap while I move that single point.

Łukasz Martynowicz commented
Blender and some other programs have a ctrl modifier key default as a snap toggle and it is a godsend. This should be easy to implement. As it is now, I have to turn smart guides on/off all the time when making linearts with pen tool, as I want to start/end them exactly on other paths, but I don't want anchor handles to snap to paths or angles. This is annoying as ****.
Anonymous commented
It also happens to me, only the other way around. I find it to be smoother to work without the smart guides generally because it is less distracting. However I do have to snap things constantly and it would be amazing if there would be a function to activate smart guides just at that precise moment (like holding shift or something similar). I cant activate smart guides for example when I´ve already started the shape, but usually it is then when I realize I need snaping.
the_dudes commented
This should be baked in by default!
Jeff D commented
This is available in Sketch (as are so many other helpful drawing functions that are missing from Illustrator) and it's a game-changer.
I now dread when I have to use Illustrator.