Keyboard shortcuts for all Pathfinder options (Unite, Divide, Trim, etc)
I work quickly and would like custom shortcuts for all the Pathfinder options.

Plus I’d like to have hotkeys not only for plain pathfinder operations, but also to their live compound shapes versions, the ones we now get with holding Opt/Alt.
Sami Gale commented
Agreed! And one for each of the different pathfinder options. I waste so much time on this when it can be simple :)
Duane Aberle commented
merge away…
thank you for your response.
Duane, it is doable (partially).
Open Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts dialog (Cmd + Opt + Shift + K).
Choose Menu Commands instead of tools in the dropdown at the top.
Open Object and locate Expand command. Assign a hotkey to it. Done.This however will launch a full dialog, asking you for things you want expand each time you call it.
To automate it more, you can use actions.
Create a simple shape using the default style. Keep it selected.
Open Actions panel.
Create a new set, pressing 'folder' button at the bottom (it’s optional, you can use an existing set).
Create a new action and name it.
Go Object > Expand and keep only Stroke option chosen.
Stop recording the action.
You can assign an F-key-based hotkey to it. Each time it’s called, it’d expand only stroke and nothing else.Same applies to Pathfinder operations (this is how I access them as well, through actions).
Ai should definitely allow direct shortcuts to these. An action with only one operation inside is a wasted action slot and a missing hotkey.
There are several existing UV entries about it:
1. A general one — Assignable keyboard shortcuts for EVERYTHING —
2. A more specific one — Keyboard shortcuts for all Pathfinder options (Unite, Divide, Trim, etc) —
3. Well, a declined one about Expand Strokes specifically — — can’t agree.Would you mind me merging your request with #2?
Duane Aberle commented
It would speed up my workflow if I could use shortcut keys for these tools.
renji commented
you can use cmd/ctrl + 4 for pathfinder shortcut but it can only record the last pathfinder step you just used. hope it helps. I hope adobe will release better keyboard shortcuts for pathfinder. but for now that cmd+4 helps me a lot.
Evan Bond commented
I agree - being able to assign keyboard shortcuts to unite in particular would be most helpful!!!
Anonymous commented
@Griff Since Adobe seems to be letting us down here: Please post your workaround - I haven't found out how to do this with macros. :(
Anonymous commented
Corel Draw has a shortcut layout for 95% of the buttons/functions and there is no, never limitation on special system keys.
But Adobe !
Why not????
Clayton Shima commented
You mean, "ludicrous" right? Hehe
Khalil Chikh commented
I use this a lot, I am using actions as a shortcut, but it is better to have it as a shortcut
User GIDI23456 commented
Please add this new function it would be AWESOME since I use Pathfinder a lot, mostly Unite.
User Pl commented
the software Corel Draw has a shortcut layout for 95% of the buttons/functions and there is no no limitation on special system keys.
I cannot hide my alignment window because there are two buttons that cannot receive shortcuts, I cannot hide the path finder window because I need to join objects, and the properties window is mandatory to define measures, that is, there are three windows to click but only one of them it has text boxes for measurements and it really is mandatory.
Drew commented
Basically make it so pathfinder tools like Unite, Divide, Minus Front can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts in the keyboard shortcut editor. its ludacris (not the rapper) that you cant do this.
dave commented
pls add the ability to add hotkey for the pathfinder
also pls add a function to clean up shapes, when using the pathfinder there are often empty path or points inside wich cause problems in further work...
astute has made some good plugins for it but i think this should be integrated! -
Griff commented
I agree with this. Pathfinder items are only available on the panels, so I've had to resort to macros to activate them with shortcuts.