User Customization of Pan + Zoom Interaction
There are varying requests for dealing with Zoom and Pan interaction.
I myself would like to use [MMB = Pan], and [alt/opt+RMB+drag = Zoom] to have coherence with 3d apps I switch between all day.
These are ergonomic functions, subjective to user workflow and comfort, so rather than dictate one or another I suggest making them customizable.
- Allow customization of basic interactions [Pan and Zoom] in order to:
-- Enhance ergonomics by meeting users in their comfort zone
-- Increase interaction coherence (become more 'glovelike') within a maximum number of workflows
-- Do so in a way that is 'opt-in' and additive to avoid disruption of current use
- Add a new preference pane [Preferences / Zoom and Pan] with the following items:
Click 'Learn' and tap a key or click a mouse button (MMB or RMB), then tap 'Learn' again to bindZoom [LEARN] / [CLEAR], ["DISPLAY CURRENT BIND"]
Click 'Learn' and tap a key or click a mouse button (MMB or RMB), then tap 'Learn' again to bind (drag mouse while engaged to Zoom in/out)Use Scrollwheel as Zoom [CHECKBOX]
When enabled mouse' scrollwheel Zooms in/out
- Current [RMB] context menus will always be accessible by way of [ctl+LMB]
- If raw trackpad finger-touch count is available as an input device to AI I recommend allowing this as an option in addition to mouse and keyboard inputs
- There are a lot of ways to approach this, but as a basic and highly-repetitive interaction method building in some dexterity could make a profound difference for many users

Charlie T commented
I think it's more InD’s problem than Ai’s, because Ai is consistent with PS in it.
But I agree that we could use an array of settings dedicated to pan/zoom in Prefs.
Some people would like to use Ctrl+Scroll for zooming, some would just like scrolling to zoom with no modifiers at all, and some crave for Pan with wheel held. -
Anonymous commented
Alt and Ctrl keys perform opposite functions between Illustrator and InDesign. It's extremely frustrating to change between programmes.
Maroue Reus commented
This! Rebinding the zoom key would be great. Current work around is an AHK script, but I would love it if this was implemented.
Pan rebind also.
Anonymous commented
3 finger zoom, rotate and pan and 2 finger for vertical and lateral scroll feature on the trackpad.
Can you allow three fingers control to pinch zoom, pan and rotate at the same time for a smooth control for the drawing area. Two fingers can be used to scroll vertically and laterally.
This feature will help me as i do a lot of graphic design illustrations. It would help me zoom in for details and immediately zoom out to get a bigger perspective and again zoom in on a different area without having to press many buttons, all this while my right hand is controlling the mouse(Edited by admin) -
Jonathan Nix commented
Hold down the ALT (OPTION) key to pan a document like in Maya, Unity, etc.
This seems like a small thing but it is a huge user work flow enhancer.
MyKill commented
+1000 - YES. Honestly, I hated "zoom to selection" at first, especially when it replaced the CMD+ shortcut. It killed workflow. Recently I found a great use for 'ZTS' but must constantly open Preferences and turn it on/off to get the traditional behavior back. PLEASE make ZTS its OWN command with Keyboard Shortcut.
Ton commented
The Preferences option to set the behaviour of the Zoom tool was a good attempt to get back the traditional behaviour.
Many users like both zoom to selection and the traditional zoom.
Why not add a shortcut for that instead of having to go to Preferences to change the behaviour?
Zoom Cmd (Ctrl) +
Zoom to Selection Cmd (Ctrl) Alt +
(and the - versions of those).