Set Default Font and Font Size for all new documents
Changing the default character style in Illustrator should be permanent when creating new documents. Font size 12 is rarely used for any project I've designed, and Myriad Pro is used even less so, from my experience. Having to change this every time is user friction that is unnecessary, when we could define our own font and font size that is more applicable to one's intended use of Illustrator. It's a minor inconvenience that adds up to an annoyance over time, and I hope that in the future we have the ability to skip this step.
The intended way of setting a default font is to edit document profiles. These files are located in folders like 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2023\Support Files\Required\New Document Profiles\[language]\' on Windows and 'Macintosh HD > Applications ▸ Adobe Illustrator 2020 > Support Files > New Document Profiles > [language]' on Macs.
Make a copy of the one you want to use someplace else, open it in Illustrator, make your changes, replace the original and then use it when creating a new file.
There are many tutorials on the web about managing these, like this one:
However, this way indeed is not the most discoverable. Please continue to vote and leave comments if you want this to be improved.
Michele Fog commented
Let's make this happen please!
itai azerad commented
C'mon Adobe! Get off your a** and do it! I'm sure you'll get a standing ovation at Adobe Max for this!
Allen Hopkins commented
the fact that setting a default font is not one of the most basic preferences is astonishing. How do you overlook this? And still so many years later, still not have it added?
LM commented
May Myriad Pro burn in ****
Jason commented
Myriad Pro 12pt is a formidable foe for the New Document. Perchance one day it shall be vanquished.
Asad Abidi commented
This feature is long overdue. I hardly ever use Myriad Pro 12 pt in my illustrations, and yet Adobe gives no straightforward way to set my own default font and size.
JPEGWEBER commented
Bumping this thread, as this is a much needed improvement to Illustrator that will decrease friction at the beginning stages of design and greatly enhance user experience.
Werner Botha commented
Please make this more discoverable in the future. Finding it in a document in a tutorial here is hardly the way I would like to work.
Steve Laskevitch commented
I have used the "intended method" and it is a deterrent to the task. Yes, there needs to be a way to do this.
Chris commented
Can you please let users change the default text size. I couldn't find it, and adobe help couldn't either and directed me here. When working on 60"x60", I get tired of dropping in 12pt text and taking extra steps to find it, enlarge it, etc. Thanks.
You can change the default font by modifying a default character style in a document profile, in a way described here.
After doing this once and setting all other settings, like swatches, graphic styles, symbols,, backup the file, because Ai will overwrite it the next update.True, not the most fast way to change the defaults. Takes some time to set one up and restore. But do you change them that often?
Voted anyway :)
Christopher Collins commented
It would be nice to set things as your own default. Like the font, font size, stroke size.. instead of having to change it to the same thing over and over and over when you create a new file
James commented
This has been an unresolved hassle since Illustrator 3 at least, and I don't think Adobe takes it seriously.
It is a daily hassle: no I don't want to use Myriad Pro, and I spend 2-3 mins every time I first open a file in Illustrator fixing it, only to find I have to do it again 30 mins later.
Yes there's a fix, but it doesn't stick through updates. And it's unnecessarily convoluted. If you can ask me whether to "Select Same Tint %" in the general preferences, you can ask which font should be the default. Guess which one is more useful.
Bruce Duggan commented
How can
be the best way to change the default font?
What would be so wrong with having it on the "Type" page of the "Preferences" menu? -
Danielle Honcoop commented
I'm looking for a way to change a character in my default font. I use the font family Proxima Nova (an Adobe font, what I have activated). In InDesign you can choose between two character for the letter 'a'. There I can change the font with find glyph en replace it for the other one. This is an extra action I make for all my designs.
It would be awesome to set that letter 'a' as a default a in that typefont. Because I can only use the right one in InDesign. AdobeIllustrator don't has that option. Is there a way to change a character and set it as my default character in that font so that I can use it in all my Adobe programs?
Nick A commented
I agree, it is an absurdly complicated process to get rid of the plague that is Myriad Pro! In fact, just trying to get your preferred document template, with the correct default settings, to appear on the awful home screen is an unnecessarily irritating process. I expect many, if not most, Illustrator users are professionals who need to quickly set their preferred corporate font for all new documents... but Adobe makes this just about as difficult as possible.
Jane Holm commented
It would all be so much easier for all users if the change default font option was available in Preferences instead of having to do all these workarounds just to get rid of Myriad and change it to our preferred default font.
Robert Appleton commented
It's amazing to me that this ability has not been there from the beginning. Typographers don't have time to change Myriad to whatever font they need every time they open an Illustrator document. The option to choose a personal default font in preferences is a basic feature which a lot of people would appreciate.
Christopher Clinton commented
There is a solution for this, I have done it in the past:
Christopher Clinton commented
This would be extremely useful for those working with multi-language documents.
An intuitive way to integrate this could be adding some type of tag to a text box indicating which language/font to use by default. Also, if it is not too confusing after user a/b testing, being able to associate languages to a set of fonts for the box or an option to have only certain fonts show when typing in a certain language.