Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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542 results found
Stencils: Pencil or Brush Draw Inside/Outside Any Guide or Path
I'd really like to see an implementation for stencils and drawing along rulers, guides and inside/outside any path.
See this implementation of Escape Motions app Rebelle 3.
2 votes -
Editing corner radius
It is extremely important in my job that I am able to manipulate the corner radiuses of an object uniformly or individually by entering a specific number. I am not able to find this feature in the latest 2018 version that is as easily accessible as the previous version. I would really appreciate it if this feature was available on the transform palette.
2 votes -
Kontour in Adobe Draw
it would be great if you could draw contours in Adobe Draw. If I draw a picture with a black contour in Draw, it is always a closed sharpe. A Kontour (as in Illustrator) would simplify later editing in Illustrator many times over.
Many Thanks
Gabi2 votes -
One Tool for vectors illustrators
it would be wonderful if connectivities in-one tool existing tools:Curvature tool
Shaper Tool
Pencil Tool
Shape bulider tool
Bulider Shape tool
Example actions:
Draw a basic shape by hand, eg. A rectangle - function works Shaper Tool and create a regular rectangle with 4 nodes.
Tap cursor anywhere on the one side line, and I add a new node, drag it to modificate line and create curves - function works Curvature tool
On one of the sides of shape between nods, draw zigzag. Draw zigzag starting from a point outside the line of the curve (somewhere on the…
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2 votes
An L-systems panel like Inkscape, but where you can use symbols too.
Could be really powerful for pattern making, placing editable symbols or drawing lines or basic shapes with rules that can create patterns outside of the wallpaper set, including Penrose tiling and other fractals.
2 votes -
Option to have Measurements for Line - Full or Scaled.
If I were to draw a line from pint A to B the size of that line is displayed under the line. This should be optional and be able to be turned off. Also have the ability to state scaled size so it might have arrows point to star and end of line and the size in the middle <--------- 10" ----------> or it might say 10" @ 1/10 actual size 100".
2 votes -
Replace objects with an object
I have created a circle with text in it, and grouped it all together, however I have a pattern of Circles, and only want some of the circles in the pattern to look like the one I have created and grouped, so I can click the ones I want to replace, and then with a tool, select the group I've created, and it will replace the ones I've selected. Not too sure if this feature exists, though it would be a beneficial tool to have.2 votesThe intended solution for this is to use Global Edit feature.
Copy the object you want to replace with, then select one of many copies you want to replace and use Select > Start Global Edit command.
Using Shift, unmark those copies you don’t want to affect.
Isolate the targeted copy.
Paste the copied object and position it correctly relatively the old object.
Delete the old object.
Exit the isolation and end Global Edit.
It may sound convoluted at first, but once you master the method, you’d be able to easily replace almost anything.
Global Edit has its limitations: it doesn’t work for images, text objects, clipped masks, linked objects, and third-party plugins.
Read more about it here:
Change Selection tool back to the way it was.
The selection tool on an object is now really annoying. I have to zoom in really close to a small object to move it otherwise I get too many options and it just ends up spinning or resizing the object. Please fix!!!
2 votes -
New Tool Idea: "Drag Draw"
I've developed a novel way of drawing vector shapes using a delayed "drag point" method which at first seems counter-intuitive, but is actually closer to the way people draw with pens and brushes, because the drawing point is distanced from the moving point by a controlled amount (as if drawing with a chain), smoothing out the resulting line. My working demo was built in Javascript and can be observed in the attached video, but would be much more powerful within Illustrator and Photoshop. The tool I created allows me to export SVGs and gives me the ability to create smooth…
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オプションバーに表示して欲しい。2 votes -
2 votes
I have a tablet that is not a Wacom. Wish I could have pressure sensitivity with it. It seems you only support Wacom tablets. : (
I have a tablet that is not a Wacom. Wish I could have pressure sensitivity with it. It seems you only support Wacom tablets. : (
2 votes -
Make Object-Path menu a part of Right-Click menu
Or at least a full part of the Properties palette. It would be a much faster workflow when adding/removing anchor points. Most of those menu items are used often enough to warrant an R-Click placement.
2 votes -
Start drawing (onPenDown) Event option like Photoshop.
Having an option of drawing with the brush, pencil or blob tool on a (PenDown) Event, like in photoshop. Currently a dot or line, only appears on a penUp or penMove. thus it seems like there is a delay when drawing small shading or detailing lines quickly.
Any delay for artists can be annoying.It would great if Ai had that normal event of traditional drawing on paper. mouseUp and mouseMove is ok for a mouse, but a penDown is needed - i think.
If there is such an option, let me know. I cant seem to find it, or…
2 votes -
Circle-tool — subdivision functionality with arrow keys
As the "Effect > Stylize > Round Edges..." is a little bit flawed if working with short sections and third-party-scripts often show the same problem that short sections rounded often are not a circular section but some weird hyberbole of sorts I often use Circles and subdivisions of those as a stand-in if I need a round corner with a fixed radius. Up to now i have to manually draw a line from the center, rotate it by the angle I want and subdivide it with the knife.
If circles could behave a bit like the polygon tool and its…2 votes -
An option for the pen tool to behave like Photoshop
As a Photoshop user most of the time, I would find it would be much easier to have bezier curve anchors not delete themselves when closing a path or reselecting a path. It would also be great if nudging points with the arrow keys would not interrupt and unselect the current path.
Some preference to toggle these behaviors would be fantastic!
2 votes -
An ability to make a trapezoid with the specified size
How can I make a trapezoid and specify the size of the trapezoid?
1 vote -
Adobe Max 2D to 3D Turn views using Adobe Illustrator
Hello Adobe -
I'm interested in becoming one of your Beta testers for this new tool I am hearing about regarding Adobe Max.
What's shown is a way to take a 2D drawings and converting it in Adobe Illustrator a turn around version from the 2D to 3D art.
Whom do I speak to to become one of your Beta testers. I work in the professional field of 2D and 3D and would like to give feedback on this tool. I work with Adobe Illustrator professionally in the industry. So whom do I contact moving forward?
Darien1 vote -
Shortcut with Cmd to select a tool
Shortcuts with Cmd keys
Please please make it possible to use the Cmd key to make shortcut to select a tool. This is crucial for working quick and efficiently. I know about the V and the A for choosing Selection and Direct Selection Tool, but when you are working with text, you cannot use these. Then you have to go the long way up to the tools panel to choose these. This make you work really slow.
In Indesign it is easy to make this shortcut. In Photoshop and Illustrator it is prohibited. Please make this small adjustment to Illustrator…
1 vote
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