Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Phil Osborne commented
I work in vehicle graphics, so they are not even huge sizes, not like designing billlboards for the side of buildings, but even some of the vehicles we work on don't fit the canvas at 100%, we always have to work at scale and then size everything up afterward. Once we get to production stage, we size up individual elements of the design, but we still can't size up the whole design because of the same limitations. Seems a very arbitrary restriction to put on a professional piece of software!
Anonymous commented
Most external architectural graphics are going to be bigger than this stupid arbitrary limitation. How did they come up with the current size in the first place?
Jeremy commented
YES. I want to be able to make vector banners at 100% scale. Sometimes I need 40 to 60 foot banners.
Dean commented
I remember back in the Macromedia Freehand days, the artboard back then didn't have any limits.
And I think that freehand was way more precise as well.Adobe Illustrator needs to put this in place.
Antonio commented
When working in decoration projects it's easy to need measures over 6 metres wide, and nowadays that's impossible. Adding the possibility of creating scaled-down artboards (1:2, 1:10, etc.) could be a temporary solution, but not the ideal one.
WaldoIsOK commented
Can you please make realistic, not true view? Thank you.
Jason McMinn commented
@Joey - I suspect there is an underlying technical limitation with the graphics engine of Illustrator that is preventing this. If it were easy they probably would have done this. It smells like they would have to redo the graphics engine which is a huge undertaking. Just a guess though.
Joey Carrillo commented
I have been using Illustrator for a long time, and just today... I ran into this issue where I cannot make the artboard the same size as a wall mural that I'm creating for a corporate client?!?!?
Illustrator has literally NEVER LET ME DOWN. It is one of the most rock solid programs I've ever used.
But this seems... Weird... Why the heck is there a size limit?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!
Anonymous commented
Both Illustrator and InDesign need bigger canvas size beyond what the current maximums are. I'm designing wall art for a corporate office and can't set the canvas dimensions to match the actual wall size. It defeats the purpose of having the entire design on one canvas/page as a whole.
Anonymous commented
Need more info with over 300 votes and 160 comments stating why we want this.. you would assume this is enough..
Philip King commented
@Jason it's still flagged with Need More Info, despite there being plenty of info here.
Jason McMinn commented
Well it looks like the "larger artboard" feature did not make it into Illustrator 2019 release today even though it appears that this is the largest issue posted by the community
:-( :-( :-( :-(
Jessica Smith commented
Please make it infinite!
N Sharad commented
Can you please remove the canvas we only need Art Board same as your previous versions.... :(
Anonymous commented
yea the 227.541 in max is NOT cutting it!!!!
Anonymous commented
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork
Marcos commented
Please increase the canvas!!! This is my contribution to the forum!
sam commented
Canvas size
Make it infinite
Matt Johnson commented
Are we talking about ARTBOARD size, or CANVAS size? They are different. Canvas being the outer boundaries of the document, artboards being your "live" documents. I for one would love an infinite CANVAS size, because I like to have all of my collateral for let's say an ad campaign with multiple deliverables, on one canvas across multiple artboards. There's no reason to have a canvas limit that restricts the number of artboards you can have on the screen.
Anonymous commented
YES. CD has had set scale for more than 20 years. you would think that Adobe might get the hint.