Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Anonymous commented
We use the export function. Typically no higher than 200 dpi.
Artboard size, Max I'd like to have at least 480", but that's a rarity. Minimum we use is 1" x 1" on small jobs.
Most of our files make their way into photoshop after export before we send to various printers.
Christopher commented
We use Photoshop to rasterize vector files due to it's superior bitmap engine.
Joy commented
If I build a giant sign in illustrator, often I'll export a jpg using the "save for web" feature, making sure neither length nor width is over 4000px. Then I take that jpg into Photoshop (as the .ai is waaayyy to big to do this) and Photoshop the .jpg into a photo to show clients what the sign will look like in place.
The print shop I used to work in, the wide format printer would only take .eps files, and occasionally .PDFs . And we would almost always use illustrator, occasionally Photoshop, and never InDesign for sign projects.
trackhorse commented
For what it's worth—
We use raster formats only for printed graphics, usually TIF files, and we use only InDesign for these kinds of projects.
We use Illustrator for work requiring larger canvases—banners, signs (an example of a completed project is attached), exhibition properties, etc. For these kinds of projects—which may be up to 60 feet long—everything—type, graphics, etc.—is vectorized. In the rare case where we need a raster image, we place a TIF or PDF file at appropriate resolution.
SuzanneJ. commented
1. Export to PDF to send to company to print
2. 6,5 meters 1:1
3. 300ppi -
Morten T commented
One input for those three:
1: It would almost always be final output for press/print
2: Around 20 meters 1:1
3: 150ppi, but that is very project dependent. Wouldn't export something 20 meters wide in 150ppi
Lyle Booth commented
Can adobe make everything bigger?
If yes, then do it.
Kate Phillips commented
Very excited to see a large canvas. I don't mind doing half-scale banners or projects, but it's very frustrating when a client sends me a 1:1 vector I can't use ("can't move it off the workspace"), and I have to ask them to scale it - it makes me look like I'm not the professional! Signage and large-scale graphics really can use this large canvas.
Anonymous commented
Dude, seriously? Shut it.
iviansur commented
It's great but not really enough to feel comfortable with 1:1 scale large graphics. Is there a certain reason it's just 2270 inches, not 3000 or 5000?
Anonymous commented
THAT IS AWESOME!!! I am downloading the new version as I type this.
Reese commented
Bug: left side ruler tries to render every inch even at minimal zoom and becomes unreadable.
troyjack commented
Another bug:
When I manually resize the artboard, the dimensions in the Application Bar while in Document Setup always read as W 227.5417" x H 227.5417". (High Sierra) -
Christopher commented
This is wonderful news!
Andy Arkley commented
One bug I noticed.
1. Run Object > Convert to Large Canvas"
2. If a layer is turned off when you run this command- and then you turn it on - it's massively oversized.Also - cutting and pasting between documents is weird (especially if one is a large canvas)
Edward Marks commented
I use Illustrator to create artwork for large murals and sculptures, and I have to use various hacks to make these work, some of which are quite annoying.
I also print stencils onto paper from a large format printer, and I am limited in how long I can print not by the paper or printer but by Illustrator, which is insanely frustrating.
I have no need of any bitmap/raster or pixel effects. I would be happy to disable those once the canvas exceeded a certain size.
Aaron Thesing commented
Having a Large Canvas option would work for 99.99% of our workflow needs (making letters for signage).
We don't use bitmaps/rasters or any pixel effects, so we don't require Pixel Preview Mode.
This Large Canvas option would prevent us from having to do any of the 1/10th scaling workarounds like we currently do.
I would like this option! -
Sign Ninja commented
@TG - I too design for the sign industry (20 years nearly) and use CADTools.
I would honestly not change my workflow in designing if they decided to change the canvas any bigger or infinite. It's better to design in the format which is used to distribute the design ( 11x17 ). Designers need to remeber who they are designed for and make it in an easily consumable size and format for the customer and production. I've gotten a lot of push back mentioning this before, but customers appreciate being able to scroll through a PDF and all the pages are the same size and there is no need to zoom in. Also, they can print it off. The layout of a sign design proof sells just as much as the design itself.
Designing at scale (to later be scaled up) isn't an issue for the vector art in an .ai file and for any raster aspects, all you need to do is make sure the DPI on the linked files is high enough.
Pre-Press/Layout could use a larger canvas in the, as they take a design and prep it for production. So 1 to 1 is a nice thing for them and having that native in AI would eliminate the use of other software or relying on RIP to scale things up. Not to mention the human error in junior-level positions.
AI really needs to add some basic CAD functions. Like scaling and measurements (like its competitors. People unwillingly use Coral because AI lacking some very basic core functions mentioned in this thread.
I don't care really commented
why would anyone need pixel preview with a file that large..
I suggest if you are doing the scaling approach.. have 3
a. The regular one at 227in x 227in (Max zoom: 64,000% and Min Zoom: 3.13%)
b. The large one at 2270in x 2270in. (Max zoom: 6,400% and Min Zoom: 0.313%)
and add..
c. xtra-large one at 22700in x 22700in. (Max zoom: 6,40% and Min Zoom: 0.0313%)
This should cover 99.999% of all instances. -
DPD commented
Two canvas sizes is of no use. The idea of having a default canvas size (the current one is good in many cases) with the possibility to move to a larger one when required would be nice, but should have no restrictions or the option to scale in steps of 10.