Automatic dimension/measuring tool please
A tool to automatically dimension signs would be an advantage to those of us working in the sign industry who create visuals for clients. It would also assist in maintaining accuracy of the artwork created and automatic checking device. This with the removal of the artboard size limitation would create a full working drawing platform for the manufacture of large signs for the retail industry.
We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3
You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.
Zaglbauer commented
I too was desperately looking for that feature. This plugin, costing $ 25,–, is quite useful for me:
I hope it helps. -
Jonny commented
tried the scrip below but can't delete there a solution.
Kyle commented
have you tried this script yet? I discovered it the other week and while not perfect it's free and does all I need: another note these kind of basic features really shines a light on how well Adobe knows Its customers... aka we're not all graphic designers
Dave Moulton commented
LMP...……. problem is there is no alternative, only a monopoly, I agree Adobe don't really care and there's nowt we can do...….. and they know it,. there are so many issues with illustrator, mainly basics which it does very poorly, purchasing additional 3rd party software to supplement it's inadequacies is not the answer.
LMP commented
So today Cad Tools announces Version 12 is available. In the announcement they state that previous version of Cad Tools will not work with new version of AI. So the decision to throw more money at Cad Tools for the feature is right in my face. Why can't this addition be made to AI? Very frustrated with Adobes lack of caring. Looking for other alternatives.
Anonymous commented
Why so reluctant to add this feature?
I really can't understand it..... -
Anonymous commented
A dedicated dimension tool that can show, horizontal/ vertical/ angles and Diameters/ radius dimensions
Mario commented
Completely agree with you, this is a so much needed tool, live, customizable, elegant, etc. pleaase -
Zaglbauer commented
Marty, you are right, but such suggestions were very helpful for me to find a solution while Illustrator is not able to meet our needs.
Marty commented
dh, we all know there are options out there what we want is a solution directly within Illustrator.
dh commented
Try dat:
(Mac Only) -
An commented
Some things that would be helpful
Option for the Measurements to be live and change if you adjust size.
Option to be able to change fonts, distance, type of line (arrow both ends, line extensions, dashed, weight, colour..etc)
Option for measurement types, and how many decimals it adjust to
It would also be great to have angular dimensions as well as horizontal, vertical and also circumference and radius, diameter to be able to be dimensioned
Chelsea Sumbler commented
This is a must-have tool, especially for those of us working on packaging! Please and thank you!
Tiago Claro commented
Even Acrobat Reader have this tool.
C'mon guys! -
Rob May commented
1. Should be implemented within Illustrator. A simple click and drag system would be ideal with options for unit type and scale, as well
2. If you're going to implement it, then implement it properly and fully. Should include all dimension types: horizontal, vertical, angles, arc/line length, area, etc.
Go on, be bold, add something that people want and need for a change!
Anonymous commented
This is a added value for designers. Please do it
Bruce commented
This is the only irritating thing about Illustrator for me. Some free drawing software also has dimension tools but not Illustrator?
Fabian Nevarez commented
Even CORELDRAW! has had this feature since its earlier versions and up to this date.... why not illustrator? If Adobe developers don't know how to do it, COPY CorelDraw! ;-)
Jason Wissig commented
Illustrator needs a dimensions tool like Corel Draw, but it needs to be better. I should be able to click on an object and dimensions with little arrows just appear. The arrow type color and type of measurement should all be customizeable. It should be live also so If I change the size of something the dimensions change also. And it should also be able to be fixed so when I drop the art on an art approval sheet the dimension remain the same. This is important, right now I have to manually draw dimensions, it wastes so much time. Please, please please make this a high priority. Thanks,
Just an user commented
1. We need it INSIDE Illustrator. We have enough separate plugins, services and subscriptions already.
2. We need it to show all dimensions and measurements possible.Is this enough info?