Color Picker Issue
The color picker is inaccurate when working on a Desktop Ai file with the iPad Ai app. It chooses a color that is close, but it should be accurate since these are solid vector shapes.

Can you share a video explaining the difference that you are seeing on desktop and ipad.
Ra Erickson commented
This is a very frustratingly old issue. Make the eyedropper work like the desktop app....exactly like it in every way. A no brainer
Mashood Khan commented
I was making my project on illustrator and suddenly this error from the color pickers occurs and i Don't know how to deal with that i just want to make my project plz help me into this.
Galeri, can you please share the file you have problems with?
Send the link over and add the link to this report for tracking: -
Galeri vektorina commented
Colors pick inaccurate
Meg commented
I’ve had the same issue. I quit using the color picker tool on the iPad app because my colors were never the same. Started creating swatches and using those instead until this is fixed.
Edyta Serocka commented
the problem is with the color picker, it doesn't get the exact color from the selected item
app version 1.3.2
ios 14.6
ipad 7th gen
video attached -
KC commented
In a specific file, when I use the color picker/eyedropper, the colors it picks up are incorrect; items are fully opaque and blending mode is normal, but picking the color of a single object repeatedly (as in, selecting a single object and color picking its current color over and over again) still results in the color changing. please see the attached video to see what I mean.
The issue persists when creating new shapes in the same file on iPad, but other iPad files appear to be unaffected. As far as I can tell, it’s not an issue when opened on desktop.
I use a 6th generation iPad currently running iOS 14.1, Illustrator version 1.3. This file was created on desktop, and was saved to cloud before resuming work on iPad. There are several external images pasted into the file.
David commented
I have the same issue.
It’s not just on a desktop .ai file either, for me it’s also on files created from the app. Happens with all colour modes - cmyk, rgb, hex, hsb.Have attached a couple of screenshots that show the difference