Blob brush tool is not working properly
Lines and shapes created with the blob brush tool are showing a bug and the final shape or line looks completely off, making the tool useless. I am working in files with lots of vector points, but I have never had this problem show up until now.

Thank you for your feedback. It is helpful to understand. I’ll post an update on how we plan attend to this problem.
Am really sorry that the changes are not suiting to your style of working.
Kristin EF Hanggi commented
All brushes on new iPad Pro don’t work. They all look the same, with skinny pointy ends, which isn’t a brush line depicted in the brush choices.
Wendy Dixon-Whiley commented
For real, it's been two months now and your consultants forced me to close my case back at the start promising it would be fixed in the next update - what gives? This is the feature I use the most !
Bull #0001 commented
I’m gonna tweet this if you don’t fix it ! Thousands of people have a useless Apple/Adobe..
Sasha Neumann commented
So I just downloaded
Illustrator to follow along with some videos and I noticed that the blob brush specs for the rounded brush also looked rounder but mine still looks super sharp and I just can’t figure out why it’s not just a normal line and why it keeps filling it. I haven’t played around with the specs or anything and I can’t find anything to fix this pls help -
Hbran94 commented
I have been having the same problem and found a work around! If you upload your desktop file to your iCloud Drive folder it will show up on your iPad iCloud folder and the brush will work correctly. At least it did for me! Good luck everyone
Anastasia commented
I am having the same problem( Please fix this!
Anonymous commented
Hello Neeraj, are there any updates to making the blob brush like how it used to be?
So many of us are waiting! Please and thank you -
Wendy Dixon-Whiley commented
Any updates on when this will be fixed? it's been a month now...
Anonymous commented
Yes. ..... I am having the same problem. It wasn't like this before.
Natalia commented
Same issue, please fix this :(
Alicia commented
I’m also having this same issue please fix the brush blob! I can’t draw with this
Anonymous commented
I just invested in an iPad so I could finish my customer projects at home. Totally useless if the file wasn’t started on the iPad. Every file opened from a desktop - the blob tool is literally a big BLOB. Total waste of $1100 until this critical bug is fixed.
Anonymous commented
I have had to stop using Ai for iPad because of this change. Please make an option for the way this tool was previously formatted. Drawing was a breeze, my work looked sharp and professional. This is now on par with trying to draw smooth lines in procreate.
topherbb commented
I've found that this bug only occurs when I'm working on a project that I've started on the desktop and imported into the iPad version. When I start the project on the iPad, the blob brush works fine.I don't know if that's been working for anyone else, but it solved the problem for me.
It's still super annoying, because it would be nice to start a project on the desktop then bring it over to the iPad for finer details, but for right now I just need to modify my workflow a bit to be able to work around this bug.
Hamish Hanna commented
This update on the brush stool is very difficult to use, the line does not follow the speed that I’m drawing at and makes the tool really hard to gauge
topherbb commented
When I lift my pencil off of the iPad, all of the settings that I had set for the blob brush immediately dissappear, rendering the tool useless. It's not really an issue of "changes not suiting a style of working", the tool just doesn't work and needs to be fixed.
Anonymous commented
Hi Neeraj, I also can no longer use this tool and it is the tool I use the most. And am also midway through projects that I cannot finish because it doesn’t work anymore. The lag makes it impossible to use-there is zero control over where the line ends now. It’s an incredibly frustrating experience. The fill and outline also keeps switching to nil on me - though in this clip it just switches fill to outline.
Anonymous commented
Hello Neeraj, the way the blob brush used to work was very perfect for me and many other users.
In Adobe Draw there is an option “Stroke smoothing: while drawing / after drawing”
can you please add something like this for Ipad Illustrator ? -
pieter van Tongeren commented
I also tried fixing the problems by changing the settings. I tried every different setting but the tool is worthless at the moment. If this was a change by design then it failed because the tool is not usable by artists, please change it back to what it was or fix the bug. Back to the drawing board Adobe!
Wendy Dixon-Whiley commented
I tried this at settings 30-60 and while the lag was cut down at those settings, the smoothness is a real problem at every setting. I actually needed the feature that is now gone as my unsteady hands mean I can't draw flawless curves and lines so it's effectively taken away the one feature I needed most. I LIKED that the path fitted after the pencil was lifted. Why can't there be an option to have this for those of us who need/want it? I now can't create the effects I need to in Illustrator and I also can't complete a job for a client that was 90% done as any changes I make now look inconsistent with the rest of the artwork