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Illustrator (iPad) Feature Requests

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18 results found

  1. Allow iPad to work as drawing tablet (screen pairing)

    I bought a iPad Pro recently and would like it if i could use my iPad as a wireless drawing tablet. It would be great if i could work in the same document on my Windows PC and iPad at the same time, maybe through the cloud. I was hoping that Duet Pro would help but sadly it has a lot of latency.

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  2. Repeat last action (like Ctrl/Cmd+D)

    The Repeat Last Action (cmd+D) is missing from iPad app, it is a very useful repeat option that quickly repeats based on last duplication action.

    9 votes
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  3. please add “transform each object” option like on the dekstop version

    please allow me to use transform each object option soni can modify many object separately like what i did on the dekstop version

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  4. Mockup feature

    Please can the iPad Ai also get the new mockup feature as it available for desktop version.

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  5. Finger Gesture Workflow

    I just started my trial for illustrator on iPad, and Im already upset because of this touch modifier button. Why am I forced as a user to use this touch modifier button? Why can’t I just use a 1 finger or 2 fingers ANYWHERE on the ipad screen to do primary and secondary behaviors? I dont want to use this touch modifier. I instead want to use my fingers because its easier and faster.

    I hate how I SPECIFICALLY have to tap on this touch modifier button to do primary and secondary behaviors for different tools and actions. I want…

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  6. Deckkraftmaske

    Wie in Illustrator Desktop Version wäre das erstellen von deckkraftmasken hilfreich.

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  7. A timeline and onionskin for animation, also add the loop tool. Take a look at Procreate!

    It would be good to animate from an Adobe product on my iPad. There are a lot of limitations with other Animation apps. The Loop pool would be very helpful when drawing.

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  8. A few changes to the pen and pencil tools could make this app perfect

    When drawing for too long with the pencil tool, the entire app gets really laggy because the app is trying to create vectors while I’m drawing. On iPad, there’s no way to turn that off, but on desktop I heard there’s a “Real time” option you can turn off to fix it.

    Also, I would like to be able to hold one finger down while I’m changing a vector, and still have the other point stay still. The vectornator app (now called Curve/Linearity) lets you do this so one anchor point can have vectors facing different ways, and it also…

    2 votes
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  9. Better mouse support for illustrator on iPad

    For illustrator with iPad, we need better mouse integration, such as zoom on mouse wheel, spacebar shortcut for hand tool, etc. Just like Illustrator for desktop, I’m surprised these aren’t included by default.

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  10. Add a simple "In progress" indicator to the editing window.

    Can you add a simple "In progress" indicator to the editing window?

    A simple blinking object or something to show Illustrator-iPad is busy performing the last Instruction? I do realize doing running Illustrator on an iPad is quite a challenge to resource management, and every bit of processing power has to be managed well.

    When working with complex objects, and Illustrator stops responding to instructions because the last instruction was very a big one, I sometimes wonder if Illustrator is just busy, or has frozen up. To find out I tried taping some other instruction … bad idea.

    Illustrator usually…

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  11. Trackpad not working with Illustrator Palm Rejection option turned on.

    I can not select, edit text, move object and so on with the trackpad when the "Palm Rejection is ON"
    Whent i work with the keyboard and trackpad to edit text or move object i must diseable the "Palm Rejection option from Ilustrator settings". To make fine adjustments i use the pen, but for that i must Activate the "Palm Rejection".
    In the system settings the option "Only draw with apple pencil is ON" but is does not affect illustrator"
    It would be great if the "Palm Rejection" option did not affect trackpad usage.

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  12. Palm Rejection Radius

    I just bought an ipad pro since I was having issues with palm rejection while drawing on desktop with a wacom cintiq 27q hd. (It was detecting a point on my palm while drawing with brush tool and was making zig-zagged lines even when I have the gloves on and I wasn't really having an issue beforehand like years ago using the earlier versions of illustrator cc.) But I'm really disappointed with the ipad version as well. There are no problems with the glove on but w/o it whenever my palm touches the screen first it does a pinch of…

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  13. Disappointed with Ai performance with simple graphics

    Illustrator was the first software I learned. 1988-1992. Version 4.0? My Mac-daddy Mac Quadra had a 500mb HD and some blazing 128 MB RAM. Illustrator worked well. Cant you dust it off tweak some tools to run well on iPad Pro… Better to run well than frustrate; iPad chipset will catch up. Run the beautiful basics add more as you can. Very disappointed with Ai performance with simple graphics attached waiting to process moves, Mobile Bundle? Not even going to try photoshop. Cancelling in a month. Love to Adobe. Peace

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  14. Import Adobe Capture assets on iPad like I could with comp

    Import Adobe Capture assets on iPad like I could with comp. Many of us have been long term users of Adobe apps and Creative cloud and dislike the ill conceived shadows of previous apps and functions that now limit work flow. WE have paid Adobe a lot of money and expect more that 12 year olds building apps.

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  15. 等角グリッド


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  16. Window tab features

    please please add all the options to the ipad version that are on the window tab on desktop version. So many things i cant do without distort roughen etc. thank you!

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  17. 1 vote
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  18. Voice commands

    “Jarvis” for Adobe products

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