Width Tool and Stroke Profiles (found in the desktop version)
Please please please, introduce this tool for the iPad.
This one of my favorite features in Illustrator.
Thank you.

Ricardo Guzmán commented
It’s been years. Please. Every other vector app has this tool but illustrator. Frustrating that we got ai “features” instead of an actual, basic tool for drawing.
Stevie Ray Corn commented
I can't believe no Width tool after 3 years????
Don't wait for a ProCreate Vector app to come eat your lunch again
D commented
Custom/edit width profiles of strokes
Ryan Miller commented
Width tool gives so much control to dial in designs. I keep having to go to desktop app to tweak designs which is an infuriating workflow.
Clarissa commented
Please add the width tool to illustrator for iPad. I would like the ability to manually change the width of my pen strokes without using brush stoke settings and making a visual mess of my designs.
Emily Larger commented
PLEASE add this tool to the iPad illustrator. I got a new iPad to draw more easily with an Apple Pencil but find I’m still using my laptop BECAUSE I love the width tool so much.
Jorge Tenorio commented
This is an amazing tool for vector artwork.Please make it available to the IPad.
Rareș Molnar commented
This is essential! Great idea!
Mark Hessler commented
The desktop version allows you to change the thickness of a pen or pencil line, I would love to see it on the iPad version
Jenny Vaishtein commented
this tool is my favorite! I bought an iPad so i can easily illustrate with illustrator and was sooo soooo disappointed that this tool doesn’t exist in the iPad version… I almost feel sorry for buying it :(
Please make this tool asap!
Thank you -
Trev Murphy commented
I love editing lines after drawing them, it’d be great to be able to add handles like the desktop version.
Brian commented
Make this happen, please. As soon as possible.
D commented
Please add Width tool support for strokes
D H commented
This tool is critical to my process. I use it a lot on the pc version
O Makoto commented
Petr Antušek commented
This is a must have feature. The taper stroke on the brush is absolutely insufficient and the width tool is definitely needed for precise work.
Alejandro Diaz commented
Absolute Must!
Farid Muaishim commented
yes i also need width tool
Arif Ridwan Abriyanto commented
Please make this feature.. I will only use illustrator on iPad if this feature exist..
Anonymous commented
Calligraphic brush strokes can change width depending on pressure of Apple Pencil. The absence of this feature really limits the appeal of the IPad app for me.