Improved 3D effects and Adobe Substance materials
We have introduced new and improved '3D and Materials' effects in 26.0 this year. These effects have been fully rebuilt using modern rendering technology and apart from being much more stable than classic 3D effects, they also allow you to:
* Apply and edit 3D effects conveniently through a non-blocking panel with real time preview.
* Texture artwork using Adobe Substance 3D materials that are highly adjustable. Choose from built-in materials in the panel or upload your own.
* Light up artwork with environment and directional light along with shadows.
* Create smooth and curvy extrusions using the new Inflate option.
* Rotate artwork more easily using the new on-canvas controls.
* Once you've setup your 3D object, render it using Ray tracing with adjustable quality options.
There are more features we're actively working on bringing to these effects. Please share your feedback and suggestions from your experience of using these new effects.
There are now several separate requests made, based on the feedback in this thread:
1. Regarding adjustable color and opacity for 3D shadows:
2. Regarding presets for each tab in 3D and Materials panels: Object, Materials, Lighting:
All those who commented on the topic until October 16, 2023, are already added as voters there. If this is something you want to have for 3D and Materials in Illustrator — please upvote it. If possible — create new requests and bug reports about 3D, rather than commenting here inside. This will help the team to better prioritize efforts on making the feature better. As always — thanks for the feedback! It helps.
Josh Tucker commented
While I'm editing, the object looks exactly how I want. But as soon as I stop editing, it duplicates the object and chops it in half and it's all wrong. If I expand appearance or try to export or anything, I get the messed up version - not the correct thing.
Danielle commented
Would be great if there was a way to create your own default settings for Lighting. Is this possible?
Guillermo Davila commented
Hi! I've been trying to inflate some paths and export to SVG, but the 3d and materials effect won't let the background show through, even though, in Illustrator everything looks fine.
Tamara Nelson commented
Attached is a file demonstrating the distortions that occur when using the new 3D mapping on letters or shapes with negative spaces. This is not the original file I started with, but I wanted to make sure I was getting the same results. I've tried different computers as well. Thanks for any feedback you can give.
Tamara Nelson commented
Thank you for getting back to me and sorry it took so long to respond. It's the end of the semester and I've had other concerns. Attached is a file demonstrating the distortions that occur when using the new 3D mapping on letters or shapes with negative spaces. This is not the original file I started with, but I wanted to make sure I was getting the same results. I've tried different computers as well. Thanks for any feedback you can give. -
Mona, Twist and Taper is going to be released in 27.1 in this December. 27.0.1 is one minor version away from it :)
Mona Costa-Mauri commented
My latest version of illustrator 27.01 doesn't have twist and taper options.
Why not? -
George Langley commented
Is crashing my MacBook Pro, running BigSur (11.6.7)
AND has now lost the effect in the Appearance window! The effect is still there on the object, but clicking the object I don't see the "crosshair" icon. And going to the Appearance window, the effect is not there, so I cannot alter it further. AND if I try to add the 3D Bevel effect again, I get a warning saying only some objects are supported and that I can't apply a second effect. Yet it does show now in the Appearance window, but it isn't the one that is being applied! So I cannot get back to the effect to alter it or even remove it. -
Don E. commented
While it's nice for some effects, I much prefer the output of the classic vs. the new. Here's a quick test I did of two objects. The new 3D sometimes introduces inexplicable cutoffs (see the left and right side of the blue pill shape) and when a common perspective is assigned to separate objects, things quickly fall apart as opposed to the classic, where all the pieces maintain their common references and can therefore be easily built into 3d objects. For a more extreme version of Classic's ability, check out PLEASE, for the love of all that is good, NEVER get rid of Classic.
Azarias Júnior Hele commented
In this new feature of 3d and Materials, I think you should Add perspective distortion of the DEPTH, to give that optical illusion of depth when you increase the amount.
Eddie Deighton commented
Not liking this update at all. Classic layout was much better. Functionality-wise, my shapes aren't retaining the information for the bevel presets I've input so that I can re-edit and adjust once they're in position on my artwork plus, if I alter the shape proportions (i.e., enlarge the shape) I can't customise the bevels to maintain consistency with the smaller shapes. Also, there doesn't appear to be an option to re-set the shape so that it doesn't have 3D settings applied, so you have to recreate the shape from scratch or constantly have the target symbol appearing on your shapes. Very frustrating.
Tamara Nelson commented
The 3D mapping feature does not work if there is a path that has been used as a negative space. Say, like the inner triangle in the upper case "A". If I want to map an image on the front face of the letter, the mapping feature doesn't work. Any image that is mapped creates digital garbage in the mapped image. I have found that this seems to only be a problem with an inner path of a form that used the Patherfinder "minus front".
Claudia Ale Matus commented
Thanks, I'm not finding the panel where option "map art" is
Swill commented
Pretty good thing overall. But how do I make multiple light sources? Really, how do you imitate 3D with only one light source and 4 presets for it?
Nelson Wapon Safo commented
Hi Egor, thank you for looking into it. Please let me know if/when you have an update.
@Naleson, it’s OK :) I am seeing the file and confirm the weird scaling. I will notify the team. Thanks!
Nelson Wapon Safo commented
@chegr Hi Egor, I see you replied to my comment below via e-mail but I can't find where to reply on the website so I'm responding here: here is my Illustrator file demonstrating my issue.
Andy Davey commented
Sooooo, how do I save my Material setting? After changing the "Plastic Base" from blue to another color and adjusting the parameters, how does one save this setting?
Nelson Wapon Safo commented
When I use the 3D & Material effects and also want to use a bevel, the texture of my image immediately gets distorted when activating the Extrude mode.
Ocean Dweller commented
my vector goes automaticly to pixels when I use 3D mode.