My feedback
2 results found
416 votes
Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.With Best Regards,
Illustrator TeamMike supported this idea ·
39 votes
We need your help in re-creating this issue at our end. If this issue is reproducible at will, please reach out to sharewithai@adobe.com with your convenient time for remote screen sharing. If this happens intermittently, please do screen recording and send us the same. Any other details that help in re-creating this issue will be helpful (files, workspace, plug-ins, preferences, etc.)
Illustrator TeamMike supported this idea ·
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From ridiculous suggestions like "it's the keyboard" to stories of "just turn these options off", this problem seems to have been plaguing at LEAST AI for several years now. I mean sure, I'm willing to test anything to get the software to work but come on. I thought when 24 came out and suddenly I was not having the problem immediately (on a mac) that MAYBE somebody finally found the issue and resolved it. Nope. This is hopelessly ridiculous and wholly unacceptable given the prices we pay for this product. Solutions like shut down your browsers, turn off dictation...these do not SOLVE anything, they PATCH at best. How many of you don't have any browsers open and have NEVER turned on accessibility or dictation options and still have had the problems. How does adobe find this acceptable? Turn off virus protection has been my personal favorite. Come on. If technical support cannot reproduce then they are using unrealistic configurations and software on their test machines. For the record, I work in BOTH windows and mac environments...and the windows version, for me anyway, has never had this problem...but the mac is just hands down so much faster using any of the adobe products. Why oh why is there not a final solution on this...yet ?