Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
138 results found
Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.
416 votesHi,
Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team -
Wrong exported image size (extra pixel added) if artboard coordinates are non-integer, not pixel-perfect
In attached AI file there are 1 artboard if you just export it for Screens you will get an image size 105px × 104px, however in AI it's sized as 104x104px.
Check that X coordinate of artboard is 172.34 px, so it's float. Just change it to 172px and re-publish and image will be 104x104.So, coordinates of artboard should affect into output PNG image.
Also, should be related too: 21.1.0 macOS
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4x5 RATIO chandelier1midnightoncandy.jpg 2283 KB -
2021-06-16 14-20-32.mp4 4208 KB -
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Export wrong 155 KB -
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173 votesThis issue is probably happening because the artboard dimensions are not appropriate for raster export (i.e. are in decimals).
If you make x and y values as the whole numbers in the transform panel (not in decimal), then the extra pixels will not be added to the exported image.That is the workaround, and it’s reported that it’s not always the case.
At the same time — Ai knows the size of artboards to be exported and yet it does not deliver the set sizes, which is not fair. The team is going to rethink the algorithm.
Click-drag fails... snaps back
Click-drag, click-opt (copy) drag, click-shift (constrained) drag fails... snaps back.
Click on object to drag it either with or without option and/or shift and sometimes it will fail and snap back to its original position.
Mac mini M1
MacOS 12.2.1 Monterey
Apple Magic Mouse (no Wacom or other third party drivers)Same behavior on two identical machines.
Works fine with v26.0.3.
Application frame bug.mp4 1601 KB -
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error 35278 KB - 367 KB -
Screen Recording 2022-03-14 at 12.19.04 642 KB -
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Specs.png 53 KB -
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166 votes -
View Using GPU Gets Greyed Out Permanently with Outline Mode
Hello, with fresh preferences, 'View using GPU' and scrubby zoom are enabled in Illustrator. if I turn on Outline Mode, Illustrator loses connection with my GPU. The 'View using GPU' option becomes greyed out and never restores. In order to get it back I have to delete my preferences. Here is my system info:
Illustrator 25.1
OS: Windows 10
GPU: 2 x NVIDIA Titan Black
RAM: 64 GB Memory
GPU Driver: Driver 460.89
Display: ASUS PQ321Q 4K100 votes -
The bounding box for lines and narrow objects doesn’t have center handles
Missing the center handles for all lines, unable to extend lines properly (without scaling them) unless I switch to direct selection tool, which is a pain.
88 votesSo it’s obviously not fixed, and we all know it.
While the cursor gets changes into the horizontal/vertical two-headed arrow, the center handles for the bounding box indeed don’t appear, if the width/height of the art (here just an orthogonal line) is small enough.
Please continue to share you thought, screenshots, GIFs. It’s time to re-review this again.
Still not able to paste (Cmd + V) text when creating a new folder in Save As / Save a Copy / Export As dialog box in Ai 2020
In the latest update the copy and paste option is fixed when trying to do it in the save as dialog box. But if I try to create a new folder with the save as dialog box open I still cannot cmd+v to paste text into the field.
84 votesThis issue was reintroduced in MacOS update Ventura. The team ran into another issue while implementing the workaround suggested by Apple. While the team revisits this issue, users can use workaround this issues by paste through context menu. Thank you all for the patience.
Smart guides don't work properly
It has been too long for this not to be working right yet. Smart guides aren't smart enough. When smart guides snap to something it has to be exact, not .05 pixels off. Close enough is not good enough. Also, when I drag over an object it needs to snap to that object, not some random shape clear across the pasteboard. If I have to zoom in 2600% to manually align something (which I often do) smart guides and snapping have failed. Is there some ridiculous setting I have to change to get this to work the way it's supposed…
82 votesIt’s dangerous to call things Smart... When they behave dumb, the name sound like an insult. Sadly, this is the case.
Please provide more specific cases, with video proofs, ask you colleagues to share and vote, to move this further. This is the way to force changes to things that are broken — be vocal and persistent. Thank you all and let’s hope we get heard.
Bug in entering number values in transform panel
Version: CC 22 (and has happened in previous versions)
OS: Windows 10There is a small bug that happens often when using the transform panel. I use it a lot to move and size objects with precision. Many times, I will want to move an object with the X and Y values. I will type a number, press enter and a completely different number value will automatically appear in the box and move it to that value. For example, I want to move an object to 4.25" in the Y axis and after I press enter, a value of 36.0833"…
76 votesIt is now obvious the issue was not fixed fully. The developers are aware of it now. Let’s hope it will be fixed soon enough.
If you have a solid order of steps which reproduce this behavior, share them in comments, because only some machines are affected. Please help the team to isolate it.
Artboard Borders / Guides / Grid Disappear when Scrolling/Panning
When I scroll or pan with the scrollbars or the hand tool the black border of the artboards disappear. This is super annoying as I keep my canvas white, so when I'm moving around the canvas, I can't see where the artboards are until I release the hand tool.
70 votesWe have started working on fixing this one.
macOS Catalina (Ver. 10.15.7)
Illustrator 2021
低解像度のドロップシャドウ部分は表示のみではなく出力した際も低解像度のままとなっており、ドロップシャドウ部分に変更を加えたり、コピペしたりすると正しい表示に戻るようです。63 votes -
Pasted artwork does not remember sublayers
When pasting artwork from one file to another with matching layer and sub-layer names, Illustrator will not remember sub layers and pasted artwork has to be re-sorted in to sub layers.
43 votesHi All,
Thanks for reporting this issue and sorry for the inconvenience caused. We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and it is currently under review.
Anish Kumar
Illustrator Team -
Performance is extremely slow when using show grids in outline preview
macOS Big Sur 11.4, Illustrator 25.3.1
When switching to outline mode when using show grids, it is almost impossible to keep on working as everything is in slow motion, as if the graphic card is unable to cope. This occurs with a 500 kb file that was trouble free before the last updates.
42 votesIt turns out the problem is fixed only partially in 26.3.1, only for some users, and the performance remains slow when grid is rendered with lines or dots in Outline mode. This applies to zooming, panning and ghosting of objects being moved.
Please help the team by providing your specs and answers to these questions:
1. Does it work fine with grid as dots in Preivew / Outline mode?
2. Does it differ from grid as lines in these modes?
3. What is slow for you exactly? How severe?
4. Is there a difference if you disable 'Grids In Back' option?
5. What are you lines/subdivisions settings?
And any other related feedback is appreciated. Let's track it down and get this really fixed.
Selection tool won't grab lines
Selection tool won't grab and move lines without extreme effort. Simple click and move isn't working in solid and hollow pointers. I have to drag a selection across the line or lasso the line to highlight it but then it still won't let me do a simple click-drag. It's like the line is locked down but nothing is locked. I'm running MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 and Illustrator 23.0. I've tried multiple settings of selection tolerance in preferences and it hasn't made any difference. I can move the selected line with cursor keys but can't move it with selection arrows. This didn't…
39 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this. We are able to reproduce this issue and it is currently under review.
Ankit Goyal
Pantone Solid Spot colors added from InDesign to a CC Library become Magenta Process colors in Illustrator
A Pantone Solid Spot color (or any Lab spot color) added to a CC library in InDesign will become 100% Magenta CMYK Process color in the Swatches panel when added from the CC library by double clicking in Illustrator.
31 votes -
31 votes
PDF export without color conversion converts RGB images to CMYK
This is a bug that occurs in Illustrator 2025 (29.2.1) and later.
When an RGB image is placed as a linked file in a CMYK document, it gets converted to CMYK upon PDF export, even if "No Color Conversion" is selected. In Illustrator 2025 (29.2.0) and earlier, the image remained in RGB.
This bug affects only PNG and JPG files. Other formats, such as PSD, remain in RGB.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a new CMYK document.
- Place an RGB image (PNG or JPG) as a linked file (do not embed).
- Export the document as a PDF with "No Color Conversion"…
30 votes -
Eyedropper picks wrong CMYK colors from image's RGB preview in CMYK document
I observe that AI's eyedropper picks color not directly from a raster image, but from it's preview, but I think it's terribly wrong, especially when you pick a color from a CMYK image placed inside of a CMYK document, and get some mutated color instead of ground truth.
For example, I have a photo blended into a single colored background and I don't remember which one exactly. I pick this color with the eyedropper inside AI to match the image’s edge with the vector background ...and it almost looks OK, but when it's printed, the mismatch is quite visible.
29 votesThe team is investigating the problem with the embedding reported
AltGr key not working
AltGr key does not work as intended, it currently only produces a Ctrl+Alt keypress. On many European keyboard layouts it is used to type e.g. characters @, [, {, |, \, ~, and currency symbols (€, $, £). The only way to circumvent this is to use e.g. Notepad to type in the characters and copy-pasting them, which is a nuisance. All the other Adobe CC apps - just as basically every other Windows app in the world - use AltGr as intended, so why does not Illustrator?
27 votesAltGr is supposed to be equivalent to Alt + ctrl.
At present, when we press e.g. AltGr + E while writing text, we check if any command can handle it and if yes it is not passed to application to handle key event. That’s why existing commands are triggered on those extended char shortcuts.If we want to change the behavior that while writing text key shortcuts (e.g. AltGr + E) should write extended character, Then we will have to sacrifice all the text contextual shortcuts we have at present in app e.g. ctrl + alt + I does something. All those commands would stop working.
This is the reason why we are moving it to the feature -
Color palette overrides fill colors and color modes in Illustrator 2018
Hi, I am a design professor and most students in my class experienced a specific problem when we were doing an exercise to learn how to apply the correct color palettes to different logo files. Specifically, we created fictional identity designs as a means to learn how to create a production-ready bundle of files (a logo with versions in b&w, spot color (Pantone), 4-color process, and RGB). Almost 100% of my 18 students had their 4-color process file -- which was filled with CMYK colors upon designing, and should have stayed CMYK -- show up as being filled with RGB…
23 votes -
Alt-Drag to Duplicate (and Shift to align) Only Works Intermittently
Duplicating objects in Illustrator CC 2017 only works on occasion, it is not consistent as it was in previous versions. Holding Shift to align while dragging and duplicating also doesn't work. These were both key features of Illustrator and if there is a way to fix this problem I would be very interested to know how!
22 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this.
We are able to reproduce this issue and it is currently under review.
Ankit Goyal
- Don't see your idea?