Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.

Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
Andrew commented
Insanely simple bug posted in 2017. Under review since 2019. Perfect Adobe moment
Todd Mucurio commented
Most recent update (July 2020) came with its own surprises, e.g. lost: Spacebar hand-tool shortcut, Cmd / Cmd + Option + Spacebar for zoom in/out; horizontal/vertical distribution tool aligns center vs distributing evenly.
Also attached are system basics. Advise if you require more info.
Filip Blažek commented
@BlackChrome I wait for the support of standard character “Nonbreaking Space” three decades. It is crucial for proper typesetting of my native language (10 million speakers). I don’t expect Adobe will ever correct bugs affecting only minority of users :-(
BlackChrome commented
It's been about 5 years now… How we doing on this? Maybe slow your roll on beta features and just make the program work?
Dockskipper commented
Other programs can steel the spacebar. For me, Microsoft word does. I close Word and all is good again. Just close one program at a time and you will find the thief.
Colby Parsons commented
I've had this issue for years on my PC. It is unbelievable that Adobe has not fixed this, given how much money they are taking in.
Anonymous commented
Took you long enough
Robert Ojok commented
At the moment I cannot use the space bar on Mac to use the hand tool to move items
Marco Vadagnini commented
Win 10 Pro - Adobe Illustrator 2022 26.5.0
Spacebar DOES toggle "hand", but DOES NOT pan/move objects.
Still, toggling hand tool with H key, DOES ALLOW panning.Terribly annoying!!!
This is not removed and works for me just fine.
Does this still happen for you? -
Nora davis davis commented
The most probable reasons are an outdated Adobe Illustrator version, a corrupt font database, or a bad preference file. These don't sound that frightening, that's true. However, the issue happens again and again, so you need to take action.
(Edited by admin) -
Ravi commented
'Locking the computer and the unlocking it' worked for me.
It was so frustrating earlier as I had to literally quit all the programs and restart my computer each time this issue occurred. And it had started showing up too ofter recently.
Thank you Rojer Edison! You saved me!
I hope Adobe takes a note of this.
Nora davis davis commented
I quit every other program that was running and it was resolved. BUT i need other programs open while working in Illustrator so this works as a short term fix. I need a permanent fix though! And fast! Or all of my students will need to be taught new ways to get around the program and I'll have to revise all my handouts.
(Edited by admin) -
Philippe Martinez commented
It's 2022. This is still happening. Out of the blue, the spacebar stops being the hand, and zoom shortcuts (spacebar + command, spacebar + command + option) stop working. I'm using the latest Illustrator at the time of writing (2022 26.0.2). Not much else is open on my Mac: Chrome, Acrobat, and the calculator.
When it happens, I use what some other users have recommended: put the computer to sleep then immediately wake it back up using the spacebar. The issue resolves itself. But please: fix the root cause. -
Rojer Edison commented
simple doods,, just do lock your pc and again open it thats it,,, if laptop please close it after locked then open it
its working really ...
lin Alice commented
I just upgraded my Illustrator and has been suffer by this problem as well!! Q-Q
Richard Schletty commented
Illustrator 2020's hand tool could not be invoked with spacebar today. This has happened before. Previously caused by my 1Password extension running in Chrome. When I deactivated the 1Password extension or quit Chrome, the hand tool could be made to appear using spacebar. AgileBits may have squashed the bug – it hadn't happened to me in over a year.
Today, I discovered that the BitWarden desktop password manager which I am trying out is causing the same inablity to bring up the Illustrator hand tool using spacebar. As soon as I quit BitWarden, spacebar functionality was restored.
Stephen Barrante commented
Since updating from 2021 to 2022 version of Illustrator, the Spacebar as a shortcut for the hand tool has stopped working.
Currently running 11.6 on an iMac Pro
Caitlin Sheridan commented
AHHH! Why though! I quit every other program that was running and it was resolved. BUT i need other programs open while working in Illustrator so this works as a short term fix. I need a permanent fix though! And fast! Or all of my students will need to be taught new ways to get around the program and I'll have to revise all my handouts.
Anonymous commented
Is there a fix yet for the space bar to use as a hand tool on Mac OS Sur ? very frustrating when I've been using it for over 27 years now.......................thanks