Cursor stuck on hand
The cursor is stuck on the hand tool in all my adobe apps so I cannot use them at all.

We need your help in re-creating this issue at our end. If this issue is reproducible at will, please reach out to with your convenient time for remote screen sharing. If this happens intermittently, please do screen recording and send us the same. Any other details that help in re-creating this issue will be helpful (files, workspace, plug-ins, preferences, etc.)
Illustrator Team
Do you have Magnet app installed?
Can you please try to disable it and see if anything changes. -
Prince William Water commented
My IT department has put in a ticket with Adobe. I've read that a lot of people have encountered this issue and we've tried everything suggested to fix it with no success.
Prince William Water commented
Is there a fix for this?
lainee commented
1) MacOS: Ventura 13.6.4
2) Illustrator v. 28.3
3) I opened a file start working on it and when I try to use any tool, the hand tool is the only one that will work.I tried to capture a screenshot but I can't capture the 'hand' showing instead of the solid arrow.
Hector Raso commented
Using MacOS 12.4, Illustrator 27.7. The Group Selection Tool turns into the hand tool or group selection tool, they continue to function as the group selection tool, but it's annoying as grabbing points with the hand too is frustrating. It never reverts back to normal unless I quit program, which makes the tool function normally, until I zoom in, then it becomes hand tool, etc.
Would appreciate any help or work around.(Edited by admin) -
Brenda Ray commented
Brenda Ray commented
Problem with Illustrator and Photoshop. I have a Macbook Air Apple M1 16GB. My pointer goes to the Hand and text path shuts down.
Jihane Bishop commented
This has been a reoccuring issue for me for months. The cursor is stuck on selection when I try any other tools. I'm mainly using paintbrush when this happens. This happens only sporadically but it's always a bummer.
Something that works sometimes is ensuring all opened projects saved. But this isn't always successful.
Details of your operating system: Windows 11 Home 22H2
The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop): Illustrator v 27.3.1I could upload a video but literally just imagine I've clicked on paintbrush but my cursor looks like a hand. lol
Thank you so much for helping because................. this keeps happening. I've updated it to the latest version and everything. It's hindering my progress. I mean I'd be so upset if I was pressed for time and I couldn't even use my program. I've tried resetting my laptop, too and it didn't work. It just decides not to work sometimes!
Alexia Córdova commented
Recien instale el programa y al abrir no me deja utililzar ninguna herramienta mas que la "mano". Lo mismo sucede si intento usar versiones anteriores.
tom sewell commented
problem obvious... can't use program.
tom sewell commented
hand tool won't go away, despite quitting program. sorta need to be able to use other tools!
Carloongee commented
How do I fix this. Cause am handling a big project but this is failing me.
Debbie commented
I'm also having this issue. No consistent rhyme or reason to it - I do not have dictation turned on. Sometimes restarting the app resets it, but not consistently. Is there a solve to this yet?
Jenn B commented
Thanks Jamie!
The cursor issue was driving me bonkers! I indeed had enabled dictation. Your solution worked perfectly. Back in business.
Christian Flores commented
The hand tool will randomly appear (sometimes with shortcut, sometimes not) and then refuses to go away no matter how many times I hit spacebar or escape. I have to quit and relaunch illustrator to fix.
Christian Flores commented
The hand tool will randomly appear (sometimes with shortcut, sometimes not) and then refuses to go away no matter how many times I hit spacebar or escape. I have to quit and relaunch illustrator to fix.
Christian Flores commented
The hand tool will randomly appear (sometimes with shortcut, sometimes not) and then refuses to go away no matter how many times I hit spacebar or escape. I have to quit and relaunch illustrator to fix.
Anonymous commented
I have this same issue — NOTHING is working for me.
Mike commented
From ridiculous suggestions like "it's the keyboard" to stories of "just turn these options off", this problem seems to have been plaguing at LEAST AI for several years now. I mean sure, I'm willing to test anything to get the software to work but come on. I thought when 24 came out and suddenly I was not having the problem immediately (on a mac) that MAYBE somebody finally found the issue and resolved it. Nope. This is hopelessly ridiculous and wholly unacceptable given the prices we pay for this product. Solutions like shut down your browsers, turn off dictation...these do not SOLVE anything, they PATCH at best. How many of you don't have any browsers open and have NEVER turned on accessibility or dictation options and still have had the problems. How does adobe find this acceptable? Turn off virus protection has been my personal favorite. Come on. If technical support cannot reproduce then they are using unrealistic configurations and software on their test machines. For the record, I work in BOTH windows and mac environments...and the windows version, for me anyway, has never had this problem...but the mac is just hands down so much faster using any of the adobe products. Why oh why is there not a final solution on this...yet ?
Anonymous commented
I was also using on MacBook Pro and had the same issue. Took two months for tech support to email me back, by the time they did I found the answer online. I did the same thing as Jamie mentioned and the problem was resolved.