Rotation of the Canvas
Like in Photoshop it would be great if an Artist could rotate the artboard/canvas in Illustrator. If you draw a line from left to right it's never the same stroke as from up to down.

Hi friends! I have some great news for your today. Rotate View (Canvas) feature is available in Illustrator 25.3 (Desktop) now. Thank you all for your feedback which helped us shape up this feature.
Anna commented
Come on, you guys. This would be huge!
Zak commented
Davey, hopefully, you can wait. There have been no updates on this since Nov 2017. A sense of urgency and or customer service is not something Adobe excels at.
Davey Morgan commented
I'm ready to upgrade from Illustrator CS6 and throw my money at Illustrator CC when the update is available! I can't wait! :) I'll be upgrading the same day the update is released. Thank you for your hard work on this feature!
Randy Devost commented
It would be great to be able to rotate the Artboard (Page) View. Similar to InDesign.
G.A. Gonzalez commented
I know you guys are working on it, and I appreciate the communication you all have with the AI community. Was thinking about a possible solution which flies a bit against what the gentleman who responded to the question on the live chat said, regarding doing it properly and not using workarounds. That said...
There are only a handful of tools that would need canvas rotation, as far as I can tell from my POV. Brush, blob brush and pencil come to mind. What if rotate canvas suspends all/most other functions once enabled. Leaving only the capabilities of said tools in a special edit mode, similar to drilling into a group or Isolate Selected Artwork. The underlying art that may contain problematic effects, etc becomes a static, non-modify-able image that’s there for reference only. Then snaps back to regular mode once rotate canvas is exited. I know I’m oversimplifying and chances are this has already been considered, but wanted to share. Best of luck, and can't wait for this feature! -
Anonymous commented
I would like to have a spell checker and rotate the work table in Illustrator. Thanks !
Zak commented
Seriously. @Yogesh, what's the status on this?
Simon Bowland commented
"Picking it up shortly"... that was back in Nov 2017. It's now May 2018. Any update, @Yogesh?
Anonymous commented
hey bob, I'm not sure I fully understand what you're suggesting, but it sounds quite complicated. All I want is the ability to rotate the canvas so I can draw freehand curves properly - like this: , or like a traditional animation desk (they all have a rotating disk in the middle for a reason!). Like in photoshop! It doesn't do anything apart from 'rotate the paper' so you can draw at a different angle.
Bob Wolf commented
**IDEA** Maybe it's the problem that we all work in Ai off the art board a lot of the time, crafting and drawing everywhere and then piecing final artwork together on the Artboards. This being the case could we have a specific 'space' or preset that we could open that is just one Artboard? No drawing out of bounds. I guess a bit like Photoshop where you can't go off the canvas. Would this make the feature easier to implement in Ai? If it would I for one would be happy for the compromise. Open up the Rotate-Space, spin like crazy whilst creating and then copy out from there into a normal multi Artboard file for layout. What do you reckon?
Zak commented
"Picking it up shortly" Nov 21, 2017. It's now March 29, 2018. Can you specify your definition of "shortly"?
Anonymous commented
hey, wacom cintiq & intuous user here, please stop telling me I don't need to rotate the canvas because it makes drawing so much easier - there's a reason old-skool animation desks have a rotating disk in them, not to mention photoshop, toon boom harmony, tvpaint, opentoonz, affinity designer and sketchbook pro which ALL let you rotate the canvas so you can, you know, actually "illustrate stuff", which, you would have thought "illustrator" would actually have but hey :-P Come on Adobe, please sort this out, we put up with some of the ridiculous ui (dropdown menu for transparency % wtf?) but this is a pretty fundamental feature for freehand drawing....
Elizabeth Seney commented
I wish we could like posts because I would definitely give a thumbs up to the MARVELous post the last anonymous person put up. It's ridiculous when I hear people say "You should be able to draw at any angle"...all I can do is laugh. Why would you be so torturous to yourself? lol I use my entire body when I draw and paint.
Hopefully "Added to Backlog" and "shortly" means soon...despite that response being 5 months old...
Anonymous commented
I work for a pretty MARVELous comic book company and use the Adobe Creative suite every day. Photoshop is humans’ greatest invention after the wheel. Illustrator however has a lot of catching up to do. Great place to start: ADD ROTATE CANVAS function. Most artists I know use a Wacom Cintiq, the lack of a rotate canvas feature slows down production A LOT! I spin my tablet more than a DJ does records! My wrists are killing me Illustrator! C’mon and help a bunch of cartoonists out!
Anthony Dias commented
Hello, I would just like to add my voice to this request! I would LOVE to be able to freely and smoothly rotate the entire art board/canvas just like you can in Photoshop (and in real life :)
Pau Allen commented
Can you just tell us when this, if ever, will be implemented? I have a big decision to make on a number of client projects that are going to be affected by this.
Zak commented
Do we have updates on implementing artboard rotation?
Hans commented
Any updates? Not having this feature really sucks.
Pau Allen commented
This is a really important feature that is missing from Illustrator. Considering the industry standard for packaging design is Illustrator, and you can't rotate your view! Crazy. Please implement this feature. Its in Indesign and Photoshop!
Anonymous commented
Any updates on this? I just recently switched from PS to Illustrator and was shocked to learn that I can't rotate the artboard (that feature is the main reason I started using PS in the first place, from my previous program!). I draw artwork that needs to be viewed from any angle (i.e. any side can be the 'top') and it really doesn't work for me to not be able to easily see this/draw from the different angles.