Allow gradient swatches to be added to CC library
It's great to have colors in the cc library but why can't those colors be gradients too? Please allow us to add gradient swatches to the cc library. Thanks

We have released the support for Gradient swatches in CC library with our latest release - v29.3
You can select the gradient swatch in swatches panel and add it to CC Library through the button on the bottom bar in the panel. You can also select any object which has gradient applied and add that gradient to CC Library through Add Elements from the Libraries panel and choose Fill Gradient from the drop-down menu.
Please update to this version from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and let us know your feedback.
Anonymous commented
Can't believe we still can't save gradients to CC Libraries after the massive gradient revival over the past couple of years. So frustrating to have to make my gradients over and over and over again
jayse commented
I don't think Illustrator is being developed anymore. Seems like one person at a remote office somewhere is doing the 'updates'.
Meanwhile - been using Adobe XD and it's the AI we always wanted.... just doesn't have everything. But has a surprising amount (just well-hidden for a cleaner UI experience.)
Melanie Cardozo commented
Incredibly disappointing that this issue is still under review. Such a no-brainer of a feature.
Here's betting that this gets added within the next 10 updates with no announcement, and no special note in the update log.
Then this thread get deleted without getting addressed by an actual employee. Just the way Adobe rolls I guess.
James Murphy commented
It is Insane! that this is still under review.
Anonymous commented
Exactly as the title says. Make gradient swatches able to be shared across projects via the library. As it is, I can add elements using the gradient swatch to the library, but then the gradient itself isn't editable on the other end.
Claus Hyldal commented
Really? Under review since 2017?
It will end up being the most researched and therefore best implemented feature yet. ;-)
I can hardly wait. ;-) -
Chris Fullam commented
This would be a huge benefit to Library users
Anonymous commented
Bump +1000:)) Needed so badly!
Bec commented
I would really love this feature! I do a lot of work across InDesign & Illustrator and use CC Libraries to streamline.... would be great to be able to add gradients!!!
Anonymous commented
Yes, this is so dated. Adobe, please move this function forward in your next update already. Instead of tweaking other tools to make it more basic and lessen efficiency. PLEASE create this for efficiency. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Saving gradient swatches and having the ability to use them in other products would be fab 🤞
Melanie Cardozo commented
It's ridiculous that this hasn't already been implemented. Either make sure all Creative Cloud applications have the same gradient customization tools or allow gradient swatches to be added to the CC library so you can share them across applications.
emptycolours commented
Mary commented
Upvote for gradients to be added to the CC library. If you add an object with a gradient to the library, you can't use it as a swatch either.
Lincoln commented
C'mon Adobe!
Indesign gradient system is awful, do something at least about cc library! -
John commented
Allow use of gradients created in the adobe color web program and import them from cc library to illustrator.
Rafael Gustavo Rebonato do Valle commented
For me, would be great to save gradients to the custom swatches i made!
Ben commented
I juggle multiple projects at once, sometimes they overlap. I have created a library of swatches that I return to often (gradients and colors), but often create new ones inside a project that I would like to add to my Custom library for use in other files. However, there is no easy option to add these new swatches to a custom library. Maybe there is a way to do this that I don't know about. Drag and Drop functionality with the ability to Save from the panel would be great.
Rob Hutchings commented
I'm not going through 5 pages of comments so apologies if this has already been mentioned but libraries also need to support Freeform gradients. While you're at it Adobe, please update the swatch panel so that these can also be saved there!
I know you can save artwork to the library with gradients applied and then uncouple the colour from the shape once you Alt-drag it back into a file from the CC Library, but hacks are hacks and this really should just work properly.
Jaakko Pöntinen commented
This. I bet there's some sort of fancy pants reason "We cannot do that because Adobe gamma blamma blah blah not the fuction of bla bla would be detrimental bla bla"