Allow gradient swatches to be added to CC library
It's great to have colors in the cc library but why can't those colors be gradients too? Please allow us to add gradient swatches to the cc library. Thanks

We have released the support for Gradient swatches in CC library with our latest release - v29.3
You can select the gradient swatch in swatches panel and add it to CC Library through the button on the bottom bar in the panel. You can also select any object which has gradient applied and add that gradient to CC Library through Add Elements from the Libraries panel and choose Fill Gradient from the drop-down menu.
Please update to this version from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and let us know your feedback.
Anonymous commented
Agreed, please allow the adding of gradients. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Es wäre äußerst wünschenswert, diese Funktion zu implementieren. Bei einem aktuellen Projekt wäre dies sehr hilfreich
Anonymous commented
I agree! where are the gradients??!!
Anonymous commented
Yes Please! Setting up a gradient can take quite awhile. It would be great to be able to save them.
Just an user commented
Please keep calm, Adobe still needs to review it - meanwhile keep those payments coming.
Megan Smith commented
I agree 100%! This is so frustrating.
Mike L. commented
Please add gradients
Guilherme commented
Still waiting...
Doug commented
It's absolutely ridiculous that gradients can't be added to CC library. FIX. IT. NOW.
gazoris commented
I think that option is a necessity!
Design:Management commented
WORKAROUND: create a color swatch set with all gradients and add the graphic as a group to the library. when this is placed in a new document, all color gradients are added to the new doc.
could be easier, but it could be worse
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Echoing this.
Anonymous commented
Agreed! Just started trying to use the CC libraries tool and can't add gradients...issue for me right out of the gate.
Anonymous commented
I'm really missing this feature at the moment. Working on a big project with lots of graphics. I'd like to add as well that I'm missing the ability to add gradients to a color collection, which also makes no sense from a user perspective. Thank you for taking this into consideration.
Anonymous commented
Dalton Crosthwait commented
Seems like a big oversight... adding my voice in favor of implementation. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Gradient swatches should be able to be saved in CC libraries and moved across products.
Anonymous commented
I can't believe this still hasn't been implemented.
Anonymous commented
And yes, yes, yes. Add this please.