Paste without Formatting (Cmd+Shift+V)

Hi Everyone,
This functionality has been shipped in June-2021 version of Illustrator.
The option "Paste without Formatting (Alt+Ctrl+V)’ has been added to the ‘Edit’ Menu.
Thanks for your feedback.
Kalvis Kalsers commented
I find out that paste text without formating in Illustrator works with Ctrl+Alt+V
Levi Johnson commented
Adobe products are so broken.
Jeremy commented
--> without formatting, not with formatting. Please correct the title.
Hans-Jürgen Dyhr commented
The title of this topic seems to be wrong.
IMHO cmd+Shift+V means: Paste withOUT Formatting (as in InDesign).
Maybe a moderator can change this? -
Christo Boshoff commented
Notepad... Why? Because Illustrator can't. This is my life. It shouldn't be, but it is...
Aleks commented
Yes, please. It is very annoying not to have that basic feature!
Jeremy commented
Please add a way to paste text from the clipboard without any formatting. Currently, I have to paste the text into a text editor to remove formatting and then copy/paste back into Illustrator. In other programs, this command is typically CMD-SHIFT-V, it would be nice if the same command could be used in AI for this functionality.
Brandon DeWeese commented
How does this not already exist?
Brendan Goodenough commented
Basically, because illustrator is ****!
Christie commented
Graphic designer updating labels in AI to new branding, such a pain to update the font. Please add to next update
Clinton Petrino commented
I'm going to add another designer name to this issue. If I'm missing something PLEASE let me know. This is an issue almost every time I work in Illustrator.
Derek commented
This is one of many features that needs to be added to Illustrator. It's beyond me that this is still not an option. Another option should be to apply the styling of one paragraph to other paragraphs. I have a dozen paragraphs of text on a label design. The client requested a few styling changes. Having to manually update each paragraph is a huge time waster.
Why not simply offer a "paste and match style" option as well as a "apply paragraph styling to all paragraphs" option? Simple. Yet I'm not holding my breath since Adobe never listens to it's customers or fixes blatant bugs. I guess when you have a monopoly in the professional design industry, customer satisfaction no longer matters.
Anonymous commented
Why isn't there a "Paste Without Formatting Option in Illustrator? You need to put that in the next update!
Steve commented
miss this every day. Please add this!
Patrick Gaffney commented
This needs to be added on the next update without question.
Which every way it is implemented, menu item (edit paste and match style) control (right click) function, custom functionality or otherwise.
I should be able to have copy, raw copy with no formatting in my file, and be able to paste it into another text box with the ability to retain the destination formatting.
Practically every other program has this type of functionality, even Powerpoint, Word, and several others.
Thank you for your help in resolving this oversight. I have lived with this for decades and have finally come to the point in my career where I can no longer work in Illustrator without this type of functionality.
For example, in InDesign, this is accomplished by "paste in place" which isn't perfect.
In my email program, the work around is "command, option, shift, V" which retains the destination formatting. There has to be a way to implement this into Illustrator.
Thanks for your help.
Please contact me if anyone on your team would like to discuss this issue.
Ksprack commented
I'm honestly shocked that this isn't a thing already.... You can do this in XD etc.. can we get this moved up to a priority! :)
Anonymous commented
Nearly all programs can do that, Indesign can do that, why not Illustrator? Usecase:
I copy withing Illustrator
I paste within Illustrator
I do not want the old formatting
I now have to take a deroute e. g. via textfile to get unformatted text (paste, select, copy)
Then I can pastePlease add this very basic functionality as it exists in Indesign already since a long time.
Anonymous commented
This hasn't been done yet?!
William Scalia commented
This is pretty basic.
J commented
For god's sake, do this already! Such a PITA