Mixed Ink Swatch like Indesign.
Please add the Mixed Ink swatch like Indesign. This would simplify building files with varnish, white ink, and bump plates.

Amybest222 commented
We need this has been an ask since 2017
Jon Bilson commented
Similar to what Indesign has please. I need this for jobs with white ink base and jobs with Varnish/UV over coat. I also need this for jobs that have spot colors with process bump base. Thanks.
I am a Printing Packaging employee. am using adobe illustrator last 10 years continue. but am facing a issue with inmixing so for this I have to take plugin of some other company. but i have 4 user licenses of adobe.
Audrey commented
THIS IS SO frustrating, illustrators who need to create imagery using and mixing spot inks is nearly impossible to do without the multi ink function.
Do your engineers not understand whot their clients are?
LEARN WHO YOUR USERS ARE AND HOW THEY USE YOUR APPLICATION. We pay enough for your monthly fee that your application should make less not more work for the user!
Armindo Paulo Ferreira commented
Ilustrator users give it a chance too with more support... maybe they can think more seriously about it:
Armindo Paulo Ferreira commented
@David C Cardillo sure Photoshop does it well for ages. I work with Photoshop from some decades (middle of the 90s)... but Illustrator needs a more fully implementation about extra colors.
My points is:
- first is the ability to mix them even more integrated borrowing the Mixed Inks from InDesign;
- second is the ability to Illustrator to export files with the extra colors (as it does with a PDF file) in a .PSD files (maybe a CMYK mode with extra channels);I think this is not rocket science... we all deal with CMYK with extra Pantones on our layouts so we should to deserve the ability to deal with those extra spot colors even more integrated and exported.
That's my point for some 5 years and new Illustrator versions comes with no attention to this.
Even Pantone should be happy seen features like these... ;-) -
David C Cardillo commented
@Armindo Ferreira — Photoshop does spot color channels. Always has.
If you need to mix spot channels, with each other or with process colors, they automatically overlap.
But yes, being able to create mixed ink swatches in Illustrator, without having to delve into some secret, advanced (and complex!) feature is long overdue.
Armindo Paulo Ferreira commented
2023... 5 years passing and we still can't have this handy and very logical feature as the ability to mix spot color with another colors (spot or even a CMYK color).
This Mixed Inks feature would make InDesign even more connected to Illustrator.
This has also to be extensive with exported files in .PSD and have those extra colors in separate channels (maybe in CMYK mode plus the extra spot colors translated to extra color channels).
If it works well with PDF files why not with Photoshop files?
Amybest222 commented
I really need this ! In my Illustrator game, its not always about transparency effects
Dinesh Rajan commented
It's important to have Mixed Ink Feature especially while working with packaging artworks.
Lukas Engqvist commented
It is possible with Appearance to create and store Graphic Styles… but the InDesign way is so much more slick and feels like it should be a no brainer to include in Illustrator.
Jon commented
Every major update I look for this to be added and still no.
Jon commented
Any update on this?
Armindo Paulo Ferreira commented
A feature like this implemented on Illustrator would clearly appeal even more for AI-prepress users.
It would remove a lot of consuming operations just to achieve combined extra colors mixes.Adobe needs to admit that we exist and we are not developing design only on InDesign... in fact most of us creates with Illustrator as a the first step of it...
Gary Crispin commented
I think you can do this using a purchasable external plugin from Esko, but it would be great if Adobe incorporated the feature.
Ton commented
It is not the same as Mixed inks, but maybe this can help as a workaround:
https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:75689834-7970-4bbc-ab64-3cb7fbdccf45 -
Mario commented
Sure, this is a valuable option for prepress users.. pls adobe team