Option to disable 'Recent Fonts' feature.
I hate having to scroll from the top of the fonts list every time i'm searching for a new font. Currently, in preferences there is an option for only 1 recent font, however, i'd like to be able to disable this feature completely.
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Anonymous commented
Agreed!!! I HATE having to scroll down when I want to change...it was WAY better before.
Sarah commented
I'm having this issue as well, and it is INCREDIBLY frustrating and disruptive to the way that I work!!
Anonymous commented
When selecting typefaces from the dropdown, I like to scroll through and when I find a typeface I like, I copy the type layer and continue to scroll through the list to find others I may like. Since updating to version 22.0.0, whenever a typeface is selected, it gets added to the top of the dropdown list and requires me to then scroll all the way down to where ever position I was at in the list. Frustrating!
DC Jon commented
When I select a text object and click on my fonts list, the menu used to go to that font in the list. Now it jumps to the top of the list with recent fonts that I have selected. If I am working on a new project and trying to display different fonts for comparison, I have to scroll through the whole menu to get back to where I left off. It's incredibly annoying and a waste of time.
trent thibodeaux commented
allow an option in Preferences>Type> number of recent fonts, to be set to 0 so when searching it doesn't make you start completely over.
trent thibodeaux commented
you used to be able to set the recently viewed to 0 in Preference>Type but in the newest version they don't give you that option. im filing a bug now.
Anonymous commented
When selecting a font from the menu, if you want to change it from another one and you go back to the menu, it highlights it as recent font, instead of its place in the list, having to browse all then fonts again. This wasn't like that before, why has it been changed?