Option to permanently expand areas of the Properties panel
I have a lot of empty space in the new Properties panel.
Having to click the '...' every time I want to access extra options seems clunky when I have so much unused space.
In the old interface you could double-click on the top bar of a panel and it would expand to your preference and remember that expansion.
A similar option here would be welcome.
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Marlon commented
7 years on and they still haven't added back/addressed this functionality...smh
Matt, am I right thinking you refer to the Properties panel, its Character block and the 'More Options' button with three dots on it?
If yes — sure you are right. The fact we can’t customize the panel make this 'smart' contextual way to deal with the selection just dumb.
There are at least two larger requests about the customization of Properties panel:
1. Allow Customization of The Features In Properties Panel (2018): https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/33343297-allow-customization-of-the-features-in-properties
2. Option to permanently expand areas of the Properties panel: https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/32081371-option-to-permanently-expand-areas-of-the-properti
Do you mind me merging your request into on of them? Which one do you prefer?
For now what I can offer as a workaround — just close Properties and assemble a stack of real panels — Transform, Character, Paragraph... the old way.(Edited by admin) -
Matt Morriscey commented
Bring back the ability to "always show more options" in the text properties window (or any "more options" section for that matter).
Removing that option was a step back in usability and functionality. It adds an extra couple of clicks to something I use frequently.
What was the possible justification for removing that as an option?
"Typography and layout isn't important when designing"?
Or was it more along the lines of
"Many users don't use these often - so we'll make it harder for those that do"?
jayzonhe3 commented
I love the new property panel but hate having to expand it out each time I need certain controls especially alignment, and pathfinder tools which I use all the time. Photoshop expand them inside instead of an external window or popup. it's also smaller because it's not duplicating UI elements. Also both Animate and Photoshop have the ability to collapse property groups that you don't need to allow for a more customized experience.
Anthony Esau commented
Regarding my previous comment, the Transform panel shows the options for live shapes as desired. It is a little confusing since these options are labeled "Rectangle Properties", "Ellipse Properties", et cetera and that is why I expected them in the Properties panel rather than the Transform panel, but having them visible by default is better functionality even if the panel name is a bit of a mismatch.
Anthony Esau commented
Besides the type work described above, when working with live shapes it would also be much better to have the ability to edit their options readily available in the properties panel rather than have to click the ellipses to see "more options". The user should be able to choose to show them by default rather than have them hidden.
Daniel Hopp commented
Window > Control ...is what you looking for!
Anonymous commented
The new design where you have to click on the properties panel, and then click the ellipses to see other options is cumbersome and slows down my workflow significantly. Instead of hiding tools underneath other tools, there should be an option to leave these ellipses open at all times. Very frustrated that in order to change border radius through the properties panel, I have to click on a tiny "more options" button when the options should just be there in the first place.
Jaap Nauta commented
When an object is modified somehow, for instance; blend or type on path, always show the options. Preferably in the properties panel. Use a hierarchy for these options when there are more.
Options and properties in illustrator are hard to find. That is why I still do not like Illustrator after more then 25 year of using Adobe products. -
Anonymous commented
Please include an option (by right click perhaps) to have certain areas of the properties panel's "more options" to always show.
Specifically, right now I'm doing a ton of type work and having to click the ellipses every time I need the rest of my character settings is incredibly counter intuitive and getting to be really frustrating.
Thanks you.
Ziaullah commented
Thanks for reporting the issue.
I got your issue and right now there is no way to open it automatically in Properties panel when the live shape is selected.
However if it is hindering your workflow you can use Transform Panel.Regards,
Mohd Ziaullah
Illustrator Engineering Team -
Andy commented
When you have a primitive shape selected in the properties panel there are three dots which allow you to edit the shape attributes eg pie angle if it's a circle. I can see no way to have that panel open automatically why is it always hidden behind the three dots button? I'm constantly having to click to open that panel.
Ricardo commented
It'll be great if the More Options (the three dots) appears automatically when passing the cursor, so it's less clicks to do, so is a faster workflow.